[PATCH] COMP128v23 improvements

Sylvain Munaut 246tnt at gmail.com
Tue Nov 19 09:17:26 CET 2013

Hi Max,

There are definitely things weird in that patch :

 - You double declare the same function
 - Why replace #defined constant by hardcoded numbers ?
 - Speaking about readability :

kc[6] = 4 * (kc[6] >> 2);

isn't the most obvious way to do kc[6] &= 0xfc;



On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 6:47 PM, ☎ <Max.Suraev at fairwaves.ru> wrote:
> Hello.
> I've got rid of unnecessary cycle and to made difference between v2 and v3 more
> visible: v2 is basically just v3 with last bits of Kc zeroed. Also - small
> readability improvements.
> Also I've added test suite with test vectors from original python implementation.
> --
> best regards,
> Max, http://fairwaves.ru

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