Sniff Code..shown @chao conf.. CCC

Marten Christophe technosabby at
Mon Jan 24 16:57:28 CET 2011

Hello All,

Here i feel to introduce myself again as many are commenting on me.

I'm a PhD Student also associated to a NGO who works for education in
poor and rurale students located at remote location,
 I'm trying to develop a distance teaching system with help of modern
communication techniques but with the equipments which are cheapest
and even available from salvaged , second-hand market ,
repaired-shoppes or  resale store.

second hand Motorola C1xx   series handsets are available here in bulk
within $ 2-4 price, and no end user equipment can be as cheap as it
 OK.. openBTS USRP1 and Motorola C1xx series MS will make cheapest and
reliable  two way communication i have estimated
so pls don't laugh at me.
My THESIS of PhD also same , hence it is mutual benifit of NGO, me and
remotely locating poor children

Mr. Sylvain, I  will again request you to provide sniff code which you
demonstrated @ chao conf.

Kind Regards,

On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 7:47 PM, Aaron Zauner <azet at> wrote:
> Oh, i also found this:
> ->
> lol.
> so long,
> azet

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