FreeCalypso on Mot C139 back on the agenda

David Matthews mail at
Sun May 10 07:59:07 UTC 2020

Hi  Mychaela

>But here is the critical question: would anyone in our community be
>interested in a working and practically usable (albeit very minimal)
>FreeCalypso firmware version running on C139 hardware in 2020?  

For me there is an elephant in this room. That is that however successful you are in your laudable endeavour (by which I mean doing something openly that is only "supposed" to be done as the secret of a big corporation) the end result is still a spy in the user's pocket.

Under current conditions I no longer carry any sort of phone with me when I leave the house and I try as much as possible to speak face to face with people, drop notes through their door or else use email (and I do realize that is not unproblematic). I'd probably buy another C139 (the one I used before was stolen), but as you probably remember, I don't have the sort of development skills your project needs so I'd only be a tester and very occasional user.

Best wishes

David Matthews
mail at

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