Suspect Bricking : There is a query at the last

Ajay Fuloria ajay.fuloria at
Sun Jul 24 14:17:01 UTC 2016

Hi Mychaela,

> and welcome to our little odd community! :)

Thanks, looking forward to contributing in some way or other.

> The flash erase-program-boot loadtool command programs an image you
> specify into the boot sector.  Which image did you flash with this
> command, and what was the exact full command?

The command was :

flash erase-program-boot c139-unlocked-fw.bin 2000

And this command completed successfully.

> The most likely reason for the "command echo mismatch" error would be
> the serial cable making an unreliable connection; the second most
> likely reason would be the phone's battery running down too low during
> the flashing operation.  In any case one should be able to recover
> (power the phone down by pulling the battery out, put a fully charged
> one in, then get back in with fc-loadtool and finish the flashing job)
> *if* the boot code that was programmed in the flash erase-program-boot
> step is a good and unlocked version - hence me asking about that above.

The cable connection seemed good simply because I could make a flash dump
of my phones inbuilt flash. It took quite a while and completed
successfully. About the battery I actually charged it before using but may
be not fully charged. So I am going to try what you have suggested.

> Do you have another C1xx phone (another C139 or any other C1xx model)
> running one of the official fw versions to charge batteries?  Try the
> following steps:

Yes, I have spare batteies too.

> 1. Remove the battery from the troubled phone and put a fully charged
   one in, but don't touch the red power button yet.


> 2. Connect the serial cable (make sure it's a good and reliable one),
   but again, don't touch the red power button yet.


> 3. Run fc-loadtool like this:

   fc-loadtool -h compal -c 1003 /dev/ttyXXX


> 4. Now momentarily press the red power button on the phone.


> If the phone has good boot code in it, you should be able to get in
> this way; then just rerun flash erase and flash program-bin steps
> starting at offset 0x10000 without touching the boot sector.  If the
> above method still fails, then your phone is most likely unrecoverably
> bricked, but just to be absolutely sure, repeat the above procedure
> (including removing and reinsering the battery) with this debug
> command instead of fc-loadtool:

On pressing the power button, I was delighted to see the "loadtool>" prompt
again. I then followed with the erase command

flash erase 10000 360000

This completed successfully with fwg o/p

loadtool> flash erase 10000 360000
Performing CFI query
CFI query successful: total size 400000, 71 sectors, command set style 0003
Erasing 54 sector(s)

Now I see that you have mentioned to flash program-bin starting at offset
0x10000 while the the doc says to use

flash program-bin 2000 c139-unlocked-fw.bin 2000

I am a bit confused and do not want to brick this phone as they are not
easily available... so please let me know which command to use now.

I already tried the above mentioned command from docs and get the following

loadtool> flash program-bin 2000 c139-unlocked-fw.bin 2000
Setting flash base address: INFB 0
Clearing Intel flash SR
Programming flash: 3596288 (0x36e000) bytes
ERROR: program operation failed at 00002000

Hoping to hear from you soon.

Thanks for the great help and Regards,


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