view src/cs/drivers/drv_app/rtc/rtc_api.h @ 303:f76436d19a7a default tip

!GPRS config: fix long-standing AT+COPS chance hanging bug There has been a long-standing bug in FreeCalypso going back years: sometimes in the AT command bring-up sequence of an ACI-only MS, the AT+COPS command would produce only a power scan followed by cessation of protocol stack activity (only L1 ADC traces), instead of the expected network search sequence. This behaviour was seen in different FC firmware versions going back to Citrine, and seemed to follow some law of chance, not reliably repeatable. This bug has been tracked down and found to be specific to !GPRS configuration, stemming from our TCS2/TCS3 hybrid and reconstruction of !GPRS support that was bitrotten in TCS3.2/LoCosto version. ACI module psa_mms.c, needed only for !GPRS, was missing in the TCS3 version and had to be pulled from TCS2 - but as it turns out, there is a new field in the MMR_REG_REQ primitive that needs to be set correctly, and that psa_mms.c module is the place where this initialization needed to be added.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Thu, 08 Jun 2023 08:23:37 +0000
parents 4e78acac3d88
line wrap: on
line source

/*                                                                              */
/*      File Name:   rtc_functions.h                                            */
/*                                                                              */
/*      Purpose:   This file contains prototypes of RTC's internal functions.   */
/*                                                                              */
/*      Note:      None.                                                        */
/*                                                                              */
/*      Revision History:                                                       */
/*      03/20/01   Laurent Sollier      Create.                                 */
/*                                                                              */
/*   (C) Copyright 2001 by Texas Instruments Incorporated, All Rights Reserved  */
/*                                                                              */


#include "rvf/rvf_api.h"

/*                                                                              */
/*   Generic functions declarations.                                            */
/*                                                                              */

/* Structure containing date and time */
typedef struct {  UINT8   second;      /* seconds after the minute   - [0,59]  */
                  UINT8   minute;      /* minutes after the hour      - [0,59]  */
                  UINT8   hour;        /* hours after the midnight   - [0,23]  */
                  UINT8   day;         /* day of the month            - [1,31]  */
                  UINT8   month;       /* months                     - [01,12] */
                  UINT8   year;        /* years                        - [00,99] */
                  UINT8   wday;        /* days in a week               - [0,6] */
                  BOOL   mode_12_hour; /* TRUE->12 hour mode ; FALSE-> 24 hour mode */
                  BOOL   PM_flag;      /* if 12 hour flag = TRUE
                                             TRUE->PM ; FALSE->AM */
               } T_RTC_DATE_TIME;

 *                               RTC_RtcReset
 * Purpose  : Indicate if aRTC reset occured.
 * Arguments: In : none
 *            Out: none
 * Returns: TRUE if a RTC reset occurred
 *            FALSE if RTC didn't reset.

BOOL RTC_RtcReset(void);

 *                               RTC_GetDateTime
 * Purpose  : Get date and time information.
 * Arguments: In : none.
 *            Out: date_time : contain date and time data if return value is
 *                               RVF_OK
 * Returns: RVF_OK if date and time available in date_time variable
 *            RVF_NOT_READY if date and time is temporary not accessible for
 *            30 micro seconds
 *            RVF_INTERNAL_ERROR else

T_RVF_RET RTC_GetDateTime(T_RTC_DATE_TIME* date_time);

 *                               RTC_SetDateTime
 * Purpose  : Set date and time in RTC module.
 * Arguments: In : date_time : date and time to set in RTC module
 *            Out: none
 * Returns: RVF_OK if date and time have been set in RTC module
 *            RVF_NOT_READY if date and time cannot be saved before
 *            30 micro seconds max
 *            RVF_INVALID_PARAMETER if date or/and timeformat is incorrect
 *            RVF_INTERNAL_ERROR else

T_RVF_RET RTC_SetDateTime(T_RTC_DATE_TIME date_time);

 *                               RTC_GetAlarm
 * Purpose  : Get date and time alarm.
 * Arguments: In : none
 *            Out: date_time : contain date and time data if return value is
 *                               RVF_OK
 * Returns: RVF_OK if date and time is available in date_time data
 *            RVF_INTERNAL_ERROR else

T_RVF_RET RTC_GetAlarm(T_RTC_DATE_TIME* date_time);

 *                               RTC_SetAlarm
 * Purpose  : Set date and time alarmin RTC module.
 * Arguments: In : date_time : Date and time alarm to set in RTC module
 *                   return_path : return path used when date and time alarm is
 *                   reached. This path can be a callback function or both
 *                   task id and mailbox number
 *            Out: none
 * Returns: RVF_OK if date and time alarm have been set in RTC module
 *            RVF_NOT_READY if date and time cannot be saved before
 *            30 micro seconds max
 *            RVF_INVALID_PARAMETER if date or/and time format is incorrect
 *            RVF_INTERNAL_ERROR else

T_RVF_RET RTC_SetAlarm(T_RTC_DATE_TIME date_time, T_RV_RETURN return_path);

 *                               RTC_UnsetAlarm
 * Purpose  : Unset alarm function.
 * Arguments: In : none 
 *            Out: none
 * Returns: RVF_OK if date and time alarm have been set in RTC module
 *            RVF_NOT_READY if date and time cannot be saved before
 *            30 micro seconds max
 *            RVF_INVALID_PARAMETER if date or/and time format is incorrect
 *            RVF_INTERNAL_ERROR else

T_RVF_RET RTC_UnsetAlarm(void);

 *                               RTC_Rounding30s
 * Purpose  : Round time to the closest minute.
 * Arguments: In : none 
 *            Out: none
 * Returns: none

void RTC_Rounding30s(void);

 *                               RTC_Set12HourMode
 * Purpose  : Set the 12 or 24 hour mode for time get by RTC_GetDateTime and
 *              RTC_GetAlarm.
 * Arguments: In : 12HourMode :   TRUE if current time is on 12 hour mode
 *                                 FALSE  if current time is on 24 hour mode
 *            Out: none
 * Returns: none

void RTC_Set12HourMode(BOOL Mode12Hour);

 *                               RTC_Is12HourMode
 * Purpose  : Define if the time given by RTC_GetAlarm and RTC_GetDateTime is in
 *               the 12 or 24 hour mode
 * Arguments: In : none
 *            Out: none
 * Returns: TRUE if current time is on 12 hour mode
 *            FALSE if current time is on 24 hour mode

BOOL RTC_Is12HourMode(void);

#endif /* #ifndef _RTC_FUNCTIONS_H_ */