FreeCalypso funding and direction update

Das Signal das.signal at
Sun Jul 28 10:14:28 UTC 2019

Hi Mychaela,

Thank you for this update!

I personally think you have donated so much of your time and money
towards FreeCalypso that asking more of you would be unjust.
The three ideas you have suggested below are great, and I might also
suggest PayPal. Even though PayPal is not the best choice by far,
it is very convenient for many people to donate small sums of money.
Now it would seem that in order to encourage donations and help the
project, more visibility would be useful. You have presented at
the recon conference in 2017; perhaps there are other conferences
or events that would be useful to raise awareness of the project?
In addition, many people nowadays use social media, such as twitter/
/youtube to be informed, so that could be an area to explore to
reach a greater audience. Back in the day I created to prevent any squatter from using
it, and it is of course available should you wish to make use of it
(for the record I also created but
there's not real point in using it with all the repositories in


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