view src/condat/com/src/driver/light.c @ 72:7bf39f5e834d

backlight control on Luna: switch PWL instead of LEDB This change is preliminary toward upcoming rework of backlight control logic in our UI firmware. LEDB does not exist on Tango-based platforms (it is not brought out on Tango modules), thus turning it on and off produces absolutely no effect beyond making L1 disable deep sleep when LEDB is turned on. However, both iWOW DSK and our upcoming FC Caramel2 boards have a PWL LED, so let's switch that LED on and off to indicate the state of the UI firmware's backlight control. Note that we are NOT switching the actual Luna LCD backlight here, even though it is trivially controlled with a GPIO. The reason for this seemingly strange choice is that we don't want to turn this development board LCD backlight off until we bring the higher-level backlight control logic up to par, including new logic to "swallow" the first keypress that turns on the darkened LCD.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sat, 24 Oct 2020 07:39:54 +0000
parents 4e78acac3d88
children 8697f358f505
line wrap: on
line source

|  Project :  GSM-PS
|  Modul   :  DRV_LT
|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 All rights reserved. 
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas 
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey 
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to 
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in 
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of 
|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. 
|  Purpose :  This Module defines the G23 light emitting driver. 

    Apr 26, 2005   REF : CRR 30627 xpradipg
    Bug :   Replace the ABB APIs with Audio Service APIs
    Fix :   Remove the LT_ function calls   
    June 03, 2005 REF: GSM-ENH-31636 xpradipg
    Description:    Change the board ID for Isample to 71 and add new defination
                    for the CALLISTO with baord ID 70
    Solution:       Add the definition of ALLISTO with board ID 70 and change the
                    board Id to 71 for Isample

    CRR 28825:  xpradipg - 11 Feb 2005
    Description:Extension of GDI-for display of ISample and code cleanup
    Solution: The code replication for D_Sample and E_sample are removed and a new
    flag is added for the ISample currently the BOARD ID is set to 60 for ISample.

#ifndef DRV_LT_C
#define DRV_LT_C

/*==== INCLUDES ===================================================*/
#if defined (NEW_FRAME)

#include <string.h>
#include "typedefs.h"
#include "gdi.h"
#include "light.h"


#include <string.h>
#include "stddefs.h"
#include "gdi.h"
#include "light.h"


#include "main/sys_types.h"
#include "fc-target.h"
#include "armio.h"

/*==== EXPORT =====================================================*/

/*==== VARIABLES ==================================================*/
UBYTE  backlight_status = LIGHT_STATUS_OFF;
/*==== FUNCTIONS ==================================================*/
#if defined (_TMS470)
EXTERN void LT_Disable       (void);
EXTERN void LT_Enable        (void);
EXTERN void LT_Level         (UBYTE level);

LOCAL  void LT_Disable       (void);
LOCAL  void LT_Enable        (void);
LOCAL  void LT_Level         (UBYTE level);


/*==== CONSTANTS ==================================================*/
| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6103)       MODULE  : DRV_LT                     |
| STATE   : code                ROUTINE : light_Init                 |

  PURPOSE : The function initializes the internal data of the driver.
            The function returns DRV_INITIALIZED if the driver has
            already been initialized and is ready to be used or is 
            already in use. In case of an initialization failure, 
            i.e. the driver cannot be used, the function returns


GLOBAL UBYTE light_Init (void)
  backlight_status = LIGHT_STATUS_OFF;

  /* PWL module clock enable */
  *(volatile SYS_UWORD8 *)0xFFFE8001 = 0x01;

  return DRV_OK;

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6103)       MODULE  : DRV_LT                     |
| STATE   : code                ROUTINE : light_Exit                 |

  PURPOSE : The function is called when the driver functionality is
            not longer needed. The function de-allocates the


GLOBAL void light_Exit (void)
  backlight_status = LIGHT_STATUS_OFF;

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6103)       MODULE  : DRV_LT                     |
| STATE   : code                ROUTINE : light_SetStatus            |

  PURPOSE : This function is used to change the status of a specific
            light emitting device supported by this driver. The device is
            identified by the parameter in_DeviceID. Depending on
            the capabilities of the device, the parameter in_NewStatus
            has different meanings.

GLOBAL UBYTE light_SetStatus (UBYTE in_DeviceID,
                              UBYTE in_NewStatus)
    backlight_status = in_NewStatus;

    switch (in_NewStatus)
      case LIGHT_STATUS_OFF:
/* ancient code for C-Sample and earlier removed in FreeCalypso */
#if 0
        LT_Disable ();
#if 0
        LT_Enable ();
        LT_Level (255);
    return DRV_OK;

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6103)       MODULE  : DRV_LT                     |
| STATE   : code                ROUTINE : light_GetStatus            |

  PURPOSE : This function retrieves the status of a specific light
            emitting device supported by the driver. If the status
            of a specified device could be retrieved, the function
            returns DRV_OK. If the specified device is unknown, the 
            function returns DRV_INVALID_PARAMS.

GLOBAL UBYTE light_GetStatus (UBYTE   in_DeviceID,
                              UBYTE * in_StatusPtr)
    *in_StatusPtr = backlight_status;
    return DRV_OK;

#if defined (WIN32)

LOCAL  void LT_Disable       (void)

LOCAL  void LT_Enable        (void)

LOCAL  void LT_Level         (UBYTE level)



Code below added for D-sample backlight

//June 03, 2005 REF: GSM-ENH-31636 xpradipg
//CRR 28825:  xpradipg - 11 Feb 2005
#if ((BOARD == 40) || (BOARD == 41) || (BOARD == 43) || (BOARD == 70) || (BOARD == 71))
#include "lls/lls_api.h"
/* Procedure stiubs added instead of disabling calls to the procedures. */
/* So we will get duplicate procedures if the actual LLS procedures are present */
#define LLS_BACKLIGHT 0x02
int lls_switch_off(unsigned char equipment)

int lls_switch_on(unsigned char equipment)


enum {

 $Function:     setBacklightOn

 $Description:  switches backlight on. Called on powerup or on a key press.
                Should also be called on incoming call, SMS etc ?
 $Returns:      none.

 $Arguments:    none.

void light_setBacklightOn( void )
    if (backLightState == BACKLIGHT_OFF)
	/* turn on PWL */
	*(volatile SYS_UWORD8 *)0xFFFE8000 = 255;
        #ifdef CONFIG_TARGET_C139
        lls_switch_on(LLS_BACKLIGHT); //Switch backlight on
    backLightState = BACKLIGHT_ON;

 $Function:     setBacklightOff

 $Description:  switches backlight off. 
 $Returns:      none.

 $Arguments:    none.

void light_setBacklightOff( void )
    if ((backLightState == BACKLIGHT_ON) ||
       (backLightState == BACKLIGHT_IDLE1))
      backLightState = BACKLIGHT_OFF;
	/* turn off PWL */
	*(volatile SYS_UWORD8 *)0xFFFE8000 = 0;
        #ifdef CONFIG_TARGET_C139
        lls_switch_off(LLS_BACKLIGHT); //Switch backlight off

 $Function:     setBacklightIdle

 $Description:  switches backlight off (on second call). Called when the 1 minute timer expires.
                If no key press since the last call, the backlight is switched off.
 $Returns:      none.

 $Arguments:    none.

void light_setBacklightIdle( void )
    if (backLightState == BACKLIGHT_ON)
        backLightState = BACKLIGHT_IDLE1;       