FC firmware progress

Das Signal das.signal at freecalypso.org
Sat Jul 4 19:21:35 CEST 2015

Hi SF,

As always you are the bringer of great news :) It's awesome that you
got SMS working, this is a very good sign! I haven't made much progress
myself, but I'm going to follow your excellent suggestion of looking
at the traffic on the network side, both with leo2moko-debug and gsm-fw,
in the case of MO and MT phone calls (which are working reliably with
leo2moko in my setup, albeit with no encryption - but it's probably not
an issue).

I'll be sure to report here and post the trace files as soon as this is
done! I'm also very glad you got gsw-fw running on the DP-L10, which
I like a lot (it was quite hard to get, but totally worth it ;) For the
moment though I'll keep testing on GTA02 as you suggest since we have a
known good reference.


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