Compling pb with Ubuntu 11.04 64 bits

Eric Tyberghien eric.tyberghien at
Sun Jan 1 15:34:04 CET 2012

Hi all


I'll upgrade a Ubuntu 11.04 64 bits to 11.10 and it seems something was


Now I have reinstall an "old" Ubuntu 11.04 64 bits from scratch and the
compile process is fairly better but I obtain this failure :


apps/hello_world/main.o: In function `console_rx_cb':

apps/hello_world/main.c:59: undefined reference to `msgb_free'

comm/libcomm.a(sercomm.o): In function `sercomm_alloc_msgb':

../../shared/libosmocore/include/osmocom/core/msgb.h:330: undefined
reference to `msgb_alloc'

comm/libcomm.a(sercomm.o): In function `sercomm_drv_rx_char':

comm/sercomm.c:246: undefined reference to `msgb_free'

comm/libcomm.a(sercomm.o): In function `dispatch_rx_msg':

comm/sercomm.c:227: undefined reference to `msgb_free'

comm/libcomm.a(sercomm.o): In function `sercomm_drv_pull':

comm/sercomm.c:161: undefined reference to `msgb_dequeue'

comm/sercomm.c:188: undefined reference to `msgb_free'

comm/libcomm.a(sercomm.o): In function `sercomm_sendmsg':

comm/sercomm.c:125: undefined reference to `msgb_enqueue'

comm/libcomm.a(sercomm_cons.o): In function `msgb_alloc_headroom':

../../shared/libosmocore/include/osmocom/core/msgb.h:330: undefined
reference to `msgb_alloc'

make[1]: *** [board/compal_e88/hello_world.compalram.elf] error 1

make[1]: Leaving directory `/srv/osmocom-bb/src/target/firmware'

make: *** [firmware] error 2


Any idea



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