view src/ui/mfw/mfw_sys.h @ 287:3dee79757ae4

UI fw: load handheld audio mode on boot We have now reached the point where use of audio mode config files should be considered mandatory. In ACI usage we can tell users that they need to perform an AT@AUL of some appropriate audio mode, but in UI-enabled fw we really need to have the firmware load audio modes on its own, so that correct audio config gets established when the handset or development board runs on its own, without a connected host computer. Once have FC Venus with both main and headset audio channels and headset plug insertion detection, our fw will need to automatically load the handheld mode or the headset mode depending on the plug insertion state. For now we load only the handheld mode, which has been tuned for FC-HDS4 on FC Luna.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sat, 13 Nov 2021 03:20:57 +0000
parents 67bfe9f274f6
line wrap: on
line source

| PROJECT: MMI-Framework (8417)         $Workfile:: mfw_sys.h       $|
| $Author:: Es  $ CONDAT GmbH           $Revision:: 5               $|
| CREATED: 21.09.98                     $Modtime:: 8.07.99 9:10     $|
| STATE  : code                                                      |


   PURPOSE : MFW system interface

   EXPORT  :

   TO DO   :

   $History:: mfw_sys.h                                             $
 * *****************  Version 5  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 8.07.99    Time: 12:04
 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW
 * *****************  Version 4  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 6.07.99    Time: 12:30
 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW
 * *****************  Version 3  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 17.02.99   Time: 19:11
 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW
 * *****************  Version 2  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 23.12.98   Time: 16:19
 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW

#ifndef _DEF_MFW_SYS_H_
#define _DEF_MFW_SYS_H_

#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mem.h>

#define EXTERN extern
#define GLOBAL
#define LOCAL static
#define ULONG unsigned long
#define LONG long
#define USHORT unsigned short
#define SHORT short
#define UBYTE unsigned char
#define BYTE unsigned char

#define sysAlloc(s) malloc(s)
#define sysFree(m) free(m)
typedef int T_VSI_THANDLE;
typedef unsigned long T_VSI_TVALUE;
#define VSI_OK 0
#define vsi_o_ptrace(a,b)
#define vsi_c_awake(a) timTimeout()
#define VSI_CALLER
void TRACE_EVENT (char *a);
//#define TRACE_EVENT(a);
void TRACE_ERROR (char *a);
//#define TRACE_ERROR(a);
#define _ENTITY_PREFIXED(a) (a)


#if defined (NEW_FRAME)

#include "typedefs.h"
#include "vsi.h"
#include "custom.h"
#include "gsm.h"


#include "STDDEFS.H"
#include "custom.h"
#include "gsm.h"
#include "vsi.h"


#if defined (NEW_FRAME)
   #define sysAlloc(s) vsi_c_new(VSI_CALLER s,0, __FILE__, __LINE__)
   #define sysFree(m) vsi_c_free(VSI_CALLER (T_VOID_STRUCT**) &(m), __FILE__, __LINE__)
   #define sysAlloc(s) vsi_c_new(VSI_CALLER s,0)
   #define sysFree(m) vsi_c_free(VSI_CALLER (T_VOID_STRUCT**) &(m))
#define sysAlloc(s) vsi_c_new(VSI_CALLER s)
#define sysFree(m) vsi_c_free(VSI_CALLER &(m))

