I, Mychaela Nadezhda Falconia, had elective surgery done on me in Mexico on 2021-08-26. On the morning of my surgery I had two Covid-related tests done: first a blood test for antibodies, which came out positive for both IgG and IgM, and then an oropharyngeal swab PCR test for actual viral infection, which came out negative. A scanned copy of the official lab report from these two tests appears in Covid_test_20210826_official.pdf; this official report is in Spanish because the tests were done in Mexico, which is a Spanish-speaking country. There is, however, one datum in that Spanish-language lab test report which requires explanation, as it will certainly be very non-obvious to readers outside of Spanish-speaking countries. In the patient data header on each of the two pages in the PDF (results from two separate tests), there is a datum that reads "SEXO: M". However, as my Mexican surgery coordinator explained it to me, this datum does not mean "male" - instead the 'M' stands for Mujer, which is Spanish for "woman" - Mexican documents commonly use H/M sex markers for hombre/mujer instead of English M/F. Aside from from this sex marker, the actual medical content of the lab test report should be obvious even if you don't know any Spanish.