view mmtb1/schem+bom/vsrc/led_circuit.v @ 0:0f9bdd60ce50

fc-small-hw separated from old freecalypso-schem repo
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Mon, 21 Oct 2019 00:53:38 +0000
line wrap: on
line source

 * This module captures the circuit for showing the state of a digital signal
 * on a LED without loading that digital signal by driving the LED from VBAT
 * and using a MOSFET to control it.

module led_circuit (GND, VBAT, Signal);

input GND, VBAT, Signal;

wire R_to_LED, LED_to_Q;

resistor R (VBAT, R_to_LED);
diode led (.A(R_to_LED), .C(LED_to_Q));
mosfet Q (.G(Signal), .S(GND), .D(LED_to_Q));
