Please can anyone advise me - FMTOOL Error and no further processing

Raz Sharif issertiv at
Sun Jul 3 19:45:37 CEST 2011

Dear all, I vae the C115 with a T1 USB to Serial cable with the Prolific

When i run osmocon i get :- an its just sits there with no further

./osmocon -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -m c123xor
file_size=17120, hdr_len=4, dnload_len=17127
file_size=17120, hdr_len=4, dnload_len=17127
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 00  .
got 2 bytes from modem, data looks like: 2f 00  /.
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 1b  .
got 3 bytes from modem, data looks like: f6 02 00  ...
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 41  A
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 01  .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 40  @
Received PROMPT1 from phone, responding with CMD
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 66  f
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 74  t
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 6d  m
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 74  t
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 6f  o
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 6f  o
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 6c  l
Received FTMTOOL from phone, ramloader has aborted
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 65  e
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 72  r
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 72  r
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 6f  o
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 72  r
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 00  .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 00  .

I think the cable is ok as when i run my fingers on the tip i get random
Zeros so it appears to be talking to the cable.

Also when i tried to run Mobile i get the :- even though i created the
Mobile.cfg file in /etc/osmoco

Failed to parse the config file: '/home/raz/.osmocom/bb/mobile.cfg'
Please check or create config file using: 'touch

I have spent some hours researching the lists and trying various things to
no avail but I want to continue until I resolve this issues and use this
great stack to learn about the GSM network.

Please advise.

Great full for any help or pointers but this maybe a timing issue that is
difficult to debug.

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