Nokia 3310 tracing

Dario Lombardo dario.lombardo at
Thu May 19 10:31:35 CEST 2011

Hi Duncan
Today I've received my brand new fbus cable. I've tried it with an old 
3310 and your software works perfectly. I think I will test it a lot 
because nokia 3310s are very common here in italy. I will keep you 
update with my impressions and so on.
Other than the links in your code, is there some official documentation 
about the fbus protocol?


On 04/25/2011 12:17 PM, Duncan Salerno wrote:
> Hi,
> I've put together a small program that puts Nokia 3310 phones into
> debug mode (via serial/USB cable) and forwards all sent/received GSM
> messages and SIM APDUs via GSMTAP to be viewed realtime in Wireshark.
> This allows you to see the message flows for a real phone on a real
> network.
> Nokia 3310's are very cheap and easy to come by, so should appeal to a
> wide audience.
> Thought osmocom might be a good home for this utility - could it go
> into git, and a short page on
> Duncan

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