C139 writeup for end users

Mychaela Falconia falcon at ivan.Harhan.ORG
Sun Nov 15 20:33:25 CET 2015

Hi David,

> could you glance at http://matthews.pm/freecalypso/c139.html
> when you have a moment.

Looks good; just a few nits:

* After "earlier fc-loadtool versions do not work with the C139" you
  should add "the new version of fc-loadtool works with the Freerunner
  as well, hence it supercedes the old one" or something to that effect.

* Regarding the -c 1003 option to fc-loadtool: yes, you are correct in
  that this option can be omitted if the target phone has the
  FreeCalypso version of the bootloader in its flash.  Omitting this
  option makes fc-loadtool entry faster by about one second.  However,
  it is harmless to keep this option when it isn't needed, thus if
  someone does not remember which bootloader version is installed on a
  given C139, it is safe to always use the -h compal -c 1003

* In the "Flashing the main firmware image" section one of the required
  fc-loadtool commands is missing.  These two commands should always be
  issued as a pair:

  flash erase 10000 290000
  flash program-bin 10000 mfw-build.progbin

  The basic dictum that flash always needs to be first erased, then
  programmed is part of the physics of how flash memory works. :-)

* You are correct in that the steps of "flash erase 3C0000 30000" and
  FFS initialization with fc-fsio are only needed the first time around.
  However, if someone does issue that "flash erase 3C0000 30000" command
  by mistake when they shouldn't have, then they just erased their FFS
  and will need to reinitialize it with fc-fsio.

* In the "Initialising the flash file system and setting the IMEISV"
  section: it makes absolutely no difference whether you unplug the
  serial cable after fc-loadtool, boot the phone up and then replug
  the cable for fc-fsio, or keep the cable plugged in throughout.
  I would just change one word: change "The phone should be
  disconnected from the unlock cable" to "The phone can be disconnected
  from the unlock cable".

* In the "Reverting to factory firmware" section, I don't think my
  off-the-cuff comment about the meaning of 0xDDDDDDDD needs to be
  immortalized in a user hand-holding page.

> I've tried to make it fairly future proof -  ie cover upgrade scenarios etc

You did a good job with this part.

> In particular I've enclosed a few assertions in *! (or !*) marks
> as I'm not certain I have the right end of the stick here.

The parts enclosed in these marks are correct.

> Is this ok? What say you?

See above.

> When we agree it is satisfactory I propose to post a mention to the
> openmoko list to let them know we are alive and kicking hard :-0

Sounds good to me. :)


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