burst_ind not working

ikarus4ever at web.de ikarus4ever at web.de
Fri Nov 11 12:21:45 CET 2011


I got the same problem with cell_log. Sometimes even using the master!?

Also, I couldn't compile the master or burst_ind with GPS supprot. No
makefile has the "-lgps" flag set. A workaround for me was to add
a "-lgps" to "src/host/layer23/src/misc/Makefile.am" in line
"cell_log_LDADD = $(LDADD) -lm" (same thing for mobile)

Did I miss something on the GPS support?
It is the first time I got this issues with GPS. All the times before
it worked fine.
Ok, I had to delete the following statements in gps.c:
 68     /* gps is offline */
 69     if (gdata->online)
 70         goto gps_not_ready;
 72     /* gps has no data */
 73     if (gps_waiting(gdata))
 74         goto gps_not_ready;
For some reason the libgps thinks my GPS is not ready, even if it
worked with "xgps"


Am 11.11.2011 11:49, schrieb Dario Lombardo:
> Hi guys I'm not able to use cell_log under the burst_ind branch. I
> checkout the master, compile and run osmocon/cell_log. Everything 
> works (I can see the cells). I checkout the branch, recompile, and
> run the same commands as before, but I get from layer1:
> [...] PM MEAS: ARFCN=71, 0    dBm at baseband, -138 dBm at RF DSP
> Error Status: 8 PM MEAS: ARFCN=72, 0    dBm at baseband, -138 dBm
> at RF DSP Error Status: 8 PM MEAS: ARFCN=73, 0    dBm at baseband,
> -138 dBm at RF [...]
> for every arfcn. Cell_log doesn't log anything:
> [...] <000e> cell_log.c:359 Measurement done <000e> cell_log.c:368
> Measure from 0 to 124 <000e> cell_log.c:368 Measure from 512 to
> 885 <000e> cell_log.c:368 Measure from 955 to 1023 [...]
> I don't think it's a hardware problem, since it works with master.
> Am I missing something in the branch? Is anyone experiencing the
> same problem? Bye. Dario.

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