changeset 8:ed162c9cd29f

src/gpf/inc/nuc: old Nucleus headers moved into old subdir
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sun, 15 Jul 2018 21:02:08 +0000
parents 0f80e1e4dce4
children 6da1d56a96a3
files src/gpf/inc/nuc/arm7/nucleus.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/cs_defs.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/dm_defs.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/ev_defs.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/mb_defs.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/cs_defs.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/dm_defs.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/ev_defs.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/mb_defs.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/nucleus.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/pi_defs.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/pm_defs.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/qu_defs.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/sm_defs.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/tc_defs.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/tm_defs.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/pi_defs.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/pm_defs.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/qu_defs.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/sm_defs.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/tc_defs.h src/gpf/inc/nuc/tm_defs.h
diffstat 22 files changed, 2410 insertions(+), 2410 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/gpf/inc/nuc/arm7/nucleus.h	Sun Jul 15 20:57:33 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1120 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                       */
-/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1994 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
-/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
-/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
-/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
-/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      nucleus.h                                   PLUS/THUMB/T 1.0     */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* COMPONENT                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      System Constants                                                 */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      This file contains system constants common to both the           */
-/*      application and the actual Nucleus PLUS components.  This file   */
-/*      also contains data structure definitions that hide internal      */
-/*      information from the application.                                */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* AUTHOR                                                                */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      Barry Sellew, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      NU_DRIVER                           I/O Driver control block     */
-/*      NU_EVENT_GROUP                      Event group control block    */
-/*      NU_HISR                             HISR control block           */
-/*      NU_MAILBOX                          Mailbox control block        */
-/*      NU_MEMORY_POOL                      Memory Pool control block    */
-/*      NU_PARTITION_POOL                   Partition Pool control block */
-/*      NU_PIPE                             Pipe control block           */
-/*      NU_QUEUE                            Queue control block          */
-/*      NU_SEMAPHORE                        Semaphore control block      */
-/*      NU_TASK                             Task control block           */
-/*      NU_TIMER                            Timer control block          */
-/*      NU_PROTECT                          Protection structure         */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      None                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      None                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* HISTORY                                                               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      W. Lamie        04-19-1994      Created R4xxx version 1.0        */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* Check to see if this file has been included already.  */
-#ifndef         NUCLEUS
-#ifdef          __cplusplus
-extern  "C" {                               /* C declarations in C++     */
-#define         NUCLEUS
-/* Define standard data types.  These definitions allow Nucleus PLUS to
-   perform in the same manner on different target platforms.  */
-typedef unsigned long           UNSIGNED;
-typedef long                    SIGNED;
-typedef unsigned char           DATA_ELEMENT;
-typedef DATA_ELEMENT            OPTION;
-typedef int                     STATUS;
-typedef unsigned char           UNSIGNED_CHAR;
-typedef char                    CHAR;
-typedef int                     INT;
-typedef void                    VOID;
-typedef unsigned long *         UNSIGNED_PTR;
-typedef unsigned char *         BYTE_PTR;
-/* Define register defines.  R1, R2, R3, and R4 are used in the Nucleus PLUS
-   source code in front of variables that are referenced often.  In some
-   ports, defining them as "register" will improve performance.  */
-#define         R1                              register
-#define         R2                              register
-#define         R3                              register
-#define         R4                              register
-/* Define the number of accesses required to read or write a pointer data
-   type.  This value is used to make optimizations in some ports of Nucleus
-   PLUS.  */
-#define         NU_POINTER_ACCESS               1
-/* Define the padding required for usage of the DATA_ELEMENT type within 
-   Nucleus PLUS structures.  These values insure proper alignment for the
-   next structure member.  */
-#define         PAD_1                           3
-#define         PAD_2                           2
-#define         PAD_3                           1
-/* Define constants that are target dependent and/or are used for internal
-   purposes.  */
-#define         NU_MIN_STACK_SIZE               240
-#define         NU_MAX_NAME                     8
-#define         NU_MAX_VECTORS                  8
-#define         NU_MAX_LISRS                    8
-/* Define constants for the number of UNSIGNED words in each of the basic
-   system data structures.  */
-#define         NU_TASK_SIZE                    42
-#define         NU_HISR_SIZE                    22
-#define         NU_MAILBOX_SIZE                 13
-#define         NU_QUEUE_SIZE                   18
-#define         NU_PIPE_SIZE                    18
-#define         NU_SEMAPHORE_SIZE               10
-#define         NU_EVENT_GROUP_SIZE             9
-#define         NU_PARTITION_POOL_SIZE          15
-#define         NU_MEMORY_POOL_SIZE             17
-#define         NU_TIMER_SIZE                   17
-#define         NU_PROTECT_SIZE                 2
-#define         NU_DRIVER_SIZE                  3
-/* Define what an interrupt vector looks like on the target processor.  */
-typedef struct NU_VECTOR_STRUCT
-    VOID       *pointer;
-/* Define constants for use in service parameters.  */
-#define         NU_AND                          2
-#define         NU_AND_CONSUME                  3
-#define         NU_DISABLE_TIMER                4
-#define         NU_ENABLE_TIMER                 5
-#define         NU_FALSE                        0
-#define         NU_FIFO                         6
-#define         NU_FIXED_SIZE                   7
-#define         NU_NO_PREEMPT                   8
-#define         NU_NO_START                     9
-#define         NU_NO_SUSPEND                   0
-#define         NU_NULL                         0
-#define         NU_OR                           0
-#define         NU_OR_CONSUME                   1
-#define         NU_PREEMPT                      10
-#define         NU_PRIORITY                     11
-#define         NU_START                        12
-#define         NU_SUSPEND                      0xFFFFFFFFUL
-#define         NU_TRUE                         1
-#define         NU_VARIABLE_SIZE                13
-/* Define interrupt lockout and enable constants.  */
-#define         NU_DISABLE_INTERRUPTS           0xC0
-#define         NU_ENABLE_INTERRUPTS            0x00
-/* Define task suspension constants.  */
-#define         NU_DRIVER_SUSPEND               10
-#define         NU_EVENT_SUSPEND                7
-#define         NU_FINISHED                     11
-#define         NU_MAILBOX_SUSPEND              3
-#define         NU_MEMORY_SUSPEND               9
-#define         NU_PARTITION_SUSPEND            8
-#define         NU_PIPE_SUSPEND                 5
-#define         NU_PURE_SUSPEND                 1
-#define         NU_QUEUE_SUSPEND                4
-#define         NU_READY                        0
-#define         NU_SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND            6
-#define         NU_SLEEP_SUSPEND                2
-#define         NU_TERMINATED                   12
-/* Define service completion status constants.  */
-#define         NU_SUCCESS                      0
-#define         NU_END_OF_LOG                   -1
-#define         NU_GROUP_DELETED                -2
-#define         NU_INVALID_DELETE               -3
-#define         NU_INVALID_DRIVER               -4
-#define         NU_INVALID_ENABLE               -5
-#define         NU_INVALID_ENTRY                -6
-#define         NU_INVALID_FUNCTION             -7
-#define         NU_INVALID_GROUP                -8
-#define         NU_INVALID_HISR                 -9
-#define         NU_INVALID_MAILBOX              -10
-#define         NU_INVALID_MEMORY               -11
-#define         NU_INVALID_MESSAGE              -12
-#define         NU_INVALID_OPERATION            -13
-#define         NU_INVALID_PIPE                 -14
-#define         NU_INVALID_POINTER              -15
-#define         NU_INVALID_POOL                 -16
-#define         NU_INVALID_PREEMPT              -17
-#define         NU_INVALID_PRIORITY             -18
-#define         NU_INVALID_QUEUE                -19
-#define         NU_INVALID_RESUME               -20
-#define         NU_INVALID_SEMAPHORE            -21
-#define         NU_INVALID_SIZE                 -22
-#define         NU_INVALID_START                -23
-#define         NU_INVALID_SUSPEND              -24
-#define         NU_INVALID_TASK                 -25
-#define         NU_INVALID_TIMER                -26
-#define         NU_INVALID_VECTOR               -27
-#define         NU_MAILBOX_DELETED              -28
-#define         NU_MAILBOX_EMPTY                -29
-#define         NU_MAILBOX_FULL                 -30
-#define         NU_MAILBOX_RESET                -31
-#define         NU_NO_MEMORY                    -32
-#define         NU_NO_MORE_LISRS                -33
-#define         NU_NO_PARTITION                 -34
-#define         NU_NOT_DISABLED                 -35
-#define         NU_NOT_PRESENT                  -36
-#define         NU_NOT_REGISTERED               -37
-#define         NU_NOT_TERMINATED               -38
-#define         NU_PIPE_DELETED                 -39
-#define         NU_PIPE_EMPTY                   -40
-#define         NU_PIPE_FULL                    -41
-#define         NU_PIPE_RESET                   -42
-#define         NU_POOL_DELETED                 -43
-#define         NU_QUEUE_DELETED                -44
-#define         NU_QUEUE_EMPTY                  -45
-#define         NU_QUEUE_FULL                   -46
-#define         NU_QUEUE_RESET                  -47
-#define         NU_SEMAPHORE_DELETED            -48
-#define         NU_SEMAPHORE_RESET              -49
-#define         NU_TIMEOUT                      -50
-#define         NU_UNAVAILABLE                  -51
-/* Define system errors.  */
-#define         NU_ERROR_CREATING_TIMER_HISR    1
-#define         NU_ERROR_CREATING_TIMER_TASK    2
-#define         NU_STACK_OVERFLOW               3
-#define         NU_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT          4
-/* Define I/O driver constants.  */
-#define         NU_IO_ERROR                     -1
-#define         NU_INITIALIZE                   1
-#define         NU_ASSIGN                       2
-#define         NU_RELEASE                      3
-#define         NU_INPUT                        4
-#define         NU_OUTPUT                       5
-#define         NU_STATUS                       6
-#define         NU_TERMINATE                    7
-/* Define history entry IDs.  */
-#define         NU_USER_ID                      1
-#define         NU_CREATE_TASK_ID               2
-#define         NU_DELETE_TASK_ID               3
-#define         NU_RESET_TASK_ID                4
-#define         NU_TERMINATE_TASK_ID            5
-#define         NU_RESUME_TASK_ID               6
-#define         NU_SUSPEND_TASK_ID              7
-#define         NU_RELINQUISH_ID                8
-#define         NU_SLEEP_ID                     9
-#define         NU_CHANGE_PRIORITY_ID           10
-#define         NU_CHANGE_PREEMPTION_ID         11
-#define         NU_CREATE_MAILBOX_ID            12
-#define         NU_DELETE_MAILBOX_ID            13
-#define         NU_RESET_MAILBOX_ID             14
-#define         NU_SEND_TO_MAILBOX_ID           15
-#define         NU_BROADCAST_TO_MAILBOX_ID      16
-#define         NU_RECEIVE_FROM_MAILBOX_ID      17
-#define         NU_CREATE_QUEUE_ID              18
-#define         NU_DELETE_QUEUE_ID              19
-#define         NU_RESET_QUEUE_ID               20
-#define         NU_SEND_TO_FRONT_OF_QUEUE_ID    21
-#define         NU_SEND_TO_QUEUE_ID             22
-#define         NU_BROADCAST_TO_QUEUE_ID        23
-#define         NU_RECEIVE_FROM_QUEUE_ID        24
-#define         NU_CREATE_PIPE_ID               25 
-#define         NU_DELETE_PIPE_ID               26 
-#define         NU_RESET_PIPE_ID                27
-#define         NU_SEND_TO_FRONT_OF_PIPE_ID     28 
-#define         NU_SEND_TO_PIPE_ID              29 
-#define         NU_BROADCAST_TO_PIPE_ID         30 
-#define         NU_RECEIVE_FROM_PIPE_ID         31 
-#define         NU_CREATE_SEMAPHORE_ID          32
-#define         NU_DELETE_SEMAPHORE_ID          33
-#define         NU_RESET_SEMAPHORE_ID           34
-#define         NU_OBTAIN_SEMAPHORE_ID          35
-#define         NU_RELEASE_SEMAPHORE_ID         36
-#define         NU_CREATE_EVENT_GROUP_ID        37
-#define         NU_DELETE_EVENT_GROUP_ID        38
-#define         NU_SET_EVENTS_ID                39
-#define         NU_RETRIEVE_EVENTS_ID           40
-#define         NU_CREATE_PARTITION_POOL_ID     41
-#define         NU_DELETE_PARTITION_POOL_ID     42
-#define         NU_ALLOCATE_PARTITION_ID        43
-#define         NU_DEALLOCATE_PARTITION_ID      44
-#define         NU_CREATE_MEMORY_POOL_ID        45
-#define         NU_DELETE_MEMORY_POOL_ID        46
-#define         NU_ALLOCATE_MEMORY_ID           47
-#define         NU_DEALLOCATE_MEMORY_ID         48
-#define         NU_CONTROL_SIGNALS_ID           49
-#define         NU_RECEIVE_SIGNALS_ID           50
-#define         NU_REGISTER_SIGNAL_HANDLER_ID   51
-#define         NU_SEND_SIGNALS_ID              52
-#define         NU_REGISTER_LISR_ID             53
-#define         NU_CREATE_HISR_ID               54
-#define         NU_DELETE_HISR_ID               55
-#define         NU_CREATE_TIMER_ID              56
-#define         NU_DELETE_TIMER_ID              57
-#define         NU_CONTROL_TIMER_ID             58
-#define         NU_RESET_TIMER_ID               59
-#define         NU_CREATE_DRIVER_ID             60
-#define         NU_DELETE_DRIVER_ID             61
-#define         NU_REQUEST_DRIVER_ID            62
-#define         NU_RESUME_DRIVER_ID             63
-#define         NU_SUSPEND_DRIVER_ID            64
-#define         NU_CHANGE_TIME_SLICE_ID         65
-/* Define the basic data structure templates.  If the NU_DEBUG conditional
-   compilation is specified, the actual structure definition is used.  */
-#ifdef          NU_DEBUG
-#include        "cs_defs.h"
-#include        "tm_defs.h"
-#include        "tc_defs.h"
-#include        "mb_defs.h"
-#include        "qu_defs.h"
-#include        "pi_defs.h"
-#include        "sm_defs.h"
-#include        "ev_defs.h"
-#include        "pm_defs.h"
-#include        "dm_defs.h"
-#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
-/* Define task control data structure with all internal information 
-   hidden.  */
-typedef struct NU_TASK_STRUCT
-    UNSIGNED      words[NU_TASK_SIZE];
-/* Define task control data structure with the actual internal data 
-   structure.  */
-typedef TC_TCB      NU_TASK;
-#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
-/* Define HISR control data structure with all internal information 
-   hidden.  */
-typedef struct NU_HISR_STRUCT
-    UNSIGNED      words[NU_HISR_SIZE];
-/* Define HISR control data structure with the actual internal data 
-   structure.  */
-typedef TC_HCB      NU_HISR;
-#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
-/* Define mailbox control data structure with all internal information
-   hidden.  */ 
-typedef struct NU_MAILBOX_STRUCT
-    UNSIGNED      words[NU_MAILBOX_SIZE];
-/* Define mailbox control data structure with the actual internal data 
-   structure.  */
-typedef MB_MCB      NU_MAILBOX;
-#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
-/* Define queue control data structure with all internal information
-   hidden.  */ 
-typedef struct NU_QUEUE_STRUCT
-    UNSIGNED      words[NU_QUEUE_SIZE];
-/* Define queue control data structure with the actual internal data 
-   structure.  */
-typedef QU_QCB      NU_QUEUE;
-#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
-/* Define pipe control data structure with all internal information
-   hidden.  */ 
-typedef struct NU_PIPE_STRUCT
-    UNSIGNED      words[NU_PIPE_SIZE];
-/* Define pipe control data structure with the actual internal data 
-   structure.  */
-typedef PI_PCB      NU_PIPE;
-#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
-/* Define semaphore control data structure with all internal information
-   hidden.  */ 
-typedef struct NU_SEMAPHORE_STRUCT
-/* Define semaphore control data structure with the actual internal data 
-   structure.  */
-typedef SM_SCB      NU_SEMAPHORE;
-#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
-/* Define event group control data structure with all internal information
-   hidden.  */ 
-typedef struct NU_EVENT_GROUP_STRUCT
-/* Define event group control data structure with the actual internal data 
-   structure.  */
-typedef EV_GCB      NU_EVENT_GROUP;
-#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
-/* Define partition pool control data structure with all internal 
-   information hidden.  */ 
-/* Define partition pool control data structure with the actual internal 
-   data structure.  */
-#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
-/* Define memory pool control data structure with all internal information
-   hidden.  */ 
-typedef struct NU_MEMORY_POOL_STRUCT
-/* Define memory pool control data structure with the actual internal data 
-   structure.  */
-typedef DM_PCB      NU_MEMORY_POOL;
-#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
-/* Define timer control data structure with all internal information
-   hidden.  */ 
-typedef struct NU_TIMER_STRUCT
-    UNSIGNED       words[NU_TIMER_SIZE];
-/* Define timer control data structure with the actual internal data 
-   structure.  */
-typedef TM_APP_TCB      NU_TIMER;
-#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
-/* Define protect control data structure with all internal information
-   hidden.  */ 
-typedef struct NU_PROTECT_STRUCT
-    UNSIGNED       words[NU_PROTECT_SIZE];
-/* Define protect control data structure with the actual internal data 
-   structure.  */
-typedef TC_PROTECT      NU_PROTECT;
-/* Define I/O driver request structures.  */
-    VOID       *nu_io_address;              /* Base IO address          */
-    UNSIGNED    nu_logical_units;           /* Number of logical units  */
-    VOID       *nu_memory;                  /* Generic memory pointer   */
-    INT         nu_vector;                  /* Interrupt vector number  */
-    UNSIGNED    nu_logical_unit;            /* Logical unit number      */
-    INT         nu_assign_info;             /* Additional assign info   */
-    UNSIGNED    nu_logical_unit;            /* Logical unit number      */
-    INT         nu_release_info;            /* Additional release info  */
-    UNSIGNED    nu_logical_unit;            /* Logical unit number      */
-    UNSIGNED    nu_offset;                  /* Offset of input          */
-    UNSIGNED    nu_request_size;            /* Requested input size     */
-    UNSIGNED    nu_actual_size;             /* Actual input size        */
-    VOID       *nu_buffer_ptr;              /* Input buffer pointer     */
-    UNSIGNED    nu_logical_unit;            /* Logical unit number      */
-    UNSIGNED    nu_offset;                  /* Offset of output         */
-    UNSIGNED    nu_request_size;            /* Requested output size    */
-    UNSIGNED    nu_actual_size;             /* Actual output size       */
-    VOID       *nu_buffer_ptr;              /* Output buffer pointer    */
-    UNSIGNED    nu_logical_unit;            /* Logical unit number      */
-    VOID       *nu_extra_status;            /* Additional status ptr    */
-    UNSIGNED    nu_logical_unit;            /* Logical unit number      */
-    INT         nu_function;                /* I/O request function     */
-    UNSIGNED    nu_timeout;                 /* Timeout on request       */
-    STATUS      nu_status;                  /* Status of request        */
-    UNSIGNED    nu_supplemental;            /* Supplemental information */
-    VOID       *nu_supplemental_ptr;        /* Supplemental info pointer*/
-    /* Define a union of all the different types of request structures. */
-    {
-        struct NU_INITIALIZE_STRUCT     nu_initialize;
-        struct NU_ASSIGN_STRUCT         nu_assign;
-        struct NU_RELEASE_STRUCT        nu_release;
-        struct NU_INPUT_STRUCT          nu_input;
-        struct NU_OUTPUT_STRUCT         nu_output;
-        struct NU_STATUS_STRUCT         nu_status;
-        struct NU_TERMINATE_STRUCT      nu_terminate;
-    } nu_request_info;
-typedef struct NU_DRIVER_STRUCT
-    UNSIGNED       words[NU_DRIVER_SIZE];
-    CHAR           nu_driver_name[NU_MAX_NAME];
-    VOID          *nu_info_ptr;
-    UNSIGNED       nu_driver_id;
-    VOID           (*nu_driver_entry)(struct NU_DRIVER_STRUCT *,
-                                                NU_DRIVER_REQUEST *);
-/* Define Nucleus PLUS system interfaces.  */
-VOID            Application_Initialize(VOID *first_available_memory);
-/* The following area is only applicable to application files and is skipped
-   during compilation of Nucleus PLUS source files.  */
-#ifndef         NU_SOURCE_FILE
-/* Re-map task control functions depending on whether or not error checking
-   is specified.  */
-#ifdef          NU_NO_ERROR_CHECKING
-#define         NU_Create_Task                  TCC_Create_Task
-#define         NU_Delete_Task                  TCC_Delete_Task
-#define         NU_Reset_Task                   TCC_Reset_Task
-#define         NU_Terminate_Task               TCC_Terminate_Task
-#define         NU_Resume_Task                  TCC_Resume_Service
-#define         NU_Suspend_Task                 TCC_Suspend_Service
-#define         NU_Relinquish                   TCC_Relinquish
-#define         NU_Sleep                        TCC_Task_Sleep
-#define         NU_Change_Priority              TCS_Change_Priority
-#define         NU_Change_Preemption            TCS_Change_Preemption
-#define         NU_Change_Time_Slice            TCS_Change_Time_Slice
-#define         NU_Check_Stack                  TCT_Check_Stack
-#define         NU_Current_Task_Pointer         TCC_Current_Task_Pointer
-#define         NU_Established_Tasks            TCF_Established_Tasks
-#define         NU_Task_Information             TCF_Task_Information
-#define         NU_Task_Pointers                TCF_Task_Pointers
-#define         NU_Create_Mailbox               MBC_Create_Mailbox
-#define         NU_Delete_Mailbox               MBC_Delete_Mailbox
-#define         NU_Reset_Mailbox                MBS_Reset_Mailbox
-#define         NU_Send_To_Mailbox              MBC_Send_To_Mailbox
-#define         NU_Broadcast_To_Mailbox         MBS_Broadcast_To_Mailbox
-#define         NU_Receive_From_Mailbox         MBC_Receive_From_Mailbox
-#define         NU_Established_Mailboxes        MBF_Established_Mailboxes
-#define         NU_Mailbox_Information          MBF_Mailbox_Information
-#define         NU_Mailbox_Pointers             MBF_Mailbox_Pointers
-#define         NU_Create_Queue                 QUC_Create_Queue
-#define         NU_Delete_Queue                 QUC_Delete_Queue
-#define         NU_Reset_Queue                  QUS_Reset_Queue
-#define         NU_Send_To_Front_Of_Queue       QUS_Send_To_Front_Of_Queue
-#define         NU_Send_To_Queue                QUC_Send_To_Queue
-#define         NU_Broadcast_To_Queue           QUS_Broadcast_To_Queue
-#define         NU_Receive_From_Queue           QUC_Receive_From_Queue
-#define         NU_Established_Queues           QUF_Established_Queues
-#define         NU_Queue_Information            QUF_Queue_Information
-#define         NU_Queue_Pointers               QUF_Queue_Pointers
-#define         NU_Create_Pipe                  PIC_Create_Pipe 
-#define         NU_Delete_Pipe                  PIC_Delete_Pipe 
-#define         NU_Reset_Pipe                   PIS_Reset_Pipe
-#define         NU_Send_To_Front_Of_Pipe        PIS_Send_To_Front_Of_Pipe 
-#define         NU_Send_To_Pipe                 PIC_Send_To_Pipe 
-#define         NU_Broadcast_To_Pipe            PIS_Broadcast_To_Pipe 
-#define         NU_Receive_From_Pipe            PIC_Receive_From_Pipe 
-#define         NU_Established_Pipes            PIF_Established_Pipes   
-#define         NU_Pipe_Information             PIF_Pipe_Information
-#define         NU_Pipe_Pointers                PIF_Pipe_Pointers
-#define         NU_Create_Semaphore             SMC_Create_Semaphore
-#define         NU_Delete_Semaphore             SMC_Delete_Semaphore
-#define         NU_Reset_Semaphore              SMS_Reset_Semaphore
-#define         NU_Obtain_Semaphore             SMC_Obtain_Semaphore
-#define         NU_Release_Semaphore            SMC_Release_Semaphore
-#define         NU_Established_Semaphores       SMF_Established_Semaphores
-#define         NU_Semaphore_Information        SMF_Semaphore_Information
-#define         NU_Semaphore_Pointers           SMF_Semaphore_Pointers
-#define         NU_Create_Event_Group           EVC_Create_Event_Group
-#define         NU_Delete_Event_Group           EVC_Delete_Event_Group
-#define         NU_Set_Events                   EVC_Set_Events
-#define         NU_Retrieve_Events              EVC_Retrieve_Events
-#define         NU_Established_Event_Groups     EVF_Established_Event_Groups
-#define         NU_Event_Group_Information      EVF_Event_Group_Information
-#define         NU_Event_Group_Pointers         EVF_Event_Group_Pointers
-#define         NU_Create_Partition_Pool        PMC_Create_Partition_Pool
-#define         NU_Delete_Partition_Pool        PMC_Delete_Partition_Pool
-#define         NU_Allocate_Partition           PMC_Allocate_Partition
-#define         NU_Deallocate_Partition         PMC_Deallocate_Partition
-#define         NU_Established_Partition_Pools  PMF_Established_Partition_Pools
-#define         NU_Partition_Pool_Information   PMF_Partition_Pool_Information
-#define         NU_Partition_Pool_Pointers      PMF_Partition_Pool_Pointers
-#define         NU_Create_Memory_Pool           DMC_Create_Memory_Pool
-#define         NU_Delete_Memory_Pool           DMC_Delete_Memory_Pool
-#define         NU_Allocate_Memory              DMC_Allocate_Memory
-#define         NU_Deallocate_Memory            DMC_Deallocate_Memory
-#define         NU_Established_Memory_Pools     DMF_Established_Memory_Pools
-#define         NU_Memory_Pool_Information      DMF_Memory_Pool_Information
-#define         NU_Memory_Pool_Pointers         DMF_Memory_Pool_Pointers
-#define         NU_Control_Signals              TCS_Control_Signals
-#define         NU_Receive_Signals              TCS_Receive_Signals
-#define         NU_Register_Signal_Handler      TCS_Register_Signal_Handler
-#define         NU_Send_Signals                 TCS_Send_Signals
-#define         NU_Setup_Vector                 INT_Setup_Vector
-#define         NU_Register_LISR                TCC_Register_LISR
-#define         NU_Activate_HISR                TCT_Activate_HISR
-#define         NU_Create_HISR                  TCC_Create_HISR
-#define         NU_Delete_HISR                  TCC_Delete_HISR
-#define         NU_Current_HISR_Pointer         TCC_Current_HISR_Pointer
-#define         NU_Established_HISRs            TCF_Established_HISRs
-#define         NU_HISR_Pointers                TCF_HISR_Pointers
-#define         NU_HISR_Information             TCF_HISR_Information
-#define         NU_Protect                      TCT_Protect
-#define         NU_Unprotect                    TCT_Unprotect
-#define         NU_Control_Interrupts           TCT_Control_Interrupts
-#define         NU_Local_Control_Interrupts     TCT_Local_Control_Interrupts
-#define         NU_Restore_Interrupts           TCT_Restore_Interrupts
-#define         NU_Set_Clock                    TMT_Set_Clock
-#define         NU_Retrieve_Clock               TMT_Retrieve_Clock
-#define         NU_Create_Timer                 TMS_Create_Timer
-#define         NU_Delete_Timer                 TMS_Delete_Timer
-#define         NU_Control_Timer                TMS_Control_Timer
-#define         NU_Reset_Timer                  TMS_Reset_Timer
-#define         NU_Established_Timers           TMF_Established_Timers
-#define         NU_Timer_Pointers               TMF_Timer_Pointers
-#define         NU_Timer_Information            TMF_Timer_Information
-#define         NU_Release_Information          RLC_Release_Information
-#define         NU_License_Information          LIC_License_Information
-#define         NU_Disable_History_Saving       HIC_Disable_History_Saving
-#define         NU_Enable_History_Saving        HIC_Enable_History_Saving
-#define         NU_Make_History_Entry           HIC_Make_History_Entry_Service
-#define         NU_Retrieve_History_Entry       HIC_Retrieve_History_Entry
-#define         NU_Create_Driver                IOC_Create_Driver
-#define         NU_Delete_Driver                IOC_Delete_Driver
-#define         NU_Request_Driver               IOC_Request_Driver
-#define         NU_Resume_Driver                IOC_Resume_Driver
-#define         NU_Suspend_Driver               IOC_Suspend_Driver
-#define         NU_Established_Drivers          IOF_Established_Drivers
-#define         NU_Driver_Pointers              IOF_Driver_Pointers
-#define         NU_Create_Task                  TCCE_Create_Task
-#define         NU_Delete_Task                  TCCE_Delete_Task
-#define         NU_Reset_Task                   TCCE_Reset_Task
-#define         NU_Terminate_Task               TCCE_Terminate_Task
-#define         NU_Resume_Task                  TCCE_Resume_Service
-#define         NU_Suspend_Task                 TCCE_Suspend_Service
-#define         NU_Relinquish                   TCCE_Relinquish
-#define         NU_Sleep                        TCCE_Task_Sleep
-#define         NU_Change_Priority              TCSE_Change_Priority
-#define         NU_Change_Preemption            TCSE_Change_Preemption
-#define         NU_Change_Time_Slice            TCSE_Change_Time_Slice
-#define         NU_Check_Stack                  TCT_Check_Stack
-#define         NU_Current_Task_Pointer         TCC_Current_Task_Pointer
-#define         NU_Established_Tasks            TCF_Established_Tasks
-#define         NU_Task_Information             TCF_Task_Information
-#define         NU_Task_Pointers                TCF_Task_Pointers
-#define         NU_Create_Mailbox               MBCE_Create_Mailbox
-#define         NU_Delete_Mailbox               MBCE_Delete_Mailbox
-#define         NU_Reset_Mailbox                MBSE_Reset_Mailbox
-#define         NU_Send_To_Mailbox              MBCE_Send_To_Mailbox
-#define         NU_Broadcast_To_Mailbox         MBSE_Broadcast_To_Mailbox
-#define         NU_Receive_From_Mailbox         MBCE_Receive_From_Mailbox
-#define         NU_Established_Mailboxes        MBF_Established_Mailboxes
-#define         NU_Mailbox_Information          MBF_Mailbox_Information
-#define         NU_Mailbox_Pointers             MBF_Mailbox_Pointers
-#define         NU_Create_Queue                 QUCE_Create_Queue
-#define         NU_Delete_Queue                 QUCE_Delete_Queue
-#define         NU_Reset_Queue                  QUSE_Reset_Queue
-#define         NU_Send_To_Queue                QUCE_Send_To_Queue
-#define         NU_Send_To_Front_Of_Queue       QUSE_Send_To_Front_Of_Queue
-#define         NU_Broadcast_To_Queue           QUSE_Broadcast_To_Queue
-#define         NU_Receive_From_Queue           QUCE_Receive_From_Queue
-#define         NU_Established_Queues           QUF_Established_Queues
-#define         NU_Queue_Information            QUF_Queue_Information
-#define         NU_Queue_Pointers               QUF_Queue_Pointers
-#define         NU_Create_Pipe                  PICE_Create_Pipe 
-#define         NU_Delete_Pipe                  PICE_Delete_Pipe 
-#define         NU_Reset_Pipe                   PISE_Reset_Pipe
-#define         NU_Send_To_Front_Of_Pipe        PISE_Send_To_Front_Of_Pipe 
-#define         NU_Send_To_Pipe                 PICE_Send_To_Pipe 
-#define         NU_Broadcast_To_Pipe            PISE_Broadcast_To_Pipe 
-#define         NU_Receive_From_Pipe            PICE_Receive_From_Pipe 
-#define         NU_Established_Pipes            PIF_Established_Pipes   
-#define         NU_Pipe_Information             PIF_Pipe_Information
-#define         NU_Pipe_Pointers                PIF_Pipe_Pointers
-#define         NU_Create_Semaphore             SMCE_Create_Semaphore
-#define         NU_Delete_Semaphore             SMCE_Delete_Semaphore
-#define         NU_Reset_Semaphore              SMSE_Reset_Semaphore
-#define         NU_Obtain_Semaphore             SMCE_Obtain_Semaphore
-#define         NU_Release_Semaphore            SMCE_Release_Semaphore
-#define         NU_Established_Semaphores       SMF_Established_Semaphores
-#define         NU_Semaphore_Information        SMF_Semaphore_Information
-#define         NU_Semaphore_Pointers           SMF_Semaphore_Pointers
-#define         NU_Create_Event_Group           EVCE_Create_Event_Group
-#define         NU_Delete_Event_Group           EVCE_Delete_Event_Group
-#define         NU_Set_Events                   EVCE_Set_Events
-#define         NU_Retrieve_Events              EVCE_Retrieve_Events
-#define         NU_Established_Event_Groups     EVF_Established_Event_Groups
-#define         NU_Event_Group_Information      EVF_Event_Group_Information
-#define         NU_Event_Group_Pointers         EVF_Event_Group_Pointers
-#define         NU_Create_Partition_Pool        PMCE_Create_Partition_Pool
-#define         NU_Delete_Partition_Pool        PMCE_Delete_Partition_Pool
-#define         NU_Allocate_Partition           PMCE_Allocate_Partition
-#define         NU_Deallocate_Partition         PMCE_Deallocate_Partition
-#define         NU_Established_Partition_Pools  PMF_Established_Partition_Pools
-#define         NU_Partition_Pool_Information   PMF_Partition_Pool_Information
-#define         NU_Partition_Pool_Pointers      PMF_Partition_Pool_Pointers
-#define         NU_Create_Memory_Pool           DMCE_Create_Memory_Pool
-#define         NU_Delete_Memory_Pool           DMCE_Delete_Memory_Pool
-#define         NU_Allocate_Memory              DMCE_Allocate_Memory
-#define         NU_Deallocate_Memory            DMCE_Deallocate_Memory
-#define         NU_Established_Memory_Pools     DMF_Established_Memory_Pools
-#define         NU_Memory_Pool_Information      DMF_Memory_Pool_Information
-#define         NU_Memory_Pool_Pointers         DMF_Memory_Pool_Pointers
-#define         NU_Control_Signals              TCSE_Control_Signals
-#define         NU_Receive_Signals              TCSE_Receive_Signals
-#define         NU_Register_Signal_Handler      TCSE_Register_Signal_Handler
-#define         NU_Send_Signals                 TCSE_Send_Signals
-#define         NU_Setup_Vector                 INT_Setup_Vector
-#define         NU_Register_LISR                TCC_Register_LISR
-#define         NU_Activate_HISR                TCCE_Activate_HISR
-#define         NU_Create_HISR                  TCCE_Create_HISR
-#define         NU_Delete_HISR                  TCCE_Delete_HISR
-#define         NU_Current_HISR_Pointer         TCF_Current_HISR_Pointer
-#define         NU_Established_HISRs            TCF_Established_HISRs
-#define         NU_HISR_Pointers                TCF_HISR_Pointers
-#define         NU_HISR_Information             TCF_HISR_Information
-#define         NU_Protect                      TCT_Protect
-#define         NU_Unprotect                    TCT_Unprotect
-#define         NU_Control_Interrupts           TCT_Control_Interrupts
-#define         NU_Local_Control_Interrupts     TCT_Local_Control_Interrupts
-#define         NU_Restore_Interrupts           TCT_Restore_Interrupts
-#define         NU_Set_Clock                    TMT_Set_Clock
-#define         NU_Retrieve_Clock               TMT_Retrieve_Clock
-#define         NU_Create_Timer                 TMSE_Create_Timer
-#define         NU_Delete_Timer                 TMSE_Delete_Timer
-#define         NU_Control_Timer                TMSE_Control_Timer
-#define         NU_Reset_Timer                  TMSE_Reset_Timer
-#define         NU_Established_Timers           TMF_Established_Timers
-#define         NU_Timer_Pointers               TMF_Timer_Pointers
-#define         NU_Timer_Information            TMF_Timer_Information
-#define         NU_Release_Information          RLC_Release_Information
-#define         NU_License_Information          LIC_License_Information
-#define         NU_Disable_History_Saving       HIC_Disable_History_Saving
-#define         NU_Enable_History_Saving        HIC_Enable_History_Saving
-#define         NU_Make_History_Entry           HIC_Make_History_Entry_Service
-#define         NU_Retrieve_History_Entry       HIC_Retrieve_History_Entry
-#define         NU_Create_Driver                IOCE_Create_Driver
-#define         NU_Delete_Driver                IOCE_Delete_Driver
-#define         NU_Request_Driver               IOCE_Request_Driver
-#define         NU_Resume_Driver                IOCE_Resume_Driver
-#define         NU_Suspend_Driver               IOCE_Suspend_Driver
-#define         NU_Established_Drivers          IOF_Established_Drivers
-#define         NU_Driver_Pointers              IOF_Driver_Pointers
-/* Define task control functions.  */
-STATUS          NU_Create_Task(NU_TASK *task, CHAR *name, 
-                        VOID (*task_entry)(UNSIGNED, VOID *), UNSIGNED argc,
-                        VOID *argv, VOID *stack_address, UNSIGNED stack_size,
-                        OPTION priority, UNSIGNED time_slice, 
-                        OPTION preempt, OPTION auto_start);
-STATUS          NU_Delete_Task(NU_TASK *task);
-STATUS          NU_Reset_Task(NU_TASK *task, UNSIGNED argc, VOID *argv);
-STATUS          NU_Terminate_Task(NU_TASK *task);
-STATUS          NU_Resume_Task(NU_TASK *task);
-STATUS          NU_Suspend_Task(NU_TASK *task);
-VOID            NU_Relinquish(VOID);
-VOID            NU_Sleep(UNSIGNED ticks);
-OPTION          NU_Change_Priority(NU_TASK *task, OPTION new_priority);
-OPTION          NU_Change_Preemption(OPTION preempt);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Change_Time_Slice(NU_TASK *task, UNSIGNED time_slice);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Check_Stack(VOID);
-NU_TASK        *NU_Current_Task_Pointer(VOID);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Established_Tasks(VOID);
-STATUS          NU_Task_Information(NU_TASK *task, CHAR *name, 
-                        DATA_ELEMENT *status, UNSIGNED *scheduled_count,
-                        OPTION *priority, OPTION *preempt,
-                        UNSIGNED *time_slice, VOID **stack_base,
-                        UNSIGNED *stack_size, UNSIGNED *minimum_stack);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Task_Pointers(NU_TASK **pointer_list, 
-                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
-/* Define Mailbox management functions.  */
-STATUS          NU_Create_Mailbox(NU_MAILBOX *mailbox, CHAR *name, 
-                                                OPTION suspend_type);
-STATUS          NU_Delete_Mailbox(NU_MAILBOX *mailbox);
-STATUS          NU_Reset_Mailbox(NU_MAILBOX *mailbox);
-STATUS          NU_Send_To_Mailbox(NU_MAILBOX *mailbox, VOID *message, 
-                                                        UNSIGNED suspend);
-STATUS          NU_Broadcast_To_Mailbox(NU_MAILBOX *mailbox, VOID *message,
-                                                        UNSIGNED suspend);
-STATUS          NU_Receive_From_Mailbox(NU_MAILBOX *mailbox, VOID *message,
-                                                        UNSIGNED suspend);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Established_Mailboxes(VOID);
-STATUS          NU_Mailbox_Information(NU_MAILBOX *mailbox, CHAR *name, 
-                  OPTION *suspend_type, OPTION *message_present,
-                  UNSIGNED *tasks_waiting, NU_TASK **first_task);
-UNSIGNED        MBC_Mailbox_Pointers(NU_MAILBOX **pointer_list, 
-                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
-/* Define Queue management functions.  */
-STATUS          NU_Create_Queue(NU_QUEUE *queue, CHAR *name, 
-                      VOID *start_address, UNSIGNED queue_size, 
-                      OPTION message_type, UNSIGNED message_size,
-                      OPTION suspend_type);
-STATUS          NU_Delete_Queue(NU_QUEUE *queue);
-STATUS          NU_Reset_Queue(NU_QUEUE *queue);
-STATUS          NU_Send_To_Front_Of_Queue(NU_QUEUE *queue, VOID *message, 
-                                        UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED suspend);
-STATUS          NU_Send_To_Queue(NU_QUEUE *queue, VOID *message, 
-                                        UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED suspend);
-STATUS          NU_Broadcast_To_Queue(NU_QUEUE *queue, VOID *message, 
-                                        UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED suspend);
-STATUS          NU_Receive_From_Queue(NU_QUEUE *queue, VOID *message,
-                      UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED *actual_size, UNSIGNED suspend);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Established_Queues(VOID);
-STATUS          NU_Queue_Information(NU_QUEUE *queue, CHAR *name, 
-                  VOID **start_address, UNSIGNED *queue_size, 
-                  UNSIGNED *available, UNSIGNED *messages, 
-                  OPTION *message_type, UNSIGNED *message_size,
-                  OPTION *suspend_type, UNSIGNED *tasks_waiting,
-                  NU_TASK **first_task);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Queue_Pointers(NU_QUEUE **pointer_list, 
-                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
-/* Define Pipe management functions.  */
-STATUS          NU_Create_Pipe(NU_PIPE *pipe, CHAR *name, 
-                      VOID *start_address, UNSIGNED pipe_size, 
-                      OPTION message_type, UNSIGNED message_size,
-                      OPTION suspend_type);
-STATUS          NU_Delete_Pipe(NU_PIPE *pipe);
-STATUS          NU_Reset_Pipe(NU_PIPE *pipe);
-STATUS          NU_Send_To_Front_Of_Pipe(NU_PIPE *pipe, VOID *message, 
-                                        UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED suspend);
-STATUS          NU_Send_To_Pipe(NU_PIPE *pipe, VOID *message, 
-                                        UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED suspend);
-STATUS          NU_Broadcast_To_Pipe(NU_PIPE *pipe, VOID *message, 
-                                        UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED suspend);
-STATUS          NU_Receive_From_Pipe(NU_PIPE *pipe, VOID *message,
-                      UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED *actual_size, UNSIGNED suspend);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Established_Pipes(VOID);
-STATUS          NU_Pipe_Information(NU_PIPE *pipe, CHAR *name, 
-                  VOID **start_address, UNSIGNED *pipe_size, 
-                  UNSIGNED *available, UNSIGNED *messages, 
-                  OPTION *message_type, UNSIGNED *message_size,
-                  OPTION *suspend_type, UNSIGNED *tasks_waiting,
-                  NU_TASK **first_task);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Pipe_Pointers(NU_PIPE **pointer_list, 
-                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
-/* Define Semaphore management functions.  */
-STATUS          NU_Create_Semaphore(NU_SEMAPHORE *semaphore, CHAR *name, 
-                        UNSIGNED initial_count, OPTION suspend_type);
-STATUS          NU_Delete_Semaphore(NU_SEMAPHORE *semaphore);
-STATUS          NU_Reset_Semaphore(NU_SEMAPHORE *semaphore, 
-                                        UNSIGNED initial_count);
-STATUS          NU_Obtain_Semaphore(NU_SEMAPHORE *semaphore, UNSIGNED suspend);
-STATUS          NU_Release_Semaphore(NU_SEMAPHORE *semaphore);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Established_Semaphores(VOID);
-STATUS          NU_Semaphore_Information(NU_SEMAPHORE *semaphore, CHAR *name, 
-                  UNSIGNED *current_count, OPTION *suspend_type, 
-                  UNSIGNED *tasks_waiting, NU_TASK **first_task);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Semaphore_Pointers(NU_SEMAPHORE **pointer_list, 
-                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
-/* Define Event Group management functions.  */
-STATUS          NU_Create_Event_Group(NU_EVENT_GROUP *group, CHAR *name);
-STATUS          NU_Delete_Event_Group(NU_EVENT_GROUP *group);
-STATUS          NU_Set_Events(NU_EVENT_GROUP *group, UNSIGNED events, 
-                                                OPTION operation);
-STATUS          NU_Retrieve_Events(NU_EVENT_GROUP *group, 
-                        UNSIGNED requested_flags, OPTION operation, 
-                        UNSIGNED *retrieved_flags, UNSIGNED suspend);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Established_Event_Groups(VOID);
-STATUS          NU_Event_Group_Information(NU_EVENT_GROUP *group, CHAR *name, 
-                  UNSIGNED *event_flags, UNSIGNED *tasks_waiting, 
-                  NU_TASK **first_task);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Event_Group_Pointers(NU_EVENT_GROUP **pointer_list, 
-                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
-/* Define Signal processing functions.  */
-UNSIGNED        NU_Control_Signals(UNSIGNED signal_enable_mask);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Receive_Signals(VOID);
-STATUS          NU_Register_Signal_Handler(VOID (*signal_handler)(UNSIGNED));
-STATUS          NU_Send_Signals(NU_TASK *task, UNSIGNED signals);
-/* Define Partition memory management functions.  */
-STATUS          NU_Create_Partition_Pool(NU_PARTITION_POOL *pool, CHAR *name, 
-                        VOID *start_address, UNSIGNED pool_size,
-                        UNSIGNED partition_size, OPTION suspend_type);
-STATUS          NU_Delete_Partition_Pool(NU_PARTITION_POOL *pool);
-STATUS          NU_Allocate_Partition(NU_PARTITION_POOL *pool, 
-                                VOID **return_pointer, UNSIGNED suspend);
-STATUS          NU_Deallocate_Partition(VOID *partition);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Established_Partition_Pools(VOID);
-STATUS          NU_Partition_Pool_Information(NU_PARTITION_POOL *pool, 
-                        CHAR *name, 
-                  VOID **start_address, UNSIGNED *pool_size,
-                  UNSIGNED *partition_size, UNSIGNED *available,
-                  UNSIGNED *allocated, OPTION *suspend_type, 
-                  UNSIGNED *tasks_waiting, NU_TASK **first_task);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Partition_Pool_Pointers(NU_PARTITION_POOL **pointer_list, 
-                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
-/* Define Dynamic memory management functions.  */
-STATUS          NU_Create_Memory_Pool(NU_MEMORY_POOL *pool, CHAR *name, 
-                        VOID *start_address, UNSIGNED pool_size,
-                        UNSIGNED min_allocation, OPTION suspend_type);
-STATUS          NU_Delete_Memory_Pool(NU_MEMORY_POOL *pool);
-STATUS          NU_Allocate_Memory(NU_MEMORY_POOL *pool, VOID **return_pointer,
-                                UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED suspend);
-STATUS          NU_Deallocate_Memory(VOID *memory);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Established_Memory_Pools(VOID);
-STATUS          NU_Memory_Pool_Information(NU_MEMORY_POOL *pool, CHAR *name, 
-                  VOID **start_address, UNSIGNED *pool_size,
-                  UNSIGNED *min_allocation, UNSIGNED *available,
-                  OPTION *suspend_type, UNSIGNED *tasks_waiting, 
-                  NU_TASK **first_task);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Memory_Pool_Pointers(NU_MEMORY_POOL **pointer_list, 
-                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
-/* Define Interrupt management functions.  */
-INT             NU_Control_Interrupts(INT new_level);
-INT             NU_Local_Control_Interrupts(INT new_level);
-VOID            NU_Restore_Interrupts(VOID);
-VOID           *NU_Setup_Vector(INT vector, VOID *new_vector);
-STATUS          NU_Register_LISR(INT vector, 
-                                VOID (*new_lisr)(INT),
-                                        VOID (**old_lisr)(INT));
-STATUS          NU_Activate_HISR(NU_HISR *hisr);
-STATUS          NU_Create_HISR(NU_HISR *hisr, CHAR *name,
-                        VOID (*hisr_entry)(VOID), OPTION priority,
-                        VOID *stack_address, UNSIGNED stack_size);
-STATUS          NU_Delete_HISR(NU_HISR *hisr);
-NU_HISR        *NU_Current_HISR_Pointer(VOID);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Established_HISRs(VOID);
-STATUS          NU_HISR_Information(NU_HISR *hisr, CHAR *name,
-                        UNSIGNED *scheduled_count, DATA_ELEMENT *priority,
-                        VOID **stack_base, UNSIGNED *stack_size,
-                        UNSIGNED *minimum_stack);
-UNSIGNED        NU_HISR_Pointers(NU_HISR **pointer_list,
-                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
-VOID            NU_Protect(NU_PROTECT *protect_struct);
-VOID            NU_Unprotect(VOID);
-/* Timer management functions.  */
-STATUS          NU_Create_Timer(NU_TIMER *timer, CHAR *name, 
-                        VOID (*expiration_routine)(UNSIGNED), UNSIGNED id,
-                        UNSIGNED initial_time, UNSIGNED reschedule_time,
-                        OPTION enable);
-STATUS          NU_Delete_Timer(NU_TIMER *timer);
-STATUS          NU_Reset_Timer(NU_TIMER *timer, 
-                        VOID (*expiration_routine)(UNSIGNED), 
-                        UNSIGNED initial_time, UNSIGNED reschedule_timer,
-                        OPTION enable);
-STATUS          NU_Control_Timer(NU_TIMER *timer, OPTION enable);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Established_Timers(VOID);
-STATUS          NU_Timer_Information(NU_TIMER *timer, CHAR *name, 
-                  OPTION *enable, UNSIGNED *expirations, UNSIGNED *id,
-                  UNSIGNED *initial_time, UNSIGNED *reschedule_time);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Timer_Pointers(NU_TIMER **pointer_list, 
-                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
-VOID            NU_Set_Clock(UNSIGNED new_value);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Retrieve_Clock(VOID);
-/* Development support functions.  */
-CHAR           *NU_Release_Information(VOID);
-CHAR           *NU_License_Information(VOID);
-VOID            NU_Disable_History_Saving(VOID);
-VOID            NU_Enable_History_Saving(VOID);
-VOID            NU_Make_History_Entry(UNSIGNED param1, UNSIGNED param2,
-                                                UNSIGNED param3);
-STATUS          NU_Retrieve_History_Entry(DATA_ELEMENT *id, 
-                        UNSIGNED *param1, UNSIGNED *param2, UNSIGNED *param3,
-                        UNSIGNED *time, NU_TASK **task, NU_HISR **hisr);
-/* Input/Output Driver functions.  */
-STATUS          NU_Create_Driver(NU_DRIVER *driver, CHAR *name, 
-                    VOID (*driver_entry)(NU_DRIVER *, NU_DRIVER_REQUEST *));
-STATUS          NU_Delete_Driver(NU_DRIVER *driver);
-STATUS          NU_Request_Driver(NU_DRIVER *driver, 
-                                                NU_DRIVER_REQUEST *request);
-STATUS          NU_Resume_Driver(NU_TASK *task);
-STATUS          NU_Suspend_Driver(VOID (*terminate_routine)(VOID *),
-                                        VOID *information, UNSIGNED timeout);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Established_Drivers(VOID);
-UNSIGNED        NU_Driver_Pointers(NU_DRIVER **pointer_list, 
-                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
-#ifdef          __cplusplus
-}                                           /* End of C declarations     */
-#endif  /* !NUCLEUS */
--- a/src/gpf/inc/nuc/cs_defs.h	Sun Jul 15 20:57:33 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                       */
-/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
-/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
-/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
-/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
-/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      cs_defs.h                                       PLUS  1.2        */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* COMPONENT                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      CS -    Common Services                                          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      This file contains data structure definitions used in the common */
-/*      service linked list routines.                                    */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* AUTHOR                                                                */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      CS_NODE                             Link node structure          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      None                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      nucleus.h                           Nucleus PLUS constants       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* HISTORY                                                               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0      */
-/*      D. Lamie        04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0             */
-/*      W. Lamie        06-01-1993      Added padding conditional into   */
-/*                                        CS_NODE structure, making      */
-/*                                        version 1.0a                   */
-/*      D. Lamie        06-01-1993      Verified version 1.0a            */
-/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1994      Moved include files outside of   */
-/*                                        the file #ifndef to allow the  */
-/*                                        use of actual data structures, */
-/*                                        resulting in version 1.1       */
-/*      R. Pfaff -                                                       */
-/*      D. Lamie        03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1             */
-/*      M.Q. Qian       04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2           */
-/*                                                                       */
-#include        "nucleus.h"                 /* Include Nucleus constants */
-/* Check to see if the file has been included already.  */
-#ifndef CS_DEFS
-#define CS_DEFS
-/* Define a common node data structure that can be included inside of
-   other system data structures.  */
-typedef struct  CS_NODE_STRUCT
-    struct CS_NODE_STRUCT  *cs_previous;
-    struct CS_NODE_STRUCT  *cs_next;
-    DATA_ELEMENT            cs_priority;
-#if     PAD_1
-    DATA_ELEMENT            cs_padding[PAD_1];
-}  CS_NODE;
--- a/src/gpf/inc/nuc/dm_defs.h	Sun Jul 15 20:57:33 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                       */
-/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
-/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
-/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
-/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
-/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      dm_defs.h                                       PLUS  1.2a       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* COMPONENT                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      DM - Dynamic Memory Management                                   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      This file contains data structure definitions and constants for  */
-/*      the Dynamic Memory component.                                    */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* AUTHOR                                                                */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      DM_PCB                              Dynamic Pool control block   */
-/*      DM_HEADER                           Header of each memory block  */
-/*      DM_SUSPEND                          Memory suspension block      */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      None                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      cs_defs.h                           Common service definitions   */
-/*      tc_defs.h                           Thread Control definitions   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* HISTORY                                                               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0      */
-/*      D. Lamie        04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0             */
-/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1994      Moved include files outside of   */
-/*                                        the file #ifndef to allow the  */
-/*                                        use of actual data structures, */
-/*                                        added padding logic,           */
-/*                                        resulting in version 1.1       */
-/*      R. Pfaff -                                                       */
-/*      D. Lamie        03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1             */
-/*      M.Q. Qian       04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2           */
-/*      M. Trippi       01-07-1996      Added missing PAD_1 field to     */
-/*                                        DM_HEADER_STRUCT to be         */
-/*                                        consistent with other PLUS     */
-/*                                        structures creating 1.2a.      */
-/*                                                                       */
-#include        "cs_defs.h"                 /* Common service constants  */
-#include        "tc_defs.h"                 /* Thread control constants  */
-/* Check to see if the file has been included already.  */
-#ifndef DM_DEFS
-#define DM_DEFS
-/* Define constants local to this component.  */
-#define         DM_DYNAMIC_ID          0x44594e41UL
-#define         DM_OVERHEAD            ((sizeof(DM_HEADER) + sizeof(UNSIGNED) \
-                                        - 1)/sizeof(UNSIGNED)) *    \
-                                        sizeof(UNSIGNED)
-/* Define the Dynamic Pool Control Block data type.  */
-typedef struct DM_PCB_STRUCT 
-    CS_NODE             dm_created;            /* Node for linking to    */
-                                               /* created dynamic pools  */
-    TC_PROTECT          dm_protect;            /* Protection structure   */
-    UNSIGNED            dm_id;                 /* Internal PCB ID        */
-    CHAR                dm_name[NU_MAX_NAME];  /* Dynamic Pool name      */
-    VOID               *dm_start_address;      /* Starting pool address  */
-    UNSIGNED            dm_pool_size;          /* Size of pool           */
-    UNSIGNED            dm_min_allocation;     /* Minimum allocate size  */
-    UNSIGNED            dm_available;          /* Total available bytes  */
-    struct DM_HEADER_STRUCT    
-                       *dm_memory_list;        /* Memory list            */
-    struct DM_HEADER_STRUCT
-                       *dm_search_ptr;         /* Search pointer         */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        dm_fifo_suspend;       /* Suspension type flag   */
-#if     PAD_1
-    DATA_ELEMENT        dm_padding[PAD_1];
-    UNSIGNED            dm_tasks_waiting;      /* Number of waiting tasks*/
-                       *dm_suspension_list;    /* Suspension list        */
-} DM_PCB;    
-/* Define the header structure that is in front of each memory block.  */
-typedef struct DM_HEADER_STRUCT
-    struct DM_HEADER_STRUCT
-                       *dm_next_memory,        /* Next memory block      */
-                       *dm_previous_memory;    /* Previous memory block  */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        dm_memory_free;        /* Memory block free flag */
-#if     PAD_1
-    DATA_ELEMENT        dm_padding[PAD_1];
-    DM_PCB             *dm_memory_pool;        /* Dynamic pool pointer   */
-/* Define the dynamic memory suspension structure.  This structure is 
-   allocated off of the caller's stack.  */
-typedef struct DM_SUSPEND_STRUCT
-    CS_NODE             dm_suspend_link;       /* Link to suspend blocks */
-    DM_PCB             *dm_memory_pool;        /* Pointer to pool        */
-    UNSIGNED            dm_request_size;       /* Size of memory request */
-    TC_TCB             *dm_suspended_task;     /* Task suspended         */
-    VOID               *dm_return_pointer;     /* Return memory address  */
-    STATUS              dm_return_status;      /* Return status          */
--- a/src/gpf/inc/nuc/ev_defs.h	Sun Jul 15 20:57:33 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                       */
-/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
-/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
-/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
-/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
-/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      ev_defs.h                                       PLUS  1.2        */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* COMPONENT                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      EV - Event Group Management                                      */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      This file contains data structure definitions and constants for  */
-/*      the Event Flag Group component.                                  */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* AUTHOR                                                                */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      EV_GCB                              Event Group control block    */
-/*      EV_SUSPEND                          Event Group suspension block */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      None                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      cs_defs.h                           Common service definitions   */
-/*      tc_defs.h                           Thread Control definitions   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* HISTORY                                                               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0      */
-/*      D. Lamie        04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0             */
-/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1994      Moved include files outside of   */
-/*                                        the file #ifndef to allow the  */
-/*                                        use of actual data structures, */
-/*                                        removed protect structure,     */
-/*                                        added padding logic,           */
-/*                                        resulting in version 1.1       */
-/*      R. Pfaff -                                                       */
-/*      D. Lamie        03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1             */
-/*      M.Q. Qian       04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2           */
-/*                                                                       */
-#include        "cs_defs.h"                 /* Common service constants  */
-#include        "tc_defs.h"                 /* Thread control constants  */
-/* Check to see if the file has been included already.  */
-#ifndef EV_DEFS
-#define EV_DEFS
-/* Define constants local to this component.  */
-#define         EV_EVENT_ID         0x45564e54UL
-#define         EV_AND              0x2        
-#define         EV_CONSUME          0x1
-/* Define the Event Group Control Block data type.  */
-typedef struct EV_GCB_STRUCT 
-    CS_NODE             ev_created;            /* Node for linking to    */
-                                               /*   created Events list  */
-    UNSIGNED            ev_id;                 /* Internal EV ID         */
-    CHAR                ev_name[NU_MAX_NAME];  /* Event group name       */
-    UNSIGNED            ev_current_events;     /* Current event flags    */
-    UNSIGNED            ev_tasks_waiting;      /* Number of waiting tasks*/
-                       *ev_suspension_list;    /* Suspension list        */
-} EV_GCB;    
-/* Define the Event Group suspension structure.  This structure is allocated 
-   off of the caller's stack.  */
-typedef struct EV_SUSPEND_STRUCT
-    CS_NODE             ev_suspend_link;       /* Link to suspend blocks */
-    EV_GCB             *ev_event_group;        /* Pointer to Event group */
-    UNSIGNED            ev_requested_events;   /* Requested event flags  */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        ev_operation;          /* Event operation        */
-#if     PAD_1
-    DATA_ELEMENT        ev_padding[PAD_1];
-    TC_TCB             *ev_suspended_task;     /* Task suspended         */
-    STATUS              ev_return_status;      /* Return status          */
-    UNSIGNED            ev_actual_events;      /* Event flags returned   */
--- a/src/gpf/inc/nuc/mb_defs.h	Sun Jul 15 20:57:33 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                       */
-/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
-/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
-/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
-/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
-/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      mb_defs.h                                       PLUS  1.2        */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* COMPONENT                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      MB - Mailbox Management                                          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      This file contains data structure definitions and constants for  */
-/*      the message Mailbox component.                                   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* AUTHOR                                                                */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      MB_MCB                              Mailbox control block        */
-/*      MB_SUSPEND                          Mailbox suspension block     */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      None                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      cs_defs.h                           Common service definitions   */
-/*      tc_defs.h                           Thread Control definitions   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* HISTORY                                                               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0      */
-/*      D. Lamie        04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0             */
-/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1994      Moved include files outside of   */
-/*                                        the file #ifndef to allow the  */
-/*                                        use of actual data structures, */
-/*                                        removed protection structure   */
-/*                                        inside of each mailbox, added  */
-/*                                        padding logic, resulting in    */
-/*                                        version 1.1                    */
-/*      R. Pfaff -                                                       */
-/*      D. Lamie        03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1             */
-/*      M.Q. Qian       04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2           */
-/*                                                                       */
-#include        "cs_defs.h"                 /* Common service constants  */
-#include        "tc_defs.h"                 /* Thread control constants  */
-/* Check to see if the file has been included already.  */
-#ifndef MB_DEFS
-#define MB_DEFS
-/* Define constants local to this component.  */
-#define         MB_MAILBOX_ID           0x4d424f58UL
-#define         MB_MESSAGE_SIZE         4
-/* Define the Mailbox Control Block data type.  */
-typedef struct MB_MCB_STRUCT 
-    CS_NODE             mb_created;            /* Node for linking to    */
-                                               /*   created mailbox list */
-    UNSIGNED            mb_id;                 /* Internal MCB ID        */
-    CHAR                mb_name[NU_MAX_NAME];  /* Mailbox name           */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        mb_message_present;    /* Message present flag   */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        mb_fifo_suspend;       /* Suspension type flag   */
-#if     PAD_2
-    DATA_ELEMENT        mb_padding[PAD_2];
-    UNSIGNED            mb_tasks_waiting;      /* Number of waiting tasks*/
-    UNSIGNED                                   /* Message area           */
-                        mb_message_area[MB_MESSAGE_SIZE];
-                       *mb_suspension_list;    /* Suspension list        */
-} MB_MCB;    
-/* Define the mailbox suspension structure.  This structure is allocated off of
-   the caller's stack.  */
-typedef struct MB_SUSPEND_STRUCT
-    CS_NODE             mb_suspend_link;       /* Link to suspend blocks */
-    MB_MCB             *mb_mailbox;            /* Pointer to the mailbox */
-    TC_TCB             *mb_suspended_task;     /* Task suspended         */
-    UNSIGNED           *mb_message_area;       /* Pointer to message area*/
-    STATUS              mb_return_status;      /* Return status          */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/cs_defs.h	Sun Jul 15 21:02:08 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+/*                                                                       */
+/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
+/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
+/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
+/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
+/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      cs_defs.h                                       PLUS  1.2        */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* COMPONENT                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      CS -    Common Services                                          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      This file contains data structure definitions used in the common */
+/*      service linked list routines.                                    */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* AUTHOR                                                                */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      CS_NODE                             Link node structure          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      None                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      nucleus.h                           Nucleus PLUS constants       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* HISTORY                                                               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0      */
+/*      D. Lamie        04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0             */
+/*      W. Lamie        06-01-1993      Added padding conditional into   */
+/*                                        CS_NODE structure, making      */
+/*                                        version 1.0a                   */
+/*      D. Lamie        06-01-1993      Verified version 1.0a            */
+/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1994      Moved include files outside of   */
+/*                                        the file #ifndef to allow the  */
+/*                                        use of actual data structures, */
+/*                                        resulting in version 1.1       */
+/*      R. Pfaff -                                                       */
+/*      D. Lamie        03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1             */
+/*      M.Q. Qian       04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2           */
+/*                                                                       */
+#include        "nucleus.h"                 /* Include Nucleus constants */
+/* Check to see if the file has been included already.  */
+#ifndef CS_DEFS
+#define CS_DEFS
+/* Define a common node data structure that can be included inside of
+   other system data structures.  */
+typedef struct  CS_NODE_STRUCT
+    struct CS_NODE_STRUCT  *cs_previous;
+    struct CS_NODE_STRUCT  *cs_next;
+    DATA_ELEMENT            cs_priority;
+#if     PAD_1
+    DATA_ELEMENT            cs_padding[PAD_1];
+}  CS_NODE;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/dm_defs.h	Sun Jul 15 21:02:08 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+/*                                                                       */
+/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
+/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
+/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
+/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
+/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      dm_defs.h                                       PLUS  1.2a       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* COMPONENT                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      DM - Dynamic Memory Management                                   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      This file contains data structure definitions and constants for  */
+/*      the Dynamic Memory component.                                    */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* AUTHOR                                                                */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      DM_PCB                              Dynamic Pool control block   */
+/*      DM_HEADER                           Header of each memory block  */
+/*      DM_SUSPEND                          Memory suspension block      */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      None                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      cs_defs.h                           Common service definitions   */
+/*      tc_defs.h                           Thread Control definitions   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* HISTORY                                                               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0      */
+/*      D. Lamie        04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0             */
+/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1994      Moved include files outside of   */
+/*                                        the file #ifndef to allow the  */
+/*                                        use of actual data structures, */
+/*                                        added padding logic,           */
+/*                                        resulting in version 1.1       */
+/*      R. Pfaff -                                                       */
+/*      D. Lamie        03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1             */
+/*      M.Q. Qian       04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2           */
+/*      M. Trippi       01-07-1996      Added missing PAD_1 field to     */
+/*                                        DM_HEADER_STRUCT to be         */
+/*                                        consistent with other PLUS     */
+/*                                        structures creating 1.2a.      */
+/*                                                                       */
+#include        "cs_defs.h"                 /* Common service constants  */
+#include        "tc_defs.h"                 /* Thread control constants  */
+/* Check to see if the file has been included already.  */
+#ifndef DM_DEFS
+#define DM_DEFS
+/* Define constants local to this component.  */
+#define         DM_DYNAMIC_ID          0x44594e41UL
+#define         DM_OVERHEAD            ((sizeof(DM_HEADER) + sizeof(UNSIGNED) \
+                                        - 1)/sizeof(UNSIGNED)) *    \
+                                        sizeof(UNSIGNED)
+/* Define the Dynamic Pool Control Block data type.  */
+typedef struct DM_PCB_STRUCT 
+    CS_NODE             dm_created;            /* Node for linking to    */
+                                               /* created dynamic pools  */
+    TC_PROTECT          dm_protect;            /* Protection structure   */
+    UNSIGNED            dm_id;                 /* Internal PCB ID        */
+    CHAR                dm_name[NU_MAX_NAME];  /* Dynamic Pool name      */
+    VOID               *dm_start_address;      /* Starting pool address  */
+    UNSIGNED            dm_pool_size;          /* Size of pool           */
+    UNSIGNED            dm_min_allocation;     /* Minimum allocate size  */
+    UNSIGNED            dm_available;          /* Total available bytes  */
+    struct DM_HEADER_STRUCT    
+                       *dm_memory_list;        /* Memory list            */
+    struct DM_HEADER_STRUCT
+                       *dm_search_ptr;         /* Search pointer         */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        dm_fifo_suspend;       /* Suspension type flag   */
+#if     PAD_1
+    DATA_ELEMENT        dm_padding[PAD_1];
+    UNSIGNED            dm_tasks_waiting;      /* Number of waiting tasks*/
+                       *dm_suspension_list;    /* Suspension list        */
+} DM_PCB;    
+/* Define the header structure that is in front of each memory block.  */
+typedef struct DM_HEADER_STRUCT
+    struct DM_HEADER_STRUCT
+                       *dm_next_memory,        /* Next memory block      */
+                       *dm_previous_memory;    /* Previous memory block  */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        dm_memory_free;        /* Memory block free flag */
+#if     PAD_1
+    DATA_ELEMENT        dm_padding[PAD_1];
+    DM_PCB             *dm_memory_pool;        /* Dynamic pool pointer   */
+/* Define the dynamic memory suspension structure.  This structure is 
+   allocated off of the caller's stack.  */
+typedef struct DM_SUSPEND_STRUCT
+    CS_NODE             dm_suspend_link;       /* Link to suspend blocks */
+    DM_PCB             *dm_memory_pool;        /* Pointer to pool        */
+    UNSIGNED            dm_request_size;       /* Size of memory request */
+    TC_TCB             *dm_suspended_task;     /* Task suspended         */
+    VOID               *dm_return_pointer;     /* Return memory address  */
+    STATUS              dm_return_status;      /* Return status          */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/ev_defs.h	Sun Jul 15 21:02:08 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+/*                                                                       */
+/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
+/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
+/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
+/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
+/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      ev_defs.h                                       PLUS  1.2        */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* COMPONENT                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      EV - Event Group Management                                      */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      This file contains data structure definitions and constants for  */
+/*      the Event Flag Group component.                                  */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* AUTHOR                                                                */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      EV_GCB                              Event Group control block    */
+/*      EV_SUSPEND                          Event Group suspension block */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      None                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      cs_defs.h                           Common service definitions   */
+/*      tc_defs.h                           Thread Control definitions   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* HISTORY                                                               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0      */
+/*      D. Lamie        04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0             */
+/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1994      Moved include files outside of   */
+/*                                        the file #ifndef to allow the  */
+/*                                        use of actual data structures, */
+/*                                        removed protect structure,     */
+/*                                        added padding logic,           */
+/*                                        resulting in version 1.1       */
+/*      R. Pfaff -                                                       */
+/*      D. Lamie        03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1             */
+/*      M.Q. Qian       04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2           */
+/*                                                                       */
+#include        "cs_defs.h"                 /* Common service constants  */
+#include        "tc_defs.h"                 /* Thread control constants  */
+/* Check to see if the file has been included already.  */
+#ifndef EV_DEFS
+#define EV_DEFS
+/* Define constants local to this component.  */
+#define         EV_EVENT_ID         0x45564e54UL
+#define         EV_AND              0x2        
+#define         EV_CONSUME          0x1
+/* Define the Event Group Control Block data type.  */
+typedef struct EV_GCB_STRUCT 
+    CS_NODE             ev_created;            /* Node for linking to    */
+                                               /*   created Events list  */
+    UNSIGNED            ev_id;                 /* Internal EV ID         */
+    CHAR                ev_name[NU_MAX_NAME];  /* Event group name       */
+    UNSIGNED            ev_current_events;     /* Current event flags    */
+    UNSIGNED            ev_tasks_waiting;      /* Number of waiting tasks*/
+                       *ev_suspension_list;    /* Suspension list        */
+} EV_GCB;    
+/* Define the Event Group suspension structure.  This structure is allocated 
+   off of the caller's stack.  */
+typedef struct EV_SUSPEND_STRUCT
+    CS_NODE             ev_suspend_link;       /* Link to suspend blocks */
+    EV_GCB             *ev_event_group;        /* Pointer to Event group */
+    UNSIGNED            ev_requested_events;   /* Requested event flags  */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        ev_operation;          /* Event operation        */
+#if     PAD_1
+    DATA_ELEMENT        ev_padding[PAD_1];
+    TC_TCB             *ev_suspended_task;     /* Task suspended         */
+    STATUS              ev_return_status;      /* Return status          */
+    UNSIGNED            ev_actual_events;      /* Event flags returned   */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/mb_defs.h	Sun Jul 15 21:02:08 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+/*                                                                       */
+/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
+/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
+/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
+/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
+/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      mb_defs.h                                       PLUS  1.2        */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* COMPONENT                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      MB - Mailbox Management                                          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      This file contains data structure definitions and constants for  */
+/*      the message Mailbox component.                                   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* AUTHOR                                                                */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      MB_MCB                              Mailbox control block        */
+/*      MB_SUSPEND                          Mailbox suspension block     */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      None                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      cs_defs.h                           Common service definitions   */
+/*      tc_defs.h                           Thread Control definitions   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* HISTORY                                                               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0      */
+/*      D. Lamie        04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0             */
+/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1994      Moved include files outside of   */
+/*                                        the file #ifndef to allow the  */
+/*                                        use of actual data structures, */
+/*                                        removed protection structure   */
+/*                                        inside of each mailbox, added  */
+/*                                        padding logic, resulting in    */
+/*                                        version 1.1                    */
+/*      R. Pfaff -                                                       */
+/*      D. Lamie        03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1             */
+/*      M.Q. Qian       04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2           */
+/*                                                                       */
+#include        "cs_defs.h"                 /* Common service constants  */
+#include        "tc_defs.h"                 /* Thread control constants  */
+/* Check to see if the file has been included already.  */
+#ifndef MB_DEFS
+#define MB_DEFS
+/* Define constants local to this component.  */
+#define         MB_MAILBOX_ID           0x4d424f58UL
+#define         MB_MESSAGE_SIZE         4
+/* Define the Mailbox Control Block data type.  */
+typedef struct MB_MCB_STRUCT 
+    CS_NODE             mb_created;            /* Node for linking to    */
+                                               /*   created mailbox list */
+    UNSIGNED            mb_id;                 /* Internal MCB ID        */
+    CHAR                mb_name[NU_MAX_NAME];  /* Mailbox name           */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        mb_message_present;    /* Message present flag   */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        mb_fifo_suspend;       /* Suspension type flag   */
+#if     PAD_2
+    DATA_ELEMENT        mb_padding[PAD_2];
+    UNSIGNED            mb_tasks_waiting;      /* Number of waiting tasks*/
+    UNSIGNED                                   /* Message area           */
+                        mb_message_area[MB_MESSAGE_SIZE];
+                       *mb_suspension_list;    /* Suspension list        */
+} MB_MCB;    
+/* Define the mailbox suspension structure.  This structure is allocated off of
+   the caller's stack.  */
+typedef struct MB_SUSPEND_STRUCT
+    CS_NODE             mb_suspend_link;       /* Link to suspend blocks */
+    MB_MCB             *mb_mailbox;            /* Pointer to the mailbox */
+    TC_TCB             *mb_suspended_task;     /* Task suspended         */
+    UNSIGNED           *mb_message_area;       /* Pointer to message area*/
+    STATUS              mb_return_status;      /* Return status          */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/nucleus.h	Sun Jul 15 21:02:08 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1120 @@
+/*                                                                       */
+/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1994 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
+/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
+/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
+/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
+/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      nucleus.h                                   PLUS/THUMB/T 1.0     */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* COMPONENT                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      System Constants                                                 */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      This file contains system constants common to both the           */
+/*      application and the actual Nucleus PLUS components.  This file   */
+/*      also contains data structure definitions that hide internal      */
+/*      information from the application.                                */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* AUTHOR                                                                */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      Barry Sellew, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      NU_DRIVER                           I/O Driver control block     */
+/*      NU_EVENT_GROUP                      Event group control block    */
+/*      NU_HISR                             HISR control block           */
+/*      NU_MAILBOX                          Mailbox control block        */
+/*      NU_MEMORY_POOL                      Memory Pool control block    */
+/*      NU_PARTITION_POOL                   Partition Pool control block */
+/*      NU_PIPE                             Pipe control block           */
+/*      NU_QUEUE                            Queue control block          */
+/*      NU_SEMAPHORE                        Semaphore control block      */
+/*      NU_TASK                             Task control block           */
+/*      NU_TIMER                            Timer control block          */
+/*      NU_PROTECT                          Protection structure         */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      None                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      None                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* HISTORY                                                               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      W. Lamie        04-19-1994      Created R4xxx version 1.0        */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* Check to see if this file has been included already.  */
+#ifndef         NUCLEUS
+#ifdef          __cplusplus
+extern  "C" {                               /* C declarations in C++     */
+#define         NUCLEUS
+/* Define standard data types.  These definitions allow Nucleus PLUS to
+   perform in the same manner on different target platforms.  */
+typedef unsigned long           UNSIGNED;
+typedef long                    SIGNED;
+typedef unsigned char           DATA_ELEMENT;
+typedef DATA_ELEMENT            OPTION;
+typedef int                     STATUS;
+typedef unsigned char           UNSIGNED_CHAR;
+typedef char                    CHAR;
+typedef int                     INT;
+typedef void                    VOID;
+typedef unsigned long *         UNSIGNED_PTR;
+typedef unsigned char *         BYTE_PTR;
+/* Define register defines.  R1, R2, R3, and R4 are used in the Nucleus PLUS
+   source code in front of variables that are referenced often.  In some
+   ports, defining them as "register" will improve performance.  */
+#define         R1                              register
+#define         R2                              register
+#define         R3                              register
+#define         R4                              register
+/* Define the number of accesses required to read or write a pointer data
+   type.  This value is used to make optimizations in some ports of Nucleus
+   PLUS.  */
+#define         NU_POINTER_ACCESS               1
+/* Define the padding required for usage of the DATA_ELEMENT type within 
+   Nucleus PLUS structures.  These values insure proper alignment for the
+   next structure member.  */
+#define         PAD_1                           3
+#define         PAD_2                           2
+#define         PAD_3                           1
+/* Define constants that are target dependent and/or are used for internal
+   purposes.  */
+#define         NU_MIN_STACK_SIZE               240
+#define         NU_MAX_NAME                     8
+#define         NU_MAX_VECTORS                  8
+#define         NU_MAX_LISRS                    8
+/* Define constants for the number of UNSIGNED words in each of the basic
+   system data structures.  */
+#define         NU_TASK_SIZE                    42
+#define         NU_HISR_SIZE                    22
+#define         NU_MAILBOX_SIZE                 13
+#define         NU_QUEUE_SIZE                   18
+#define         NU_PIPE_SIZE                    18
+#define         NU_SEMAPHORE_SIZE               10
+#define         NU_EVENT_GROUP_SIZE             9
+#define         NU_PARTITION_POOL_SIZE          15
+#define         NU_MEMORY_POOL_SIZE             17
+#define         NU_TIMER_SIZE                   17
+#define         NU_PROTECT_SIZE                 2
+#define         NU_DRIVER_SIZE                  3
+/* Define what an interrupt vector looks like on the target processor.  */
+typedef struct NU_VECTOR_STRUCT
+    VOID       *pointer;
+/* Define constants for use in service parameters.  */
+#define         NU_AND                          2
+#define         NU_AND_CONSUME                  3
+#define         NU_DISABLE_TIMER                4
+#define         NU_ENABLE_TIMER                 5
+#define         NU_FALSE                        0
+#define         NU_FIFO                         6
+#define         NU_FIXED_SIZE                   7
+#define         NU_NO_PREEMPT                   8
+#define         NU_NO_START                     9
+#define         NU_NO_SUSPEND                   0
+#define         NU_NULL                         0
+#define         NU_OR                           0
+#define         NU_OR_CONSUME                   1
+#define         NU_PREEMPT                      10
+#define         NU_PRIORITY                     11
+#define         NU_START                        12
+#define         NU_SUSPEND                      0xFFFFFFFFUL
+#define         NU_TRUE                         1
+#define         NU_VARIABLE_SIZE                13
+/* Define interrupt lockout and enable constants.  */
+#define         NU_DISABLE_INTERRUPTS           0xC0
+#define         NU_ENABLE_INTERRUPTS            0x00
+/* Define task suspension constants.  */
+#define         NU_DRIVER_SUSPEND               10
+#define         NU_EVENT_SUSPEND                7
+#define         NU_FINISHED                     11
+#define         NU_MAILBOX_SUSPEND              3
+#define         NU_MEMORY_SUSPEND               9
+#define         NU_PARTITION_SUSPEND            8
+#define         NU_PIPE_SUSPEND                 5
+#define         NU_PURE_SUSPEND                 1
+#define         NU_QUEUE_SUSPEND                4
+#define         NU_READY                        0
+#define         NU_SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND            6
+#define         NU_SLEEP_SUSPEND                2
+#define         NU_TERMINATED                   12
+/* Define service completion status constants.  */
+#define         NU_SUCCESS                      0
+#define         NU_END_OF_LOG                   -1
+#define         NU_GROUP_DELETED                -2
+#define         NU_INVALID_DELETE               -3
+#define         NU_INVALID_DRIVER               -4
+#define         NU_INVALID_ENABLE               -5
+#define         NU_INVALID_ENTRY                -6
+#define         NU_INVALID_FUNCTION             -7
+#define         NU_INVALID_GROUP                -8
+#define         NU_INVALID_HISR                 -9
+#define         NU_INVALID_MAILBOX              -10
+#define         NU_INVALID_MEMORY               -11
+#define         NU_INVALID_MESSAGE              -12
+#define         NU_INVALID_OPERATION            -13
+#define         NU_INVALID_PIPE                 -14
+#define         NU_INVALID_POINTER              -15
+#define         NU_INVALID_POOL                 -16
+#define         NU_INVALID_PREEMPT              -17
+#define         NU_INVALID_PRIORITY             -18
+#define         NU_INVALID_QUEUE                -19
+#define         NU_INVALID_RESUME               -20
+#define         NU_INVALID_SEMAPHORE            -21
+#define         NU_INVALID_SIZE                 -22
+#define         NU_INVALID_START                -23
+#define         NU_INVALID_SUSPEND              -24
+#define         NU_INVALID_TASK                 -25
+#define         NU_INVALID_TIMER                -26
+#define         NU_INVALID_VECTOR               -27
+#define         NU_MAILBOX_DELETED              -28
+#define         NU_MAILBOX_EMPTY                -29
+#define         NU_MAILBOX_FULL                 -30
+#define         NU_MAILBOX_RESET                -31
+#define         NU_NO_MEMORY                    -32
+#define         NU_NO_MORE_LISRS                -33
+#define         NU_NO_PARTITION                 -34
+#define         NU_NOT_DISABLED                 -35
+#define         NU_NOT_PRESENT                  -36
+#define         NU_NOT_REGISTERED               -37
+#define         NU_NOT_TERMINATED               -38
+#define         NU_PIPE_DELETED                 -39
+#define         NU_PIPE_EMPTY                   -40
+#define         NU_PIPE_FULL                    -41
+#define         NU_PIPE_RESET                   -42
+#define         NU_POOL_DELETED                 -43
+#define         NU_QUEUE_DELETED                -44
+#define         NU_QUEUE_EMPTY                  -45
+#define         NU_QUEUE_FULL                   -46
+#define         NU_QUEUE_RESET                  -47
+#define         NU_SEMAPHORE_DELETED            -48
+#define         NU_SEMAPHORE_RESET              -49
+#define         NU_TIMEOUT                      -50
+#define         NU_UNAVAILABLE                  -51
+/* Define system errors.  */
+#define         NU_ERROR_CREATING_TIMER_HISR    1
+#define         NU_ERROR_CREATING_TIMER_TASK    2
+#define         NU_STACK_OVERFLOW               3
+#define         NU_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT          4
+/* Define I/O driver constants.  */
+#define         NU_IO_ERROR                     -1
+#define         NU_INITIALIZE                   1
+#define         NU_ASSIGN                       2
+#define         NU_RELEASE                      3
+#define         NU_INPUT                        4
+#define         NU_OUTPUT                       5
+#define         NU_STATUS                       6
+#define         NU_TERMINATE                    7
+/* Define history entry IDs.  */
+#define         NU_USER_ID                      1
+#define         NU_CREATE_TASK_ID               2
+#define         NU_DELETE_TASK_ID               3
+#define         NU_RESET_TASK_ID                4
+#define         NU_TERMINATE_TASK_ID            5
+#define         NU_RESUME_TASK_ID               6
+#define         NU_SUSPEND_TASK_ID              7
+#define         NU_RELINQUISH_ID                8
+#define         NU_SLEEP_ID                     9
+#define         NU_CHANGE_PRIORITY_ID           10
+#define         NU_CHANGE_PREEMPTION_ID         11
+#define         NU_CREATE_MAILBOX_ID            12
+#define         NU_DELETE_MAILBOX_ID            13
+#define         NU_RESET_MAILBOX_ID             14
+#define         NU_SEND_TO_MAILBOX_ID           15
+#define         NU_BROADCAST_TO_MAILBOX_ID      16
+#define         NU_RECEIVE_FROM_MAILBOX_ID      17
+#define         NU_CREATE_QUEUE_ID              18
+#define         NU_DELETE_QUEUE_ID              19
+#define         NU_RESET_QUEUE_ID               20
+#define         NU_SEND_TO_FRONT_OF_QUEUE_ID    21
+#define         NU_SEND_TO_QUEUE_ID             22
+#define         NU_BROADCAST_TO_QUEUE_ID        23
+#define         NU_RECEIVE_FROM_QUEUE_ID        24
+#define         NU_CREATE_PIPE_ID               25 
+#define         NU_DELETE_PIPE_ID               26 
+#define         NU_RESET_PIPE_ID                27
+#define         NU_SEND_TO_FRONT_OF_PIPE_ID     28 
+#define         NU_SEND_TO_PIPE_ID              29 
+#define         NU_BROADCAST_TO_PIPE_ID         30 
+#define         NU_RECEIVE_FROM_PIPE_ID         31 
+#define         NU_CREATE_SEMAPHORE_ID          32
+#define         NU_DELETE_SEMAPHORE_ID          33
+#define         NU_RESET_SEMAPHORE_ID           34
+#define         NU_OBTAIN_SEMAPHORE_ID          35
+#define         NU_RELEASE_SEMAPHORE_ID         36
+#define         NU_CREATE_EVENT_GROUP_ID        37
+#define         NU_DELETE_EVENT_GROUP_ID        38
+#define         NU_SET_EVENTS_ID                39
+#define         NU_RETRIEVE_EVENTS_ID           40
+#define         NU_CREATE_PARTITION_POOL_ID     41
+#define         NU_DELETE_PARTITION_POOL_ID     42
+#define         NU_ALLOCATE_PARTITION_ID        43
+#define         NU_DEALLOCATE_PARTITION_ID      44
+#define         NU_CREATE_MEMORY_POOL_ID        45
+#define         NU_DELETE_MEMORY_POOL_ID        46
+#define         NU_ALLOCATE_MEMORY_ID           47
+#define         NU_DEALLOCATE_MEMORY_ID         48
+#define         NU_CONTROL_SIGNALS_ID           49
+#define         NU_RECEIVE_SIGNALS_ID           50
+#define         NU_REGISTER_SIGNAL_HANDLER_ID   51
+#define         NU_SEND_SIGNALS_ID              52
+#define         NU_REGISTER_LISR_ID             53
+#define         NU_CREATE_HISR_ID               54
+#define         NU_DELETE_HISR_ID               55
+#define         NU_CREATE_TIMER_ID              56
+#define         NU_DELETE_TIMER_ID              57
+#define         NU_CONTROL_TIMER_ID             58
+#define         NU_RESET_TIMER_ID               59
+#define         NU_CREATE_DRIVER_ID             60
+#define         NU_DELETE_DRIVER_ID             61
+#define         NU_REQUEST_DRIVER_ID            62
+#define         NU_RESUME_DRIVER_ID             63
+#define         NU_SUSPEND_DRIVER_ID            64
+#define         NU_CHANGE_TIME_SLICE_ID         65
+/* Define the basic data structure templates.  If the NU_DEBUG conditional
+   compilation is specified, the actual structure definition is used.  */
+#ifdef          NU_DEBUG
+#include        "cs_defs.h"
+#include        "tm_defs.h"
+#include        "tc_defs.h"
+#include        "mb_defs.h"
+#include        "qu_defs.h"
+#include        "pi_defs.h"
+#include        "sm_defs.h"
+#include        "ev_defs.h"
+#include        "pm_defs.h"
+#include        "dm_defs.h"
+#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
+/* Define task control data structure with all internal information 
+   hidden.  */
+typedef struct NU_TASK_STRUCT
+    UNSIGNED      words[NU_TASK_SIZE];
+/* Define task control data structure with the actual internal data 
+   structure.  */
+typedef TC_TCB      NU_TASK;
+#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
+/* Define HISR control data structure with all internal information 
+   hidden.  */
+typedef struct NU_HISR_STRUCT
+    UNSIGNED      words[NU_HISR_SIZE];
+/* Define HISR control data structure with the actual internal data 
+   structure.  */
+typedef TC_HCB      NU_HISR;
+#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
+/* Define mailbox control data structure with all internal information
+   hidden.  */ 
+typedef struct NU_MAILBOX_STRUCT
+    UNSIGNED      words[NU_MAILBOX_SIZE];
+/* Define mailbox control data structure with the actual internal data 
+   structure.  */
+typedef MB_MCB      NU_MAILBOX;
+#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
+/* Define queue control data structure with all internal information
+   hidden.  */ 
+typedef struct NU_QUEUE_STRUCT
+    UNSIGNED      words[NU_QUEUE_SIZE];
+/* Define queue control data structure with the actual internal data 
+   structure.  */
+typedef QU_QCB      NU_QUEUE;
+#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
+/* Define pipe control data structure with all internal information
+   hidden.  */ 
+typedef struct NU_PIPE_STRUCT
+    UNSIGNED      words[NU_PIPE_SIZE];
+/* Define pipe control data structure with the actual internal data 
+   structure.  */
+typedef PI_PCB      NU_PIPE;
+#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
+/* Define semaphore control data structure with all internal information
+   hidden.  */ 
+typedef struct NU_SEMAPHORE_STRUCT
+/* Define semaphore control data structure with the actual internal data 
+   structure.  */
+typedef SM_SCB      NU_SEMAPHORE;
+#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
+/* Define event group control data structure with all internal information
+   hidden.  */ 
+typedef struct NU_EVENT_GROUP_STRUCT
+/* Define event group control data structure with the actual internal data 
+   structure.  */
+typedef EV_GCB      NU_EVENT_GROUP;
+#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
+/* Define partition pool control data structure with all internal 
+   information hidden.  */ 
+/* Define partition pool control data structure with the actual internal 
+   data structure.  */
+#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
+/* Define memory pool control data structure with all internal information
+   hidden.  */ 
+typedef struct NU_MEMORY_POOL_STRUCT
+/* Define memory pool control data structure with the actual internal data 
+   structure.  */
+typedef DM_PCB      NU_MEMORY_POOL;
+#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
+/* Define timer control data structure with all internal information
+   hidden.  */ 
+typedef struct NU_TIMER_STRUCT
+    UNSIGNED       words[NU_TIMER_SIZE];
+/* Define timer control data structure with the actual internal data 
+   structure.  */
+typedef TM_APP_TCB      NU_TIMER;
+#ifndef         NU_DEBUG
+/* Define protect control data structure with all internal information
+   hidden.  */ 
+typedef struct NU_PROTECT_STRUCT
+    UNSIGNED       words[NU_PROTECT_SIZE];
+/* Define protect control data structure with the actual internal data 
+   structure.  */
+typedef TC_PROTECT      NU_PROTECT;
+/* Define I/O driver request structures.  */
+    VOID       *nu_io_address;              /* Base IO address          */
+    UNSIGNED    nu_logical_units;           /* Number of logical units  */
+    VOID       *nu_memory;                  /* Generic memory pointer   */
+    INT         nu_vector;                  /* Interrupt vector number  */
+    UNSIGNED    nu_logical_unit;            /* Logical unit number      */
+    INT         nu_assign_info;             /* Additional assign info   */
+    UNSIGNED    nu_logical_unit;            /* Logical unit number      */
+    INT         nu_release_info;            /* Additional release info  */
+    UNSIGNED    nu_logical_unit;            /* Logical unit number      */
+    UNSIGNED    nu_offset;                  /* Offset of input          */
+    UNSIGNED    nu_request_size;            /* Requested input size     */
+    UNSIGNED    nu_actual_size;             /* Actual input size        */
+    VOID       *nu_buffer_ptr;              /* Input buffer pointer     */
+    UNSIGNED    nu_logical_unit;            /* Logical unit number      */
+    UNSIGNED    nu_offset;                  /* Offset of output         */
+    UNSIGNED    nu_request_size;            /* Requested output size    */
+    UNSIGNED    nu_actual_size;             /* Actual output size       */
+    VOID       *nu_buffer_ptr;              /* Output buffer pointer    */
+    UNSIGNED    nu_logical_unit;            /* Logical unit number      */
+    VOID       *nu_extra_status;            /* Additional status ptr    */
+    UNSIGNED    nu_logical_unit;            /* Logical unit number      */
+    INT         nu_function;                /* I/O request function     */
+    UNSIGNED    nu_timeout;                 /* Timeout on request       */
+    STATUS      nu_status;                  /* Status of request        */
+    UNSIGNED    nu_supplemental;            /* Supplemental information */
+    VOID       *nu_supplemental_ptr;        /* Supplemental info pointer*/
+    /* Define a union of all the different types of request structures. */
+    {
+        struct NU_INITIALIZE_STRUCT     nu_initialize;
+        struct NU_ASSIGN_STRUCT         nu_assign;
+        struct NU_RELEASE_STRUCT        nu_release;
+        struct NU_INPUT_STRUCT          nu_input;
+        struct NU_OUTPUT_STRUCT         nu_output;
+        struct NU_STATUS_STRUCT         nu_status;
+        struct NU_TERMINATE_STRUCT      nu_terminate;
+    } nu_request_info;
+typedef struct NU_DRIVER_STRUCT
+    UNSIGNED       words[NU_DRIVER_SIZE];
+    CHAR           nu_driver_name[NU_MAX_NAME];
+    VOID          *nu_info_ptr;
+    UNSIGNED       nu_driver_id;
+    VOID           (*nu_driver_entry)(struct NU_DRIVER_STRUCT *,
+                                                NU_DRIVER_REQUEST *);
+/* Define Nucleus PLUS system interfaces.  */
+VOID            Application_Initialize(VOID *first_available_memory);
+/* The following area is only applicable to application files and is skipped
+   during compilation of Nucleus PLUS source files.  */
+#ifndef         NU_SOURCE_FILE
+/* Re-map task control functions depending on whether or not error checking
+   is specified.  */
+#ifdef          NU_NO_ERROR_CHECKING
+#define         NU_Create_Task                  TCC_Create_Task
+#define         NU_Delete_Task                  TCC_Delete_Task
+#define         NU_Reset_Task                   TCC_Reset_Task
+#define         NU_Terminate_Task               TCC_Terminate_Task
+#define         NU_Resume_Task                  TCC_Resume_Service
+#define         NU_Suspend_Task                 TCC_Suspend_Service
+#define         NU_Relinquish                   TCC_Relinquish
+#define         NU_Sleep                        TCC_Task_Sleep
+#define         NU_Change_Priority              TCS_Change_Priority
+#define         NU_Change_Preemption            TCS_Change_Preemption
+#define         NU_Change_Time_Slice            TCS_Change_Time_Slice
+#define         NU_Check_Stack                  TCT_Check_Stack
+#define         NU_Current_Task_Pointer         TCC_Current_Task_Pointer
+#define         NU_Established_Tasks            TCF_Established_Tasks
+#define         NU_Task_Information             TCF_Task_Information
+#define         NU_Task_Pointers                TCF_Task_Pointers
+#define         NU_Create_Mailbox               MBC_Create_Mailbox
+#define         NU_Delete_Mailbox               MBC_Delete_Mailbox
+#define         NU_Reset_Mailbox                MBS_Reset_Mailbox
+#define         NU_Send_To_Mailbox              MBC_Send_To_Mailbox
+#define         NU_Broadcast_To_Mailbox         MBS_Broadcast_To_Mailbox
+#define         NU_Receive_From_Mailbox         MBC_Receive_From_Mailbox
+#define         NU_Established_Mailboxes        MBF_Established_Mailboxes
+#define         NU_Mailbox_Information          MBF_Mailbox_Information
+#define         NU_Mailbox_Pointers             MBF_Mailbox_Pointers
+#define         NU_Create_Queue                 QUC_Create_Queue
+#define         NU_Delete_Queue                 QUC_Delete_Queue
+#define         NU_Reset_Queue                  QUS_Reset_Queue
+#define         NU_Send_To_Front_Of_Queue       QUS_Send_To_Front_Of_Queue
+#define         NU_Send_To_Queue                QUC_Send_To_Queue
+#define         NU_Broadcast_To_Queue           QUS_Broadcast_To_Queue
+#define         NU_Receive_From_Queue           QUC_Receive_From_Queue
+#define         NU_Established_Queues           QUF_Established_Queues
+#define         NU_Queue_Information            QUF_Queue_Information
+#define         NU_Queue_Pointers               QUF_Queue_Pointers
+#define         NU_Create_Pipe                  PIC_Create_Pipe 
+#define         NU_Delete_Pipe                  PIC_Delete_Pipe 
+#define         NU_Reset_Pipe                   PIS_Reset_Pipe
+#define         NU_Send_To_Front_Of_Pipe        PIS_Send_To_Front_Of_Pipe 
+#define         NU_Send_To_Pipe                 PIC_Send_To_Pipe 
+#define         NU_Broadcast_To_Pipe            PIS_Broadcast_To_Pipe 
+#define         NU_Receive_From_Pipe            PIC_Receive_From_Pipe 
+#define         NU_Established_Pipes            PIF_Established_Pipes   
+#define         NU_Pipe_Information             PIF_Pipe_Information
+#define         NU_Pipe_Pointers                PIF_Pipe_Pointers
+#define         NU_Create_Semaphore             SMC_Create_Semaphore
+#define         NU_Delete_Semaphore             SMC_Delete_Semaphore
+#define         NU_Reset_Semaphore              SMS_Reset_Semaphore
+#define         NU_Obtain_Semaphore             SMC_Obtain_Semaphore
+#define         NU_Release_Semaphore            SMC_Release_Semaphore
+#define         NU_Established_Semaphores       SMF_Established_Semaphores
+#define         NU_Semaphore_Information        SMF_Semaphore_Information
+#define         NU_Semaphore_Pointers           SMF_Semaphore_Pointers
+#define         NU_Create_Event_Group           EVC_Create_Event_Group
+#define         NU_Delete_Event_Group           EVC_Delete_Event_Group
+#define         NU_Set_Events                   EVC_Set_Events
+#define         NU_Retrieve_Events              EVC_Retrieve_Events
+#define         NU_Established_Event_Groups     EVF_Established_Event_Groups
+#define         NU_Event_Group_Information      EVF_Event_Group_Information
+#define         NU_Event_Group_Pointers         EVF_Event_Group_Pointers
+#define         NU_Create_Partition_Pool        PMC_Create_Partition_Pool
+#define         NU_Delete_Partition_Pool        PMC_Delete_Partition_Pool
+#define         NU_Allocate_Partition           PMC_Allocate_Partition
+#define         NU_Deallocate_Partition         PMC_Deallocate_Partition
+#define         NU_Established_Partition_Pools  PMF_Established_Partition_Pools
+#define         NU_Partition_Pool_Information   PMF_Partition_Pool_Information
+#define         NU_Partition_Pool_Pointers      PMF_Partition_Pool_Pointers
+#define         NU_Create_Memory_Pool           DMC_Create_Memory_Pool
+#define         NU_Delete_Memory_Pool           DMC_Delete_Memory_Pool
+#define         NU_Allocate_Memory              DMC_Allocate_Memory
+#define         NU_Deallocate_Memory            DMC_Deallocate_Memory
+#define         NU_Established_Memory_Pools     DMF_Established_Memory_Pools
+#define         NU_Memory_Pool_Information      DMF_Memory_Pool_Information
+#define         NU_Memory_Pool_Pointers         DMF_Memory_Pool_Pointers
+#define         NU_Control_Signals              TCS_Control_Signals
+#define         NU_Receive_Signals              TCS_Receive_Signals
+#define         NU_Register_Signal_Handler      TCS_Register_Signal_Handler
+#define         NU_Send_Signals                 TCS_Send_Signals
+#define         NU_Setup_Vector                 INT_Setup_Vector
+#define         NU_Register_LISR                TCC_Register_LISR
+#define         NU_Activate_HISR                TCT_Activate_HISR
+#define         NU_Create_HISR                  TCC_Create_HISR
+#define         NU_Delete_HISR                  TCC_Delete_HISR
+#define         NU_Current_HISR_Pointer         TCC_Current_HISR_Pointer
+#define         NU_Established_HISRs            TCF_Established_HISRs
+#define         NU_HISR_Pointers                TCF_HISR_Pointers
+#define         NU_HISR_Information             TCF_HISR_Information
+#define         NU_Protect                      TCT_Protect
+#define         NU_Unprotect                    TCT_Unprotect
+#define         NU_Control_Interrupts           TCT_Control_Interrupts
+#define         NU_Local_Control_Interrupts     TCT_Local_Control_Interrupts
+#define         NU_Restore_Interrupts           TCT_Restore_Interrupts
+#define         NU_Set_Clock                    TMT_Set_Clock
+#define         NU_Retrieve_Clock               TMT_Retrieve_Clock
+#define         NU_Create_Timer                 TMS_Create_Timer
+#define         NU_Delete_Timer                 TMS_Delete_Timer
+#define         NU_Control_Timer                TMS_Control_Timer
+#define         NU_Reset_Timer                  TMS_Reset_Timer
+#define         NU_Established_Timers           TMF_Established_Timers
+#define         NU_Timer_Pointers               TMF_Timer_Pointers
+#define         NU_Timer_Information            TMF_Timer_Information
+#define         NU_Release_Information          RLC_Release_Information
+#define         NU_License_Information          LIC_License_Information
+#define         NU_Disable_History_Saving       HIC_Disable_History_Saving
+#define         NU_Enable_History_Saving        HIC_Enable_History_Saving
+#define         NU_Make_History_Entry           HIC_Make_History_Entry_Service
+#define         NU_Retrieve_History_Entry       HIC_Retrieve_History_Entry
+#define         NU_Create_Driver                IOC_Create_Driver
+#define         NU_Delete_Driver                IOC_Delete_Driver
+#define         NU_Request_Driver               IOC_Request_Driver
+#define         NU_Resume_Driver                IOC_Resume_Driver
+#define         NU_Suspend_Driver               IOC_Suspend_Driver
+#define         NU_Established_Drivers          IOF_Established_Drivers
+#define         NU_Driver_Pointers              IOF_Driver_Pointers
+#define         NU_Create_Task                  TCCE_Create_Task
+#define         NU_Delete_Task                  TCCE_Delete_Task
+#define         NU_Reset_Task                   TCCE_Reset_Task
+#define         NU_Terminate_Task               TCCE_Terminate_Task
+#define         NU_Resume_Task                  TCCE_Resume_Service
+#define         NU_Suspend_Task                 TCCE_Suspend_Service
+#define         NU_Relinquish                   TCCE_Relinquish
+#define         NU_Sleep                        TCCE_Task_Sleep
+#define         NU_Change_Priority              TCSE_Change_Priority
+#define         NU_Change_Preemption            TCSE_Change_Preemption
+#define         NU_Change_Time_Slice            TCSE_Change_Time_Slice
+#define         NU_Check_Stack                  TCT_Check_Stack
+#define         NU_Current_Task_Pointer         TCC_Current_Task_Pointer
+#define         NU_Established_Tasks            TCF_Established_Tasks
+#define         NU_Task_Information             TCF_Task_Information
+#define         NU_Task_Pointers                TCF_Task_Pointers
+#define         NU_Create_Mailbox               MBCE_Create_Mailbox
+#define         NU_Delete_Mailbox               MBCE_Delete_Mailbox
+#define         NU_Reset_Mailbox                MBSE_Reset_Mailbox
+#define         NU_Send_To_Mailbox              MBCE_Send_To_Mailbox
+#define         NU_Broadcast_To_Mailbox         MBSE_Broadcast_To_Mailbox
+#define         NU_Receive_From_Mailbox         MBCE_Receive_From_Mailbox
+#define         NU_Established_Mailboxes        MBF_Established_Mailboxes
+#define         NU_Mailbox_Information          MBF_Mailbox_Information
+#define         NU_Mailbox_Pointers             MBF_Mailbox_Pointers
+#define         NU_Create_Queue                 QUCE_Create_Queue
+#define         NU_Delete_Queue                 QUCE_Delete_Queue
+#define         NU_Reset_Queue                  QUSE_Reset_Queue
+#define         NU_Send_To_Queue                QUCE_Send_To_Queue
+#define         NU_Send_To_Front_Of_Queue       QUSE_Send_To_Front_Of_Queue
+#define         NU_Broadcast_To_Queue           QUSE_Broadcast_To_Queue
+#define         NU_Receive_From_Queue           QUCE_Receive_From_Queue
+#define         NU_Established_Queues           QUF_Established_Queues
+#define         NU_Queue_Information            QUF_Queue_Information
+#define         NU_Queue_Pointers               QUF_Queue_Pointers
+#define         NU_Create_Pipe                  PICE_Create_Pipe 
+#define         NU_Delete_Pipe                  PICE_Delete_Pipe 
+#define         NU_Reset_Pipe                   PISE_Reset_Pipe
+#define         NU_Send_To_Front_Of_Pipe        PISE_Send_To_Front_Of_Pipe 
+#define         NU_Send_To_Pipe                 PICE_Send_To_Pipe 
+#define         NU_Broadcast_To_Pipe            PISE_Broadcast_To_Pipe 
+#define         NU_Receive_From_Pipe            PICE_Receive_From_Pipe 
+#define         NU_Established_Pipes            PIF_Established_Pipes   
+#define         NU_Pipe_Information             PIF_Pipe_Information
+#define         NU_Pipe_Pointers                PIF_Pipe_Pointers
+#define         NU_Create_Semaphore             SMCE_Create_Semaphore
+#define         NU_Delete_Semaphore             SMCE_Delete_Semaphore
+#define         NU_Reset_Semaphore              SMSE_Reset_Semaphore
+#define         NU_Obtain_Semaphore             SMCE_Obtain_Semaphore
+#define         NU_Release_Semaphore            SMCE_Release_Semaphore
+#define         NU_Established_Semaphores       SMF_Established_Semaphores
+#define         NU_Semaphore_Information        SMF_Semaphore_Information
+#define         NU_Semaphore_Pointers           SMF_Semaphore_Pointers
+#define         NU_Create_Event_Group           EVCE_Create_Event_Group
+#define         NU_Delete_Event_Group           EVCE_Delete_Event_Group
+#define         NU_Set_Events                   EVCE_Set_Events
+#define         NU_Retrieve_Events              EVCE_Retrieve_Events
+#define         NU_Established_Event_Groups     EVF_Established_Event_Groups
+#define         NU_Event_Group_Information      EVF_Event_Group_Information
+#define         NU_Event_Group_Pointers         EVF_Event_Group_Pointers
+#define         NU_Create_Partition_Pool        PMCE_Create_Partition_Pool
+#define         NU_Delete_Partition_Pool        PMCE_Delete_Partition_Pool
+#define         NU_Allocate_Partition           PMCE_Allocate_Partition
+#define         NU_Deallocate_Partition         PMCE_Deallocate_Partition
+#define         NU_Established_Partition_Pools  PMF_Established_Partition_Pools
+#define         NU_Partition_Pool_Information   PMF_Partition_Pool_Information
+#define         NU_Partition_Pool_Pointers      PMF_Partition_Pool_Pointers
+#define         NU_Create_Memory_Pool           DMCE_Create_Memory_Pool
+#define         NU_Delete_Memory_Pool           DMCE_Delete_Memory_Pool
+#define         NU_Allocate_Memory              DMCE_Allocate_Memory
+#define         NU_Deallocate_Memory            DMCE_Deallocate_Memory
+#define         NU_Established_Memory_Pools     DMF_Established_Memory_Pools
+#define         NU_Memory_Pool_Information      DMF_Memory_Pool_Information
+#define         NU_Memory_Pool_Pointers         DMF_Memory_Pool_Pointers
+#define         NU_Control_Signals              TCSE_Control_Signals
+#define         NU_Receive_Signals              TCSE_Receive_Signals
+#define         NU_Register_Signal_Handler      TCSE_Register_Signal_Handler
+#define         NU_Send_Signals                 TCSE_Send_Signals
+#define         NU_Setup_Vector                 INT_Setup_Vector
+#define         NU_Register_LISR                TCC_Register_LISR
+#define         NU_Activate_HISR                TCCE_Activate_HISR
+#define         NU_Create_HISR                  TCCE_Create_HISR
+#define         NU_Delete_HISR                  TCCE_Delete_HISR
+#define         NU_Current_HISR_Pointer         TCF_Current_HISR_Pointer
+#define         NU_Established_HISRs            TCF_Established_HISRs
+#define         NU_HISR_Pointers                TCF_HISR_Pointers
+#define         NU_HISR_Information             TCF_HISR_Information
+#define         NU_Protect                      TCT_Protect
+#define         NU_Unprotect                    TCT_Unprotect
+#define         NU_Control_Interrupts           TCT_Control_Interrupts
+#define         NU_Local_Control_Interrupts     TCT_Local_Control_Interrupts
+#define         NU_Restore_Interrupts           TCT_Restore_Interrupts
+#define         NU_Set_Clock                    TMT_Set_Clock
+#define         NU_Retrieve_Clock               TMT_Retrieve_Clock
+#define         NU_Create_Timer                 TMSE_Create_Timer
+#define         NU_Delete_Timer                 TMSE_Delete_Timer
+#define         NU_Control_Timer                TMSE_Control_Timer
+#define         NU_Reset_Timer                  TMSE_Reset_Timer
+#define         NU_Established_Timers           TMF_Established_Timers
+#define         NU_Timer_Pointers               TMF_Timer_Pointers
+#define         NU_Timer_Information            TMF_Timer_Information
+#define         NU_Release_Information          RLC_Release_Information
+#define         NU_License_Information          LIC_License_Information
+#define         NU_Disable_History_Saving       HIC_Disable_History_Saving
+#define         NU_Enable_History_Saving        HIC_Enable_History_Saving
+#define         NU_Make_History_Entry           HIC_Make_History_Entry_Service
+#define         NU_Retrieve_History_Entry       HIC_Retrieve_History_Entry
+#define         NU_Create_Driver                IOCE_Create_Driver
+#define         NU_Delete_Driver                IOCE_Delete_Driver
+#define         NU_Request_Driver               IOCE_Request_Driver
+#define         NU_Resume_Driver                IOCE_Resume_Driver
+#define         NU_Suspend_Driver               IOCE_Suspend_Driver
+#define         NU_Established_Drivers          IOF_Established_Drivers
+#define         NU_Driver_Pointers              IOF_Driver_Pointers
+/* Define task control functions.  */
+STATUS          NU_Create_Task(NU_TASK *task, CHAR *name, 
+                        VOID (*task_entry)(UNSIGNED, VOID *), UNSIGNED argc,
+                        VOID *argv, VOID *stack_address, UNSIGNED stack_size,
+                        OPTION priority, UNSIGNED time_slice, 
+                        OPTION preempt, OPTION auto_start);
+STATUS          NU_Delete_Task(NU_TASK *task);
+STATUS          NU_Reset_Task(NU_TASK *task, UNSIGNED argc, VOID *argv);
+STATUS          NU_Terminate_Task(NU_TASK *task);
+STATUS          NU_Resume_Task(NU_TASK *task);
+STATUS          NU_Suspend_Task(NU_TASK *task);
+VOID            NU_Relinquish(VOID);
+VOID            NU_Sleep(UNSIGNED ticks);
+OPTION          NU_Change_Priority(NU_TASK *task, OPTION new_priority);
+OPTION          NU_Change_Preemption(OPTION preempt);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Change_Time_Slice(NU_TASK *task, UNSIGNED time_slice);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Check_Stack(VOID);
+NU_TASK        *NU_Current_Task_Pointer(VOID);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Established_Tasks(VOID);
+STATUS          NU_Task_Information(NU_TASK *task, CHAR *name, 
+                        DATA_ELEMENT *status, UNSIGNED *scheduled_count,
+                        OPTION *priority, OPTION *preempt,
+                        UNSIGNED *time_slice, VOID **stack_base,
+                        UNSIGNED *stack_size, UNSIGNED *minimum_stack);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Task_Pointers(NU_TASK **pointer_list, 
+                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
+/* Define Mailbox management functions.  */
+STATUS          NU_Create_Mailbox(NU_MAILBOX *mailbox, CHAR *name, 
+                                                OPTION suspend_type);
+STATUS          NU_Delete_Mailbox(NU_MAILBOX *mailbox);
+STATUS          NU_Reset_Mailbox(NU_MAILBOX *mailbox);
+STATUS          NU_Send_To_Mailbox(NU_MAILBOX *mailbox, VOID *message, 
+                                                        UNSIGNED suspend);
+STATUS          NU_Broadcast_To_Mailbox(NU_MAILBOX *mailbox, VOID *message,
+                                                        UNSIGNED suspend);
+STATUS          NU_Receive_From_Mailbox(NU_MAILBOX *mailbox, VOID *message,
+                                                        UNSIGNED suspend);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Established_Mailboxes(VOID);
+STATUS          NU_Mailbox_Information(NU_MAILBOX *mailbox, CHAR *name, 
+                  OPTION *suspend_type, OPTION *message_present,
+                  UNSIGNED *tasks_waiting, NU_TASK **first_task);
+UNSIGNED        MBC_Mailbox_Pointers(NU_MAILBOX **pointer_list, 
+                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
+/* Define Queue management functions.  */
+STATUS          NU_Create_Queue(NU_QUEUE *queue, CHAR *name, 
+                      VOID *start_address, UNSIGNED queue_size, 
+                      OPTION message_type, UNSIGNED message_size,
+                      OPTION suspend_type);
+STATUS          NU_Delete_Queue(NU_QUEUE *queue);
+STATUS          NU_Reset_Queue(NU_QUEUE *queue);
+STATUS          NU_Send_To_Front_Of_Queue(NU_QUEUE *queue, VOID *message, 
+                                        UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED suspend);
+STATUS          NU_Send_To_Queue(NU_QUEUE *queue, VOID *message, 
+                                        UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED suspend);
+STATUS          NU_Broadcast_To_Queue(NU_QUEUE *queue, VOID *message, 
+                                        UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED suspend);
+STATUS          NU_Receive_From_Queue(NU_QUEUE *queue, VOID *message,
+                      UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED *actual_size, UNSIGNED suspend);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Established_Queues(VOID);
+STATUS          NU_Queue_Information(NU_QUEUE *queue, CHAR *name, 
+                  VOID **start_address, UNSIGNED *queue_size, 
+                  UNSIGNED *available, UNSIGNED *messages, 
+                  OPTION *message_type, UNSIGNED *message_size,
+                  OPTION *suspend_type, UNSIGNED *tasks_waiting,
+                  NU_TASK **first_task);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Queue_Pointers(NU_QUEUE **pointer_list, 
+                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
+/* Define Pipe management functions.  */
+STATUS          NU_Create_Pipe(NU_PIPE *pipe, CHAR *name, 
+                      VOID *start_address, UNSIGNED pipe_size, 
+                      OPTION message_type, UNSIGNED message_size,
+                      OPTION suspend_type);
+STATUS          NU_Delete_Pipe(NU_PIPE *pipe);
+STATUS          NU_Reset_Pipe(NU_PIPE *pipe);
+STATUS          NU_Send_To_Front_Of_Pipe(NU_PIPE *pipe, VOID *message, 
+                                        UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED suspend);
+STATUS          NU_Send_To_Pipe(NU_PIPE *pipe, VOID *message, 
+                                        UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED suspend);
+STATUS          NU_Broadcast_To_Pipe(NU_PIPE *pipe, VOID *message, 
+                                        UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED suspend);
+STATUS          NU_Receive_From_Pipe(NU_PIPE *pipe, VOID *message,
+                      UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED *actual_size, UNSIGNED suspend);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Established_Pipes(VOID);
+STATUS          NU_Pipe_Information(NU_PIPE *pipe, CHAR *name, 
+                  VOID **start_address, UNSIGNED *pipe_size, 
+                  UNSIGNED *available, UNSIGNED *messages, 
+                  OPTION *message_type, UNSIGNED *message_size,
+                  OPTION *suspend_type, UNSIGNED *tasks_waiting,
+                  NU_TASK **first_task);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Pipe_Pointers(NU_PIPE **pointer_list, 
+                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
+/* Define Semaphore management functions.  */
+STATUS          NU_Create_Semaphore(NU_SEMAPHORE *semaphore, CHAR *name, 
+                        UNSIGNED initial_count, OPTION suspend_type);
+STATUS          NU_Delete_Semaphore(NU_SEMAPHORE *semaphore);
+STATUS          NU_Reset_Semaphore(NU_SEMAPHORE *semaphore, 
+                                        UNSIGNED initial_count);
+STATUS          NU_Obtain_Semaphore(NU_SEMAPHORE *semaphore, UNSIGNED suspend);
+STATUS          NU_Release_Semaphore(NU_SEMAPHORE *semaphore);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Established_Semaphores(VOID);
+STATUS          NU_Semaphore_Information(NU_SEMAPHORE *semaphore, CHAR *name, 
+                  UNSIGNED *current_count, OPTION *suspend_type, 
+                  UNSIGNED *tasks_waiting, NU_TASK **first_task);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Semaphore_Pointers(NU_SEMAPHORE **pointer_list, 
+                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
+/* Define Event Group management functions.  */
+STATUS          NU_Create_Event_Group(NU_EVENT_GROUP *group, CHAR *name);
+STATUS          NU_Delete_Event_Group(NU_EVENT_GROUP *group);
+STATUS          NU_Set_Events(NU_EVENT_GROUP *group, UNSIGNED events, 
+                                                OPTION operation);
+STATUS          NU_Retrieve_Events(NU_EVENT_GROUP *group, 
+                        UNSIGNED requested_flags, OPTION operation, 
+                        UNSIGNED *retrieved_flags, UNSIGNED suspend);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Established_Event_Groups(VOID);
+STATUS          NU_Event_Group_Information(NU_EVENT_GROUP *group, CHAR *name, 
+                  UNSIGNED *event_flags, UNSIGNED *tasks_waiting, 
+                  NU_TASK **first_task);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Event_Group_Pointers(NU_EVENT_GROUP **pointer_list, 
+                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
+/* Define Signal processing functions.  */
+UNSIGNED        NU_Control_Signals(UNSIGNED signal_enable_mask);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Receive_Signals(VOID);
+STATUS          NU_Register_Signal_Handler(VOID (*signal_handler)(UNSIGNED));
+STATUS          NU_Send_Signals(NU_TASK *task, UNSIGNED signals);
+/* Define Partition memory management functions.  */
+STATUS          NU_Create_Partition_Pool(NU_PARTITION_POOL *pool, CHAR *name, 
+                        VOID *start_address, UNSIGNED pool_size,
+                        UNSIGNED partition_size, OPTION suspend_type);
+STATUS          NU_Delete_Partition_Pool(NU_PARTITION_POOL *pool);
+STATUS          NU_Allocate_Partition(NU_PARTITION_POOL *pool, 
+                                VOID **return_pointer, UNSIGNED suspend);
+STATUS          NU_Deallocate_Partition(VOID *partition);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Established_Partition_Pools(VOID);
+STATUS          NU_Partition_Pool_Information(NU_PARTITION_POOL *pool, 
+                        CHAR *name, 
+                  VOID **start_address, UNSIGNED *pool_size,
+                  UNSIGNED *partition_size, UNSIGNED *available,
+                  UNSIGNED *allocated, OPTION *suspend_type, 
+                  UNSIGNED *tasks_waiting, NU_TASK **first_task);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Partition_Pool_Pointers(NU_PARTITION_POOL **pointer_list, 
+                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
+/* Define Dynamic memory management functions.  */
+STATUS          NU_Create_Memory_Pool(NU_MEMORY_POOL *pool, CHAR *name, 
+                        VOID *start_address, UNSIGNED pool_size,
+                        UNSIGNED min_allocation, OPTION suspend_type);
+STATUS          NU_Delete_Memory_Pool(NU_MEMORY_POOL *pool);
+STATUS          NU_Allocate_Memory(NU_MEMORY_POOL *pool, VOID **return_pointer,
+                                UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED suspend);
+STATUS          NU_Deallocate_Memory(VOID *memory);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Established_Memory_Pools(VOID);
+STATUS          NU_Memory_Pool_Information(NU_MEMORY_POOL *pool, CHAR *name, 
+                  VOID **start_address, UNSIGNED *pool_size,
+                  UNSIGNED *min_allocation, UNSIGNED *available,
+                  OPTION *suspend_type, UNSIGNED *tasks_waiting, 
+                  NU_TASK **first_task);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Memory_Pool_Pointers(NU_MEMORY_POOL **pointer_list, 
+                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
+/* Define Interrupt management functions.  */
+INT             NU_Control_Interrupts(INT new_level);
+INT             NU_Local_Control_Interrupts(INT new_level);
+VOID            NU_Restore_Interrupts(VOID);
+VOID           *NU_Setup_Vector(INT vector, VOID *new_vector);
+STATUS          NU_Register_LISR(INT vector, 
+                                VOID (*new_lisr)(INT),
+                                        VOID (**old_lisr)(INT));
+STATUS          NU_Activate_HISR(NU_HISR *hisr);
+STATUS          NU_Create_HISR(NU_HISR *hisr, CHAR *name,
+                        VOID (*hisr_entry)(VOID), OPTION priority,
+                        VOID *stack_address, UNSIGNED stack_size);
+STATUS          NU_Delete_HISR(NU_HISR *hisr);
+NU_HISR        *NU_Current_HISR_Pointer(VOID);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Established_HISRs(VOID);
+STATUS          NU_HISR_Information(NU_HISR *hisr, CHAR *name,
+                        UNSIGNED *scheduled_count, DATA_ELEMENT *priority,
+                        VOID **stack_base, UNSIGNED *stack_size,
+                        UNSIGNED *minimum_stack);
+UNSIGNED        NU_HISR_Pointers(NU_HISR **pointer_list,
+                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
+VOID            NU_Protect(NU_PROTECT *protect_struct);
+VOID            NU_Unprotect(VOID);
+/* Timer management functions.  */
+STATUS          NU_Create_Timer(NU_TIMER *timer, CHAR *name, 
+                        VOID (*expiration_routine)(UNSIGNED), UNSIGNED id,
+                        UNSIGNED initial_time, UNSIGNED reschedule_time,
+                        OPTION enable);
+STATUS          NU_Delete_Timer(NU_TIMER *timer);
+STATUS          NU_Reset_Timer(NU_TIMER *timer, 
+                        VOID (*expiration_routine)(UNSIGNED), 
+                        UNSIGNED initial_time, UNSIGNED reschedule_timer,
+                        OPTION enable);
+STATUS          NU_Control_Timer(NU_TIMER *timer, OPTION enable);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Established_Timers(VOID);
+STATUS          NU_Timer_Information(NU_TIMER *timer, CHAR *name, 
+                  OPTION *enable, UNSIGNED *expirations, UNSIGNED *id,
+                  UNSIGNED *initial_time, UNSIGNED *reschedule_time);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Timer_Pointers(NU_TIMER **pointer_list, 
+                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
+VOID            NU_Set_Clock(UNSIGNED new_value);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Retrieve_Clock(VOID);
+/* Development support functions.  */
+CHAR           *NU_Release_Information(VOID);
+CHAR           *NU_License_Information(VOID);
+VOID            NU_Disable_History_Saving(VOID);
+VOID            NU_Enable_History_Saving(VOID);
+VOID            NU_Make_History_Entry(UNSIGNED param1, UNSIGNED param2,
+                                                UNSIGNED param3);
+STATUS          NU_Retrieve_History_Entry(DATA_ELEMENT *id, 
+                        UNSIGNED *param1, UNSIGNED *param2, UNSIGNED *param3,
+                        UNSIGNED *time, NU_TASK **task, NU_HISR **hisr);
+/* Input/Output Driver functions.  */
+STATUS          NU_Create_Driver(NU_DRIVER *driver, CHAR *name, 
+                    VOID (*driver_entry)(NU_DRIVER *, NU_DRIVER_REQUEST *));
+STATUS          NU_Delete_Driver(NU_DRIVER *driver);
+STATUS          NU_Request_Driver(NU_DRIVER *driver, 
+                                                NU_DRIVER_REQUEST *request);
+STATUS          NU_Resume_Driver(NU_TASK *task);
+STATUS          NU_Suspend_Driver(VOID (*terminate_routine)(VOID *),
+                                        VOID *information, UNSIGNED timeout);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Established_Drivers(VOID);
+UNSIGNED        NU_Driver_Pointers(NU_DRIVER **pointer_list, 
+                                                UNSIGNED maximum_pointers);
+#ifdef          __cplusplus
+}                                           /* End of C declarations     */
+#endif  /* !NUCLEUS */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/pi_defs.h	Sun Jul 15 21:02:08 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+/*                                                                       */
+/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
+/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
+/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
+/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
+/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      pi_defs.h                                       PLUS  1.2        */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* COMPONENT                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      PI - Pipe Management                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      This file contains data structure definitions and constants for  */
+/*      the message Pipe component.                                      */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* AUTHOR                                                                */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      PI_PCB                              Pipe control block           */
+/*      PI_SUSPEND                          Pipe suspension block        */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      None                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      cs_defs.h                           Common service definitions   */
+/*      tc_defs.h                           Thread Control definitions   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* HISTORY                                                               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0      */
+/*      D. Lamie        04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0             */
+/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1994      Moved include files outside of   */
+/*                                        the file #ifndef to allow the  */
+/*                                        use of actual data structures, */
+/*                                        removed protection structure,  */
+/*                                        put padding into structure,    */
+/*                                        resulting in version 1.1       */
+/*      R. Pfaff -                                                       */
+/*      D. Lamie        03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1             */
+/*      M.Q. Qian       04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2           */
+/*                                                                       */
+#include        "cs_defs.h"                 /* Common service constants  */
+#include        "tc_defs.h"                 /* Thread control constants  */
+/* Check to see if the file has been included already.  */
+#ifndef PI_DEFS
+#define PI_DEFS
+/* Define constants local to this component.  */
+#define         PI_PIPE_ID              0x50495045UL
+/* Define the Pipe Control Block data type.  */
+typedef struct PI_PCB_STRUCT 
+    CS_NODE             pi_created;            /* Node for linking to    */
+                                               /*   created pipe list    */
+    UNSIGNED            pi_id;                 /* Internal PCB ID        */
+    CHAR                pi_name[NU_MAX_NAME];  /* Pipe name              */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        pi_fixed_size;         /* Fixed-size messages?   */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        pi_fifo_suspend;       /* Suspension type flag   */
+#if     PAD_2
+    DATA_ELEMENT        pi_padding[PAD_2];
+    UNSIGNED            pi_pipe_size;          /* Total size of pipe     */
+    UNSIGNED            pi_messages;           /* Messages in pipe       */
+    UNSIGNED            pi_message_size;       /* Size of each message   */
+    UNSIGNED            pi_available;          /* Available bytes        */
+    BYTE_PTR            pi_start;              /* Start of pipe area     */
+    BYTE_PTR            pi_end;                /* End of pipe area + 1   */
+    BYTE_PTR            pi_read;               /* Read pointer           */
+    BYTE_PTR            pi_write;              /* Write pointer          */
+    UNSIGNED            pi_tasks_waiting;      /* Number of waiting tasks*/
+                       *pi_urgent_list;        /* Urgent message suspend */
+                       *pi_suspension_list;    /* Suspension list        */
+} PI_PCB;    
+/* Define the Pipe suspension structure.  This structure is allocated off of
+   the caller's stack.  */
+typedef struct PI_SUSPEND_STRUCT
+    CS_NODE             pi_suspend_link;       /* Link to suspend blocks */
+    PI_PCB             *pi_pipe;               /* Pointer to the pipe    */
+    TC_TCB             *pi_suspended_task;     /* Task suspended         */
+    BYTE_PTR            pi_message_area;       /* Pointer to message area*/
+    UNSIGNED            pi_message_size;       /* Message size requested */
+    UNSIGNED            pi_actual_size;        /* Actual size of message */
+    STATUS              pi_return_status;      /* Return status          */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/pm_defs.h	Sun Jul 15 21:02:08 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+/*                                                                       */
+/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
+/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
+/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
+/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
+/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      pm_defs.h                                       PLUS  1.2        */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* COMPONENT                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      PM - Partition Memory Management                                 */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      This file contains data structure definitions and constants for  */
+/*      the Partition Memory component.                                  */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* AUTHOR                                                                */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      PM_PCB                              Partition Pool control block */
+/*      PM_HEADER                           Header of each partition     */
+/*      PM_SUSPEND                          Partition suspension block   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      None                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      cs_defs.h                           Common service definitions   */
+/*      tc_defs.h                           Thread Control definitions   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* HISTORY                                                               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0      */
+/*      D. Lamie        04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0             */
+/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1994      Moved include files outside of   */
+/*                                        the file #ifndef to allow the  */
+/*                                        use of actual data structures, */
+/*                                        removed protect structure,     */
+/*                                        added padding logic,           */
+/*                                        resulting in version 1.1       */
+/*      R. Pfaff -                                                       */
+/*      D. Lamie        03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1             */
+/*      M.Q. Qian       04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2           */
+/*                                                                       */
+#include        "cs_defs.h"                 /* Common service constants  */
+#include        "tc_defs.h"                 /* Thread control constants  */
+/* Check to see if the file has been included already.  */
+#ifndef PM_DEFS
+#define PM_DEFS
+/* Define constants local to this component.  */
+#define         PM_PARTITION_ID         0x50415254UL
+#define         PM_OVERHEAD            ((sizeof(PM_HEADER) + sizeof(UNSIGNED) \
+                                        - 1)/sizeof(UNSIGNED)) *    \
+                                        sizeof(UNSIGNED)
+/* Define the Partition Pool Control Block data type.  */
+typedef struct PM_PCB_STRUCT 
+    CS_NODE             pm_created;            /* Node for linking to    */
+                                               /* created partition list */
+    UNSIGNED            pm_id;                 /* Internal PCB ID        */
+    CHAR                pm_name[NU_MAX_NAME];  /* Partition Pool name    */
+    VOID               *pm_start_address;      /* Starting pool address  */
+    UNSIGNED            pm_pool_size;          /* Size of pool           */
+    UNSIGNED            pm_partition_size;     /* Size of each partition */
+    UNSIGNED            pm_available;          /* Available partitions   */
+    UNSIGNED            pm_allocated;          /* Allocated partitions   */
+    struct PM_HEADER_STRUCT    
+                       *pm_available_list;     /* Available list         */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        pm_fifo_suspend;       /* Suspension type flag   */
+#if     PAD_1
+    DATA_ELEMENT        pm_padding[PAD_1];
+    UNSIGNED            pm_tasks_waiting;      /* Number of waiting tasks*/
+                       *pm_suspension_list;    /* Suspension list        */
+} PM_PCB;    
+/* Define the header structure that is in front of each memory partition.  */
+typedef struct PM_HEADER_STRUCT
+    struct PM_HEADER_STRUCT
+                       *pm_next_available;     /* Next available memory  */
+                                               /*   partition            */
+    PM_PCB             *pm_partition_pool;     /* Partition pool pointer */
+/* Define the partition suspension structure.  This structure is allocated 
+   off of the caller's stack.  */
+typedef struct PM_SUSPEND_STRUCT
+    CS_NODE             pm_suspend_link;       /* Link to suspend blocks */
+    PM_PCB             *pm_partition_pool;     /* Pointer to pool        */
+    TC_TCB             *pm_suspended_task;     /* Task suspended         */
+    VOID               *pm_return_pointer;     /* Return memory address  */
+    STATUS              pm_return_status;      /* Return status          */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/qu_defs.h	Sun Jul 15 21:02:08 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+/*                                                                       */
+/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
+/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
+/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
+/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
+/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      qu_defs.h                                       PLUS  1.2        */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* COMPONENT                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      QU - Queue Management                                            */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      This file contains data structure definitions and constants for  */
+/*      the message Queue component.                                     */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* AUTHOR                                                                */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      QU_QCB                              Queue control block          */
+/*      QU_SUSPEND                          Queue suspension block       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      None                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      cs_defs.h                           Common service definitions   */
+/*      tc_defs.h                           Thread Control definitions   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* HISTORY                                                               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0      */
+/*      D. Lamie        04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0             */
+/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1994      Moved include files outside of   */
+/*                                        the file #ifndef to allow the  */
+/*                                        use of actual data structures, */
+/*                                        removed protection structure,  */
+/*                                        put padding into structure,    */
+/*                                        resulting in version 1.1       */
+/*      R. Pfaff -                                                       */
+/*      D. Lamie        03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1             */
+/*      M.Q. Qian       04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2           */
+/*                                                                       */
+#include        "cs_defs.h"                 /* Common service constants  */
+#include        "tc_defs.h"                 /* Thread control constants  */
+/* Check to see if the file has been included already.  */
+#ifndef QU_DEFS
+#define QU_DEFS
+/* Define constants local to this component.  */
+#define         QU_QUEUE_ID             0x51554555UL
+/* Define the Queue Control Block data type.  */
+typedef struct QU_QCB_STRUCT 
+    CS_NODE             qu_created;            /* Node for linking to    */
+                                               /*   created queue list   */
+    UNSIGNED            qu_id;                 /* Internal QCB ID        */
+    CHAR                qu_name[NU_MAX_NAME];  /* Queue name             */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        qu_fixed_size;         /* Fixed-size messages?   */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        qu_fifo_suspend;       /* Suspension type flag   */
+#if     PAD_2
+    DATA_ELEMENT        qu_padding[PAD_2];
+    UNSIGNED            qu_queue_size;         /* Total size of queue    */
+    UNSIGNED            qu_messages;           /* Messages in queue      */
+    UNSIGNED            qu_message_size;       /* Size of each message   */
+    UNSIGNED            qu_available;          /* Available words        */
+    UNSIGNED_PTR        qu_start;              /* Start of queue area    */
+    UNSIGNED_PTR        qu_end;                /* End of queue area + 1  */
+    UNSIGNED_PTR        qu_read;               /* Read pointer           */
+    UNSIGNED_PTR        qu_write;              /* Write pointer          */
+    UNSIGNED            qu_tasks_waiting;      /* Number of waiting tasks*/
+                       *qu_urgent_list;        /* Urgent message suspend */
+                       *qu_suspension_list;    /* Suspension list        */
+} QU_QCB;    
+/* Define the queue suspension structure.  This structure is allocated off of
+   the caller's stack.  */
+typedef struct QU_SUSPEND_STRUCT
+    CS_NODE             qu_suspend_link;       /* Link to suspend blocks */
+    QU_QCB             *qu_queue;              /* Pointer to the queue   */
+    TC_TCB             *qu_suspended_task;     /* Task suspended         */
+    UNSIGNED_PTR        qu_message_area;       /* Pointer to message area*/
+    UNSIGNED            qu_message_size;       /* Message size requested */
+    UNSIGNED            qu_actual_size;        /* Actual size of message */
+    STATUS              qu_return_status;      /* Return status          */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/sm_defs.h	Sun Jul 15 21:02:08 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+/*                                                                       */
+/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
+/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
+/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
+/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
+/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      sm_defs.h                                       PLUS  1.2        */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* COMPONENT                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      SM - Semaphore Management                                        */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      This file contains data structure definitions and constants for  */
+/*      the Semaphore component.                                         */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* AUTHOR                                                                */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      SM_SCB                              Semaphore control block      */
+/*      SM_SUSPEND                          Semaphore suspension block   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      None                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      cs_defs.h                           Common service definitions   */
+/*      tc_defs.h                           Thread Control definitions   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* HISTORY                                                               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0      */
+/*      D. Lamie        04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0             */
+/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1994      Moved include files outside of   */
+/*                                        the file #ifndef to allow the  */
+/*                                        use of actual data structures, */
+/*                                        removed protection structure,  */
+/*                                        put padding into structure,    */
+/*                                        resulting in version 1.1       */
+/*      R. Pfaff -                                                       */
+/*      D. Lamie        03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1             */
+/*      M.Q. Qian       04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2           */
+/*                                                                       */
+#include        "cs_defs.h"                 /* Common service constants  */
+#include        "tc_defs.h"                 /* Thread control constants  */
+/* Check to see if the file has been included already.  */
+#ifndef SM_DEFS
+#define SM_DEFS
+/* Define constants local to this component.  */
+#define         SM_SEMAPHORE_ID         0x53454d41UL
+/* Define the Semaphore Control Block data type.  */
+typedef struct SM_SCB_STRUCT 
+    CS_NODE             sm_created;            /* Node for linking to    */
+                                               /* created semaphore list */
+    UNSIGNED            sm_id;                 /* Internal SCB ID        */
+    CHAR                sm_name[NU_MAX_NAME];  /* Semaphore name         */
+    UNSIGNED            sm_semaphore_count;    /* Counting semaphore     */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        sm_fifo_suspend;       /* Suspension type flag   */
+#if     PAD_1
+    DATA_ELEMENT        sm_padding[PAD_1];
+    UNSIGNED            sm_tasks_waiting;      /* Number of waiting tasks*/
+                       *sm_suspension_list;    /* Suspension list        */
+} SM_SCB;    
+/* Define the semaphore suspension structure.  This structure is allocated 
+   off of the caller's stack.  */
+typedef struct SM_SUSPEND_STRUCT
+    CS_NODE             sm_suspend_link;       /* Link to suspend blocks */
+    SM_SCB             *sm_semaphore;          /* Pointer to semaphore   */
+    TC_TCB             *sm_suspended_task;     /* Task suspended         */
+    STATUS              sm_return_status;      /* Return status          */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/tc_defs.h	Sun Jul 15 21:02:08 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+/*                                                                       */
+/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
+/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
+/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
+/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
+/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      tc_defs.h                                       PLUS/MNT         */
+/*                                                      VERSION 1.1      */
+/* COMPONENT                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      TC - Thread Control                                              */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      This file contains data structure definitions and constants for  */
+/*      the component that controls the various threads of execution in  */
+/*      system.  Threads include tasks, HISRs, signal handlers, etc.     */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* AUTHOR                                                                */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      TC_TCB                              Task Control Block           */
+/*      TC_HCB                              HISR Control Block           */
+/*      TC_PROTECT                          Task/HISR protection struct  */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      None                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      cs_defs.h                           Common service definitions   */
+/*      tm_defs.h                           Timer control definitions    */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* HISTORY                                                               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0      */
+/*      D. Lamie        04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0             */
+/*      W. Lamie        06-01-1993      Added padding conditional into   */
+/*                                        TC_TCB structure, making       */
+/*                                        version 1.0a                   */
+/*      D. Lamie        06-01-1993      Verified version 1.0a            */
+/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1994      Moved include files outside of   */
+/*                                        the file #ifndef to allow the  */
+/*                                        use of actual data structures, */
+/*                                        added four reserved words in   */
+/*                                        both the task and HISR blocks, */
+/*                                        resulting in version 1.1       */
+/*      R. Pfaff -                                                       */
+/*      D. Lamie        03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1             */
+/*      M.Q. Qian       04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2           */
+/*      B. Haggerty     03-12-1997      Released MNT Version 1.0         */
+/*      B. Haggerty     08-11-1997      Released MNT Version 1.1         */
+/*                                                                       */
+#include        "cs_defs.h"                 /* Common service constants  */
+#include        "tm_defs.h"                 /* Timer control structures  */
+/* Check to see if the file has been included already.  */
+#ifndef TC_DEFS
+#define TC_DEFS
+/* Define constants local to this component.  */
+#define         TC_TASK_ID              0x5441534bUL
+#define         TC_HISR_ID              0x48495352UL
+#define         TC_PRIORITIES           256
+#define         TC_HISR_PRIORITIES      3
+#define         TC_MAX_GROUPS           TC_PRIORITIES/8
+#define         TC_HIGHEST_MASK         0x000000FFUL
+#define         TC_NEXT_HIGHEST_MASK    0x0000FF00UL
+#define         TC_NEXT_LOWEST_MASK     0x00FF0000UL
+#define         TC_LOWEST_MASK          0xFF000000UL
+/* Define the Task Control Block data type.  */
+typedef struct TC_TCB_STRUCT 
+    /* Standard thread information first.  This information is used by
+       the target dependent portion of this component.  Changes made
+       to this area of the structure can have undesirable side effects.  */
+    CS_NODE             tc_created;            /* Node for linking to    */
+					       /*   created task list    */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_id;                 /* Internal TCB ID        */
+    CHAR                tc_name[NU_MAX_NAME];  /* Task name              */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_status;             /* Task status            */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_delayed_suspend;    /* Delayed task suspension*/
+    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_priority;           /* Task priority          */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_preemption;         /* Task preemption enable */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_scheduled;          /* Task scheduled count   */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_cur_time_slice;     /* Current time slice     */
+    VOID               *tc_stack_start;        /* Stack starting address */
+    VOID               *tc_stack_end;          /* Stack ending address   */
+    VOID               *tc_stack_pointer;      /* Task stack pointer     */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_stack_size;         /* Task stack's size      */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_stack_minimum;      /* Minimum stack size     */
+		       *tc_current_protect;    /* Current protection     */
+    VOID               *tc_saved_stack_ptr;    /* Previous stack pointer */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_time_slice;         /* Task time slice value  */
+    /* Information after this point is not used in the target dependent
+       portion of this component.  Hence, changes in the following section
+       should not impact assembly language routines.  */
+    struct TC_TCB_STRUCT
+		       *tc_ready_previous,     /* Previously ready TCB   */
+		       *tc_ready_next;         /* next and previous ptrs */
+    /* Task control information follows.  */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_priority_group;     /* Priority group mask bit*/
+    struct TC_TCB_STRUCT
+		      **tc_priority_head;      /* Pointer to list head   */
+    DATA_ELEMENT       *tc_sub_priority_ptr;   /* Pointer to sub-group   */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_sub_priority;       /* Mask of sub-group bit  */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_saved_status;       /* Previous task status   */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_signal_active;      /* Signal active flag     */
+#if     PAD_3
+    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_padding[PAD_3];
+					       /* Task entry function    */
+    VOID                (*tc_entry)(UNSIGNED, VOID *);
+    UNSIGNED            tc_argc;               /* Optional task argument */
+    VOID               *tc_argv;               /* Optional task argument */
+    VOID                (*tc_cleanup) (VOID *);/* Clean-up routine       */
+    VOID               *tc_cleanup_info;       /* Clean-up information   */
+		       *tc_suspend_protect;    /* Protection at time of  */
+					       /*   task suspension      */
+    /* Task timer information.  */
+    INT                 tc_timer_active;       /* Active timer flag      */
+    TM_TCB              tc_timer_control;      /* Timer control block    */
+    /* Task signal control information.  */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_signals;            /* Current signals        */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_enabled_signals;    /* Enabled signals        */
+    /* tc_saved_status and tc_signal_active are now defined above in an
+       attempt to keep DATA_ELEMENT types together.  */
+    /* Signal handling routine.  */
+    VOID                (*tc_signal_handler) (UNSIGNED);
+    /* Reserved words for the system and a single reserved word for the
+       application.  */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_system_reserved_1;  /* System reserved word   */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_system_reserved_2;  /* System reserved word   */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_system_reserved_3;  /* System reserved word   */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_app_reserved_1;     /* Application reserved   */
+} TC_TCB;    
+/* Define the High-Level Interrupt Service Routine Control Block data type.  */
+typedef struct TC_HCB_STRUCT 
+    /* Standard thread information first.  This information is used by
+       the target dependent portion of this component.  Changes made
+       to this area of the structure can have undesirable side effects.  */
+    CS_NODE             tc_created;            /* Node for linking to    */
+					       /*   created task list    */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_id;                 /* Internal TCB ID        */
+    CHAR                tc_name[NU_MAX_NAME];  /* HISR name              */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_not_used_1;         /* Not used field         */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_not_used_2;         /* Not used field         */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_priority;           /* HISR priority          */
+    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_not_used_3;         /* Not used field         */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_scheduled;          /* HISR scheduled count   */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_cur_time_slice;     /* Not used in HISR       */
+    VOID               *tc_stack_start;        /* Stack starting address */
+    VOID               *tc_stack_end;          /* Stack ending address   */
+    VOID               *tc_stack_pointer;      /* HISR stack pointer     */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_stack_size;         /* HISR stack's size      */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_stack_minimum;      /* Minimum stack size     */
+		       *tc_current_protect;    /* Current protection     */
+    struct TC_HCB_STRUCT
+		       *tc_active_next;        /* Next activated HISR    */
+    /* Information after this point is not used in the target dependent
+       portion of this component.  Hence, changes in the following section
+       should not impact assembly language routines.  */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_activation_count;   /* Activation counter     */
+    VOID                (*tc_entry)(VOID);     /* HISR entry function    */
+/*#ifdef        SUN             */
+	VOID                            (*tc_actual_entry)();   /* HISR entry function  MNT 1.2 */
+/*#endif                        */
+    /* Reserved words for the system and a single reserved word for the
+       application.  */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_system_reserved_1;  /* System reserved word   */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_system_reserved_2;  /* System reserved word   */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_system_reserved_3;  /* System reserved word   */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_app_reserved_1;     /* Application reserved   */
+} TC_HCB;    
+/* Define the Task/HISR protection structure type.  */
+typedef struct TC_PROTECT_STRUCT
+    TC_TCB             *tc_tcb_pointer;        /* Owner of the protection */
+    UNSIGNED            tc_thread_waiting;     /* Waiting thread flag     */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gpf/inc/nuc/old/tm_defs.h	Sun Jul 15 21:02:08 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+/*                                                                       */
+/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
+/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
+/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
+/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
+/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      tm_defs.h                                       PLUS  1.2        */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* COMPONENT                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      TM - Timer Management                                            */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      This file contains data structure definitions and constants for  */
+/*      the Timer Management component.                                  */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* AUTHOR                                                                */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      TM_TCB                              Timer control block          */
+/*      TM_APP_TCB                          Application timer control    */
+/*                                            block                      */   
+/*                                                                       */
+/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      None                                                             */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      cs_defs.h                           Common service definitions   */
+/*      tc_defs.h                           Thread control definitions   */
+/*                                                                       */
+/* HISTORY                                                               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
+/*                                                                       */
+/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0      */
+/*      D. Lamie        04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0             */
+/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1994      Moved include files outside of   */
+/*                                        the file #ifndef to allow the  */
+/*                                        use of actual data structures, */
+/*                                        resulting in version 1.1       */
+/*      R. Pfaff -                                                       */
+/*      D. Lamie        03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1             */
+/*      M.Q. Qian       04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2           */
+/*                                                                       */
+#include        "cs_defs.h"                 /* Common service constants  */
+/* Check to see if the file has been included already.  */
+#ifndef TM_DEFS
+#define TM_DEFS
+/* Define constants local to this component.  */
+#define         TM_TIMER_ID             0x54494d45UL
+#define         TM_ACTIVE               0
+#define         TM_NOT_ACTIVE           1
+#define         TM_EXPIRED              2
+#define         TM_TASK_TIMER           0
+#define         TM_APPL_TIMER           1
+/* Define the Timer Control Block data type.  */
+typedef struct TM_TCB_STRUCT 
+    INT                 tm_timer_type;         /* Application/Task      */
+    UNSIGNED            tm_remaining_time;     /* Remaining time        */
+    VOID               *tm_information;        /* Information pointer   */
+    struct TM_TCB_STRUCT
+                       *tm_next_timer,         /* Next timer in list    */
+                       *tm_previous_timer;     /* Previous timer in list*/
+} TM_TCB;    
+/* Define Application's Timer Control Block data type.  */
+typedef struct TM_APP_TCB_STRUCT
+    CS_NODE             tm_created;            /* Node for linking to   */
+                                               /*   created timer list  */
+    UNSIGNED            tm_id;                 /* Internal TCB ID       */
+    CHAR                tm_name[NU_MAX_NAME];  /* Timer name            */
+    VOID  (*tm_expiration_routine)(UNSIGNED);  /* Expiration function   */
+    UNSIGNED            tm_expiration_id;      /* Expiration ID         */
+    INT                 tm_enabled;            /* Timer enabled flag    */
+    UNSIGNED            tm_expirations;        /* Number of expirations */
+    UNSIGNED            tm_initial_time;       /* Initial time          */
+    UNSIGNED            tm_reschedule_time;    /* Reschedule time       */
+    TM_TCB              tm_actual_timer;       /* Actual timer internals*/
+/* Include this file here, since it contains references to the timer definition
+   structure that is defined by this file.  */
+#include        "tc_defs.h"
--- a/src/gpf/inc/nuc/pi_defs.h	Sun Jul 15 20:57:33 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                       */
-/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
-/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
-/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
-/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
-/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      pi_defs.h                                       PLUS  1.2        */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* COMPONENT                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      PI - Pipe Management                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      This file contains data structure definitions and constants for  */
-/*      the message Pipe component.                                      */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* AUTHOR                                                                */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      PI_PCB                              Pipe control block           */
-/*      PI_SUSPEND                          Pipe suspension block        */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      None                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      cs_defs.h                           Common service definitions   */
-/*      tc_defs.h                           Thread Control definitions   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* HISTORY                                                               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0      */
-/*      D. Lamie        04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0             */
-/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1994      Moved include files outside of   */
-/*                                        the file #ifndef to allow the  */
-/*                                        use of actual data structures, */
-/*                                        removed protection structure,  */
-/*                                        put padding into structure,    */
-/*                                        resulting in version 1.1       */
-/*      R. Pfaff -                                                       */
-/*      D. Lamie        03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1             */
-/*      M.Q. Qian       04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2           */
-/*                                                                       */
-#include        "cs_defs.h"                 /* Common service constants  */
-#include        "tc_defs.h"                 /* Thread control constants  */
-/* Check to see if the file has been included already.  */
-#ifndef PI_DEFS
-#define PI_DEFS
-/* Define constants local to this component.  */
-#define         PI_PIPE_ID              0x50495045UL
-/* Define the Pipe Control Block data type.  */
-typedef struct PI_PCB_STRUCT 
-    CS_NODE             pi_created;            /* Node for linking to    */
-                                               /*   created pipe list    */
-    UNSIGNED            pi_id;                 /* Internal PCB ID        */
-    CHAR                pi_name[NU_MAX_NAME];  /* Pipe name              */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        pi_fixed_size;         /* Fixed-size messages?   */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        pi_fifo_suspend;       /* Suspension type flag   */
-#if     PAD_2
-    DATA_ELEMENT        pi_padding[PAD_2];
-    UNSIGNED            pi_pipe_size;          /* Total size of pipe     */
-    UNSIGNED            pi_messages;           /* Messages in pipe       */
-    UNSIGNED            pi_message_size;       /* Size of each message   */
-    UNSIGNED            pi_available;          /* Available bytes        */
-    BYTE_PTR            pi_start;              /* Start of pipe area     */
-    BYTE_PTR            pi_end;                /* End of pipe area + 1   */
-    BYTE_PTR            pi_read;               /* Read pointer           */
-    BYTE_PTR            pi_write;              /* Write pointer          */
-    UNSIGNED            pi_tasks_waiting;      /* Number of waiting tasks*/
-                       *pi_urgent_list;        /* Urgent message suspend */
-                       *pi_suspension_list;    /* Suspension list        */
-} PI_PCB;    
-/* Define the Pipe suspension structure.  This structure is allocated off of
-   the caller's stack.  */
-typedef struct PI_SUSPEND_STRUCT
-    CS_NODE             pi_suspend_link;       /* Link to suspend blocks */
-    PI_PCB             *pi_pipe;               /* Pointer to the pipe    */
-    TC_TCB             *pi_suspended_task;     /* Task suspended         */
-    BYTE_PTR            pi_message_area;       /* Pointer to message area*/
-    UNSIGNED            pi_message_size;       /* Message size requested */
-    UNSIGNED            pi_actual_size;        /* Actual size of message */
-    STATUS              pi_return_status;      /* Return status          */
--- a/src/gpf/inc/nuc/pm_defs.h	Sun Jul 15 20:57:33 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                       */
-/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
-/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
-/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
-/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
-/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      pm_defs.h                                       PLUS  1.2        */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* COMPONENT                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      PM - Partition Memory Management                                 */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      This file contains data structure definitions and constants for  */
-/*      the Partition Memory component.                                  */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* AUTHOR                                                                */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      PM_PCB                              Partition Pool control block */
-/*      PM_HEADER                           Header of each partition     */
-/*      PM_SUSPEND                          Partition suspension block   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      None                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      cs_defs.h                           Common service definitions   */
-/*      tc_defs.h                           Thread Control definitions   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* HISTORY                                                               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0      */
-/*      D. Lamie        04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0             */
-/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1994      Moved include files outside of   */
-/*                                        the file #ifndef to allow the  */
-/*                                        use of actual data structures, */
-/*                                        removed protect structure,     */
-/*                                        added padding logic,           */
-/*                                        resulting in version 1.1       */
-/*      R. Pfaff -                                                       */
-/*      D. Lamie        03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1             */
-/*      M.Q. Qian       04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2           */
-/*                                                                       */
-#include        "cs_defs.h"                 /* Common service constants  */
-#include        "tc_defs.h"                 /* Thread control constants  */
-/* Check to see if the file has been included already.  */
-#ifndef PM_DEFS
-#define PM_DEFS
-/* Define constants local to this component.  */
-#define         PM_PARTITION_ID         0x50415254UL
-#define         PM_OVERHEAD            ((sizeof(PM_HEADER) + sizeof(UNSIGNED) \
-                                        - 1)/sizeof(UNSIGNED)) *    \
-                                        sizeof(UNSIGNED)
-/* Define the Partition Pool Control Block data type.  */
-typedef struct PM_PCB_STRUCT 
-    CS_NODE             pm_created;            /* Node for linking to    */
-                                               /* created partition list */
-    UNSIGNED            pm_id;                 /* Internal PCB ID        */
-    CHAR                pm_name[NU_MAX_NAME];  /* Partition Pool name    */
-    VOID               *pm_start_address;      /* Starting pool address  */
-    UNSIGNED            pm_pool_size;          /* Size of pool           */
-    UNSIGNED            pm_partition_size;     /* Size of each partition */
-    UNSIGNED            pm_available;          /* Available partitions   */
-    UNSIGNED            pm_allocated;          /* Allocated partitions   */
-    struct PM_HEADER_STRUCT    
-                       *pm_available_list;     /* Available list         */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        pm_fifo_suspend;       /* Suspension type flag   */
-#if     PAD_1
-    DATA_ELEMENT        pm_padding[PAD_1];
-    UNSIGNED            pm_tasks_waiting;      /* Number of waiting tasks*/
-                       *pm_suspension_list;    /* Suspension list        */
-} PM_PCB;    
-/* Define the header structure that is in front of each memory partition.  */
-typedef struct PM_HEADER_STRUCT
-    struct PM_HEADER_STRUCT
-                       *pm_next_available;     /* Next available memory  */
-                                               /*   partition            */
-    PM_PCB             *pm_partition_pool;     /* Partition pool pointer */
-/* Define the partition suspension structure.  This structure is allocated 
-   off of the caller's stack.  */
-typedef struct PM_SUSPEND_STRUCT
-    CS_NODE             pm_suspend_link;       /* Link to suspend blocks */
-    PM_PCB             *pm_partition_pool;     /* Pointer to pool        */
-    TC_TCB             *pm_suspended_task;     /* Task suspended         */
-    VOID               *pm_return_pointer;     /* Return memory address  */
-    STATUS              pm_return_status;      /* Return status          */
--- a/src/gpf/inc/nuc/qu_defs.h	Sun Jul 15 20:57:33 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                       */
-/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
-/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
-/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
-/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
-/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      qu_defs.h                                       PLUS  1.2        */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* COMPONENT                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      QU - Queue Management                                            */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      This file contains data structure definitions and constants for  */
-/*      the message Queue component.                                     */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* AUTHOR                                                                */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      QU_QCB                              Queue control block          */
-/*      QU_SUSPEND                          Queue suspension block       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      None                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      cs_defs.h                           Common service definitions   */
-/*      tc_defs.h                           Thread Control definitions   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* HISTORY                                                               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0      */
-/*      D. Lamie        04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0             */
-/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1994      Moved include files outside of   */
-/*                                        the file #ifndef to allow the  */
-/*                                        use of actual data structures, */
-/*                                        removed protection structure,  */
-/*                                        put padding into structure,    */
-/*                                        resulting in version 1.1       */
-/*      R. Pfaff -                                                       */
-/*      D. Lamie        03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1             */
-/*      M.Q. Qian       04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2           */
-/*                                                                       */
-#include        "cs_defs.h"                 /* Common service constants  */
-#include        "tc_defs.h"                 /* Thread control constants  */
-/* Check to see if the file has been included already.  */
-#ifndef QU_DEFS
-#define QU_DEFS
-/* Define constants local to this component.  */
-#define         QU_QUEUE_ID             0x51554555UL
-/* Define the Queue Control Block data type.  */
-typedef struct QU_QCB_STRUCT 
-    CS_NODE             qu_created;            /* Node for linking to    */
-                                               /*   created queue list   */
-    UNSIGNED            qu_id;                 /* Internal QCB ID        */
-    CHAR                qu_name[NU_MAX_NAME];  /* Queue name             */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        qu_fixed_size;         /* Fixed-size messages?   */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        qu_fifo_suspend;       /* Suspension type flag   */
-#if     PAD_2
-    DATA_ELEMENT        qu_padding[PAD_2];
-    UNSIGNED            qu_queue_size;         /* Total size of queue    */
-    UNSIGNED            qu_messages;           /* Messages in queue      */
-    UNSIGNED            qu_message_size;       /* Size of each message   */
-    UNSIGNED            qu_available;          /* Available words        */
-    UNSIGNED_PTR        qu_start;              /* Start of queue area    */
-    UNSIGNED_PTR        qu_end;                /* End of queue area + 1  */
-    UNSIGNED_PTR        qu_read;               /* Read pointer           */
-    UNSIGNED_PTR        qu_write;              /* Write pointer          */
-    UNSIGNED            qu_tasks_waiting;      /* Number of waiting tasks*/
-                       *qu_urgent_list;        /* Urgent message suspend */
-                       *qu_suspension_list;    /* Suspension list        */
-} QU_QCB;    
-/* Define the queue suspension structure.  This structure is allocated off of
-   the caller's stack.  */
-typedef struct QU_SUSPEND_STRUCT
-    CS_NODE             qu_suspend_link;       /* Link to suspend blocks */
-    QU_QCB             *qu_queue;              /* Pointer to the queue   */
-    TC_TCB             *qu_suspended_task;     /* Task suspended         */
-    UNSIGNED_PTR        qu_message_area;       /* Pointer to message area*/
-    UNSIGNED            qu_message_size;       /* Message size requested */
-    UNSIGNED            qu_actual_size;        /* Actual size of message */
-    STATUS              qu_return_status;      /* Return status          */
--- a/src/gpf/inc/nuc/sm_defs.h	Sun Jul 15 20:57:33 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                       */
-/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
-/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
-/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
-/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
-/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      sm_defs.h                                       PLUS  1.2        */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* COMPONENT                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      SM - Semaphore Management                                        */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      This file contains data structure definitions and constants for  */
-/*      the Semaphore component.                                         */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* AUTHOR                                                                */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      SM_SCB                              Semaphore control block      */
-/*      SM_SUSPEND                          Semaphore suspension block   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      None                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      cs_defs.h                           Common service definitions   */
-/*      tc_defs.h                           Thread Control definitions   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* HISTORY                                                               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0      */
-/*      D. Lamie        04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0             */
-/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1994      Moved include files outside of   */
-/*                                        the file #ifndef to allow the  */
-/*                                        use of actual data structures, */
-/*                                        removed protection structure,  */
-/*                                        put padding into structure,    */
-/*                                        resulting in version 1.1       */
-/*      R. Pfaff -                                                       */
-/*      D. Lamie        03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1             */
-/*      M.Q. Qian       04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2           */
-/*                                                                       */
-#include        "cs_defs.h"                 /* Common service constants  */
-#include        "tc_defs.h"                 /* Thread control constants  */
-/* Check to see if the file has been included already.  */
-#ifndef SM_DEFS
-#define SM_DEFS
-/* Define constants local to this component.  */
-#define         SM_SEMAPHORE_ID         0x53454d41UL
-/* Define the Semaphore Control Block data type.  */
-typedef struct SM_SCB_STRUCT 
-    CS_NODE             sm_created;            /* Node for linking to    */
-                                               /* created semaphore list */
-    UNSIGNED            sm_id;                 /* Internal SCB ID        */
-    CHAR                sm_name[NU_MAX_NAME];  /* Semaphore name         */
-    UNSIGNED            sm_semaphore_count;    /* Counting semaphore     */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        sm_fifo_suspend;       /* Suspension type flag   */
-#if     PAD_1
-    DATA_ELEMENT        sm_padding[PAD_1];
-    UNSIGNED            sm_tasks_waiting;      /* Number of waiting tasks*/
-                       *sm_suspension_list;    /* Suspension list        */
-} SM_SCB;    
-/* Define the semaphore suspension structure.  This structure is allocated 
-   off of the caller's stack.  */
-typedef struct SM_SUSPEND_STRUCT
-    CS_NODE             sm_suspend_link;       /* Link to suspend blocks */
-    SM_SCB             *sm_semaphore;          /* Pointer to semaphore   */
-    TC_TCB             *sm_suspended_task;     /* Task suspended         */
-    STATUS              sm_return_status;      /* Return status          */
--- a/src/gpf/inc/nuc/tc_defs.h	Sun Jul 15 20:57:33 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                       */
-/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
-/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
-/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
-/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
-/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      tc_defs.h                                       PLUS/MNT         */
-/*                                                      VERSION 1.1      */
-/* COMPONENT                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      TC - Thread Control                                              */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      This file contains data structure definitions and constants for  */
-/*      the component that controls the various threads of execution in  */
-/*      system.  Threads include tasks, HISRs, signal handlers, etc.     */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* AUTHOR                                                                */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      TC_TCB                              Task Control Block           */
-/*      TC_HCB                              HISR Control Block           */
-/*      TC_PROTECT                          Task/HISR protection struct  */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      None                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      cs_defs.h                           Common service definitions   */
-/*      tm_defs.h                           Timer control definitions    */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* HISTORY                                                               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0      */
-/*      D. Lamie        04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0             */
-/*      W. Lamie        06-01-1993      Added padding conditional into   */
-/*                                        TC_TCB structure, making       */
-/*                                        version 1.0a                   */
-/*      D. Lamie        06-01-1993      Verified version 1.0a            */
-/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1994      Moved include files outside of   */
-/*                                        the file #ifndef to allow the  */
-/*                                        use of actual data structures, */
-/*                                        added four reserved words in   */
-/*                                        both the task and HISR blocks, */
-/*                                        resulting in version 1.1       */
-/*      R. Pfaff -                                                       */
-/*      D. Lamie        03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1             */
-/*      M.Q. Qian       04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2           */
-/*      B. Haggerty     03-12-1997      Released MNT Version 1.0         */
-/*      B. Haggerty     08-11-1997      Released MNT Version 1.1         */
-/*                                                                       */
-#include        "cs_defs.h"                 /* Common service constants  */
-#include        "tm_defs.h"                 /* Timer control structures  */
-/* Check to see if the file has been included already.  */
-#ifndef TC_DEFS
-#define TC_DEFS
-/* Define constants local to this component.  */
-#define         TC_TASK_ID              0x5441534bUL
-#define         TC_HISR_ID              0x48495352UL
-#define         TC_PRIORITIES           256
-#define         TC_HISR_PRIORITIES      3
-#define         TC_MAX_GROUPS           TC_PRIORITIES/8
-#define         TC_HIGHEST_MASK         0x000000FFUL
-#define         TC_NEXT_HIGHEST_MASK    0x0000FF00UL
-#define         TC_NEXT_LOWEST_MASK     0x00FF0000UL
-#define         TC_LOWEST_MASK          0xFF000000UL
-/* Define the Task Control Block data type.  */
-typedef struct TC_TCB_STRUCT 
-    /* Standard thread information first.  This information is used by
-       the target dependent portion of this component.  Changes made
-       to this area of the structure can have undesirable side effects.  */
-    CS_NODE             tc_created;            /* Node for linking to    */
-					       /*   created task list    */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_id;                 /* Internal TCB ID        */
-    CHAR                tc_name[NU_MAX_NAME];  /* Task name              */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_status;             /* Task status            */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_delayed_suspend;    /* Delayed task suspension*/
-    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_priority;           /* Task priority          */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_preemption;         /* Task preemption enable */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_scheduled;          /* Task scheduled count   */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_cur_time_slice;     /* Current time slice     */
-    VOID               *tc_stack_start;        /* Stack starting address */
-    VOID               *tc_stack_end;          /* Stack ending address   */
-    VOID               *tc_stack_pointer;      /* Task stack pointer     */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_stack_size;         /* Task stack's size      */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_stack_minimum;      /* Minimum stack size     */
-		       *tc_current_protect;    /* Current protection     */
-    VOID               *tc_saved_stack_ptr;    /* Previous stack pointer */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_time_slice;         /* Task time slice value  */
-    /* Information after this point is not used in the target dependent
-       portion of this component.  Hence, changes in the following section
-       should not impact assembly language routines.  */
-    struct TC_TCB_STRUCT
-		       *tc_ready_previous,     /* Previously ready TCB   */
-		       *tc_ready_next;         /* next and previous ptrs */
-    /* Task control information follows.  */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_priority_group;     /* Priority group mask bit*/
-    struct TC_TCB_STRUCT
-		      **tc_priority_head;      /* Pointer to list head   */
-    DATA_ELEMENT       *tc_sub_priority_ptr;   /* Pointer to sub-group   */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_sub_priority;       /* Mask of sub-group bit  */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_saved_status;       /* Previous task status   */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_signal_active;      /* Signal active flag     */
-#if     PAD_3
-    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_padding[PAD_3];
-					       /* Task entry function    */
-    VOID                (*tc_entry)(UNSIGNED, VOID *);
-    UNSIGNED            tc_argc;               /* Optional task argument */
-    VOID               *tc_argv;               /* Optional task argument */
-    VOID                (*tc_cleanup) (VOID *);/* Clean-up routine       */
-    VOID               *tc_cleanup_info;       /* Clean-up information   */
-		       *tc_suspend_protect;    /* Protection at time of  */
-					       /*   task suspension      */
-    /* Task timer information.  */
-    INT                 tc_timer_active;       /* Active timer flag      */
-    TM_TCB              tc_timer_control;      /* Timer control block    */
-    /* Task signal control information.  */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_signals;            /* Current signals        */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_enabled_signals;    /* Enabled signals        */
-    /* tc_saved_status and tc_signal_active are now defined above in an
-       attempt to keep DATA_ELEMENT types together.  */
-    /* Signal handling routine.  */
-    VOID                (*tc_signal_handler) (UNSIGNED);
-    /* Reserved words for the system and a single reserved word for the
-       application.  */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_system_reserved_1;  /* System reserved word   */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_system_reserved_2;  /* System reserved word   */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_system_reserved_3;  /* System reserved word   */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_app_reserved_1;     /* Application reserved   */
-} TC_TCB;    
-/* Define the High-Level Interrupt Service Routine Control Block data type.  */
-typedef struct TC_HCB_STRUCT 
-    /* Standard thread information first.  This information is used by
-       the target dependent portion of this component.  Changes made
-       to this area of the structure can have undesirable side effects.  */
-    CS_NODE             tc_created;            /* Node for linking to    */
-					       /*   created task list    */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_id;                 /* Internal TCB ID        */
-    CHAR                tc_name[NU_MAX_NAME];  /* HISR name              */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_not_used_1;         /* Not used field         */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_not_used_2;         /* Not used field         */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_priority;           /* HISR priority          */
-    DATA_ELEMENT        tc_not_used_3;         /* Not used field         */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_scheduled;          /* HISR scheduled count   */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_cur_time_slice;     /* Not used in HISR       */
-    VOID               *tc_stack_start;        /* Stack starting address */
-    VOID               *tc_stack_end;          /* Stack ending address   */
-    VOID               *tc_stack_pointer;      /* HISR stack pointer     */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_stack_size;         /* HISR stack's size      */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_stack_minimum;      /* Minimum stack size     */
-		       *tc_current_protect;    /* Current protection     */
-    struct TC_HCB_STRUCT
-		       *tc_active_next;        /* Next activated HISR    */
-    /* Information after this point is not used in the target dependent
-       portion of this component.  Hence, changes in the following section
-       should not impact assembly language routines.  */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_activation_count;   /* Activation counter     */
-    VOID                (*tc_entry)(VOID);     /* HISR entry function    */
-/*#ifdef        SUN             */
-	VOID                            (*tc_actual_entry)();   /* HISR entry function  MNT 1.2 */
-/*#endif                        */
-    /* Reserved words for the system and a single reserved word for the
-       application.  */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_system_reserved_1;  /* System reserved word   */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_system_reserved_2;  /* System reserved word   */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_system_reserved_3;  /* System reserved word   */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_app_reserved_1;     /* Application reserved   */
-} TC_HCB;    
-/* Define the Task/HISR protection structure type.  */
-typedef struct TC_PROTECT_STRUCT
-    TC_TCB             *tc_tcb_pointer;        /* Owner of the protection */
-    UNSIGNED            tc_thread_waiting;     /* Waiting thread flag     */
--- a/src/gpf/inc/nuc/tm_defs.h	Sun Jul 15 20:57:33 2018 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                       */
-/*        Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc.           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the      */
-/* subject matter of this material.  All manufacturing, reproduction,    */
-/* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed  */
-/* by the license agreement.  The recipient of this software implicitly  */
-/* accepts the terms of the license.                                     */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FILE NAME                                            VERSION          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      tm_defs.h                                       PLUS  1.2        */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* COMPONENT                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      TM - Timer Management                                            */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      This file contains data structure definitions and constants for  */
-/*      the Timer Management component.                                  */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* AUTHOR                                                                */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc.                   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      TM_TCB                              Timer control block          */
-/*      TM_APP_TCB                          Application timer control    */
-/*                                            block                      */   
-/*                                                                       */
-/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      None                                                             */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      cs_defs.h                           Common service definitions   */
-/*      tc_defs.h                           Thread control definitions   */
-/*                                                                       */
-/* HISTORY                                                               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*         NAME            DATE                    REMARKS               */
-/*                                                                       */
-/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0      */
-/*      D. Lamie        04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0             */
-/*      W. Lamie        03-01-1994      Moved include files outside of   */
-/*                                        the file #ifndef to allow the  */
-/*                                        use of actual data structures, */
-/*                                        resulting in version 1.1       */
-/*      R. Pfaff -                                                       */
-/*      D. Lamie        03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1             */
-/*      M.Q. Qian       04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2           */
-/*                                                                       */
-#include        "cs_defs.h"                 /* Common service constants  */
-/* Check to see if the file has been included already.  */
-#ifndef TM_DEFS
-#define TM_DEFS
-/* Define constants local to this component.  */
-#define         TM_TIMER_ID             0x54494d45UL
-#define         TM_ACTIVE               0
-#define         TM_NOT_ACTIVE           1
-#define         TM_EXPIRED              2
-#define         TM_TASK_TIMER           0
-#define         TM_APPL_TIMER           1
-/* Define the Timer Control Block data type.  */
-typedef struct TM_TCB_STRUCT 
-    INT                 tm_timer_type;         /* Application/Task      */
-    UNSIGNED            tm_remaining_time;     /* Remaining time        */
-    VOID               *tm_information;        /* Information pointer   */
-    struct TM_TCB_STRUCT
-                       *tm_next_timer,         /* Next timer in list    */
-                       *tm_previous_timer;     /* Previous timer in list*/
-} TM_TCB;    
-/* Define Application's Timer Control Block data type.  */
-typedef struct TM_APP_TCB_STRUCT
-    CS_NODE             tm_created;            /* Node for linking to   */
-                                               /*   created timer list  */
-    UNSIGNED            tm_id;                 /* Internal TCB ID       */
-    CHAR                tm_name[NU_MAX_NAME];  /* Timer name            */
-    VOID  (*tm_expiration_routine)(UNSIGNED);  /* Expiration function   */
-    UNSIGNED            tm_expiration_id;      /* Expiration ID         */
-    INT                 tm_enabled;            /* Timer enabled flag    */
-    UNSIGNED            tm_expirations;        /* Number of expirations */
-    UNSIGNED            tm_initial_time;       /* Initial time          */
-    UNSIGNED            tm_reschedule_time;    /* Reschedule time       */
-    TM_TCB              tm_actual_timer;       /* Actual timer internals*/
-/* Include this file here, since it contains references to the timer definition
-   structure that is defined by this file.  */
-#include        "tc_defs.h"