Trouble in making CALL

jolly andreas at
Mon Feb 18 10:27:04 CET 2013

cris crazy wrote:
> OsmocomBB# show ms
> MS '1' is up, service is limited
>   IMEI: 418873812577882
>      IMEISV: 4188738125778820
>      IMEI generation: random (15 trailing digits)
>   automatic network selection state: A0 null
>   cell selection state: C0 null
>   radio ressource layer state: idle
>   mobility management layer state: MM idle, PLMN search

it seems that you did not yet started your phone, since the network
search has not started. service remains limited until you are attached
to the network, but you don't. did you start layer 1? try bcch_scan and
ccch_scan app to check if your phone works and you can sync to a cell.



p.s. please don't make private infos like your IMSI public. they could
be abused.

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