Newbie DSP Questions

Alexander Huemer alexander.huemer at
Tue Jan 3 14:03:37 CET 2012

On Sat, Dec 31, 2011 at 02:16:14PM -0800, Avner Ezra wrote:
> Hi
> I'm newbie in DSP and SDR, but I'm really interested in this matter and I want to learn. I have bunch of questions which has short answers, if you can please answer them in easy terms and words, so I can understand them well. I hope this thread will help a lot of other newbies to understand DSP stuff better.
> I have a Linux with every needed tools like osmocomm, gnuradio, openbts, kalibrate, uhd drivers, ... and USRP N210 hardware ready. Everything works normal and well. 
Hi Avner,

there are people on this list who are very skilled when it comes to DSP
stuff, although I think your questions are better suited for the
gnuradio ML.

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