AW: Some refactoring proposals

Andreas.Eversberg Andreas.Eversberg at
Wed Jul 28 08:19:12 CEST 2010

>> Here's a few refactoring proposal that I'd like to get done. But
>> before I invest too much time in them I'd like to be sure there are
>> objections ... (I hate implementing stuff for nothing).
>> * Split layer23/src into
>>   - common: what makes liblayer23, purely generic stuff that needs
>> binding together to define an app
>>   - mobile: The real complete mobile application
>>   - misc: The test applications and their support code layer23 (which
>> I'd rename bcch_dump since that's what it does), echo_test,
> Sounds fine with me.  If Andreas doesn't mind, I'm happy to merge a
> containing this split

i don't mind!

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